Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, November 16, 2022



Cottonwoods in brilliant colors in a desert canyon.

I have come to realize that the overarching theme in almost all of my nature photos is that there is brilliant light in the most inhospitable places. That is a metaphor for there being a glimmer of hope even in the darkest times of life.

This is one of my favorites from the year.


  1. oh it is... what a wonderful photo... thanks for sharing so much wonderful things with us

  2. Wow, just wow. I love the colors of fall.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  3. Absolutely stunning! I love that you share photos of places most of us will never see in person. The simile is apt.

  4. it is stunning and I have noticed that also and also that anywhere the light touches is instantly transformed to beauty.

  5. That is beautiful, thank you for sharing the beauty!!!
    Lucy (Troy, Ohio(

  6. I too love those special light shots. A well deserved favourite here.
    Thanks! Gail.

  7. Lovely :) And I agree, KB. Hope you and yours are well, in the run-up to Winter.

  8. KB it is beautiful and quite dramatic
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. I agree with Yamini. Beautiful photo. Hope you're finding those flashes of light in your life as winter settles in.

    Chris from Boise


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