Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, July 14, 2022

The Hachi Chronicle

I have not written a "Hachi Chronicle" recently. I'll be honest - it's partly because things have not gone as I hoped. We've been working with trainers on trying to help Hachi feel okay around strangers - with the goal of him being capable of receiving vet care more easily. 

We seemed to be proceeding well until about 6 weeks ago, and our trainer even touched him during a session. Then, a week later, things went backwards - and Hachi was more afraid of being close to her. We all decided that we needed to slow down, and that there would be no unsedated vet exam this year.
Fast forward to today. Hachi is spending the day at our behavioral vet's hospital. They are figuring out a sedation protocol that works for him. His brain is so different from normal that the usual canine sedation protocols don't even slow him down. They hope to find a drug cocktail that works today. Then, our regular vet will use it for his annual exam and dental cleaning.
It is heart-wrenching to be Hachi's humans. We so badly want life to become easier for him yet our efforts have seemed so ineffective so far. Sure, on "Hachi's scale", he's come a long way but he's nowhere near normal and is still very afraid of people.
So, Hachi could use some good vibes today. He is very scared being in a big vet hospital for the day.



  1. We send you lots and lots of AireZen and positive vibes, Hachi, and we would love your life to be easier for you too.

  2. Sending him lots of calming vibes. I'm so sorry things are going as well as you had hoped.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. My best to your precious pups. ♥

  3. Hari OM
    Aw, Hachi... hard times, but I pray that you can let the Love come through and let it balance you... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Mojo and good thoughts to you all.

  5. We have our paws crossed for Hachi and hope the vets can figure out the best way to make him comfortable.

  6. "our efforts have seemed so ineffective so far" - oh, KB, it is SO hard with a weirdly-wired dog like Hachi. Your efforts have made a huge difference. It's just that he has such a long, long way to go to be able to handle normal life. Here's hoping that your behavioral vet can find the right cocktail for him for sedation, and that there is also some combination of drugs that can help him cope better with daily life. In the meantime, your mountain meadows therapy is the best.

    Chris from Boise

  7. Dear Hachi, we are sending you a ton of good vibes from across the Pond. We know your loving owners are working hard to help you be the best dog you can be, and we will continue to hope that you will eventually learn to take life more calmly. Meanwhile, fingers and paws crossed that a suitable combination of meds can be found.
    Love and hugs,
    Gail and Nobby.

  8. You have come SO far with Hachi, and maybe he is like me and what normally works for everyone else doesn't for him.I trust and hope with all my heart that today goes well, and you know we all send love, care and more for you all.Words hardly seem enough at times like this.XXXXX

  9. You may have to just accept him the way he is. we lived with jake this way for 15 years. We never let anyone in the house unless he was crated, did not take him anywhere but on a leased walk in peopless places and he wore a muzzle to the vert and he never had his teeth cleaned and none of our other dogs have had them cleaned. 6 dogs no cleaned teeth. with muzzle and Bob holding one end and me the other they could give him his shots, that is all he got. I know this is so hard and you have tried so hard to help, but if he can't overcome he can live a happy life without changing.

  10. I look at it this way, Hachi likely wouldn't have had a chance of survival, had you not adopted him. His home allows him the freedom to be Hachi, and the number of people he needs to come in contact with are far fewer than it would be if he lived somewhere else. Hachi is who he is and if he never gets beyond this point, he is loved and cared for...and that is the most important thing.

  11. That poor sweet guy, we sure feel for him and for you too. Our Simon is fearful of most everything too.

  12. Sending Power of the Paw and Moose Magic (an elkhound thing) to your Hachi pup and all who care for him !

  13. Your poor baby. Pocket had anxiety, but not like yours. We hope you do well and aren't so scared.

  14. good vibes and potp and luck and positive thoughts to you dear hachi....

  15. Raw chicken wings are excellent at cleaning and keeping dogs' teeth healthy. (it's only cooked chicken bones that are dangerous )
    My dogs had them every week, never had to go to the vets for a tooth clean and in old age the vet couldn't believe how good their teeth were !
    Wonder if this might be good for Hachi and save a lot of stress.

  16. We are a day late and we really want to get to the update. But before we do, we want you to know that there is nowhere anywhere that Hachi would have gotten the help and love that you give him.

  17. We hope you felt our healing/pawsitive energy. Bless you for being such an advocate and 'wagnificent' caretaker for your boy.


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