Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Home in Autumn

This is home. The house will be a natural wood color by next fall but that doesn't matter so much. The land is what is really home.


I've been posting on IG (https://www.instagram.com/kb_rockies/) and FB (https://www.facebook.com/KB.Rockies/) regularly over the past year. I am going to share the photos from those posts here because some people don't do those sites.

I feel as if I am slowly coming out of the self-imposed shell. Some peace is returning.


  1. Good to see you! Your home is lovely and the mountains around it spectacular.

  2. You have your very own special place in this world and it's just beautiful!

  3. Oh those aspen! Thanks for occasionally posting here, as we don't use IG or FB. Continue taking care of yourself, dear friend.

    Chris from Boise

  4. It is stunning. Wow! I am glad to hear you are coming out of your shell and wish you continued improvement in your health. Take care of yourself.

  5. Hari OM
    My... that's a vista!!! YAM xx

  6. What a beautiful piece of land you have. We love seeing the fall colors that pop up around you.

  7. Oh my, simply a wonderful view. Congratulations.

  8. so good when peace comes back...and we LOVE your place...

  9. As always, your pictures bring me right back to my years on the Front Range. My comments don't seem to post anymore, but I'll try again. I understand about self-imposed shells, and sometimes wonder if I will ever find my way back to blogging. I don't do fb and only occasionally visit ig, but I never stopped reading your blog.


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Thanks for your comments!!!!!