Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, April 25, 2022

The Hachi Chronicle

This week was mixed with Hachi. We had a great visit to the vet hospital. I've never seen him so relaxed in the exam room. We played games, let him explore, and did the bucket game. We were so happy with how it went!


Our trainer came to our house a few days later. We started with the treat-retreat game in a different part of the house than usual. It went well. However, in retrospect, Hachi was a bit amped - but he was very happy. He loves playing these games with our trainer.

Then, we moved to the room where we usually work with our trainer, and we tried moving her even closer to Hachi than last week during the bucket game. Last week, we had her about 2' away but in front and slightly to the side of Hachi. I was on the opposite side of Hachi, and the Runner was in front of him. 

Since we wanted the trainer to possibly touch Hachi this week, we moved her so that she was almost exactly opposite me on Hachi's side. Hachi (wearing a muzzle) then needed to walk directly between her and me to lie on his mat. That was too much for him. He did lie on his mat but then he seemed to realize that he was very close to the trainer and sandwiched in the middle of three people. He reacted with a round of barking at the trainer. After that barking, our trainer moved further away but Hachi was spooked.

To end on a good note, we all took a break, and then we went back to exactly the same setup as last week. It went great. That speaks to how resilient Hachi has become. We inadvertently took him over threshold but he was able to calm down very quickly. No long term harm to his training!


  1. oh how great that it worked... every step in the right direction is a super win...

  2. You're getting there, Hachi, and what a handsome portrait of you.

  3. As long as he can recover so quickly it is a good thing. You have to keep pushing the limits in small doses to make progress and when it doesn't work, then return to the previous place it did work.

  4. Not the result you were hoping for, but his ability to refocus was great.

  5. Hari OM
    Well, I too might feel a tad claustrophobic in the conditions described and I can get quite tetchy at times like that! YAM xx

  6. What A Photo - So Cute - Sending Positive Vibes


  7. Well done, Team Hachi! A well-recovered from 'event' is so valuable - and you now can take these 'events' in stride. It's so helpful for us readers to hear about the roller-coaster that is Life With Hachi. It helps us accept our roller-coasters too.

    Chris from Boise

  8. Hachi we all like routine and knowing what will come next so to you I say well done under the circumstances.
    You recovered nicely
    Hugs to all

  9. Hachi has come a long way and he has a great sister and wonderful parents.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  10. His progress continues to be impressive. Well done.

  11. We're glad to hear all ended well for Hachi's training this week. There will inevitably be ups and downs but we hope they are mostly ups.

  12. That was a good recovery for Hachi, he sure is trying, good boy.

  13. There are no more important steps than baby steps because they lead to the most important things.

  14. Oh Hachi. what a sweet puppy you are. XO


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