Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, December 1, 2024

An ermine takes down prey four times its size!

This is a capture that blew my mind. I'd always read that weasels were amazing predators. This clip shows that so clearly, as a weasel takes down a rabbit


  1. It's a tough life out there, survival the main instinct no matter how small. Slow motion shows the huge difference in their sizes.

  2. That's an incredible video. That ermine will have a good dinner. The prey is a cottontail, not a snowshoe hare? The feet look pretty big, but no color change for the winter...

    When I could tear my eyes from the action, there was a nice collection of track patterns around the fray.

    Chris from Boise

  3. The rabbit did its best. The ermine was a bit fiercer...

  4. wow that is impressing... the rabbits are ginormous this year...and nevertheless it lost the fight...

  5. Sorry, I couldn't watch. I know it is the way of nature, and happens all the time. But I like rabbits better than weasels. I can't forgive the latter for sneaking into our side porch where the Christmas goodies were tucked away. The bugger made such a mess!

  6. Wow! That was amazing and had the dogs quite curious about the sound. Ermine sure are fierce hunters to take down such a big opponent.


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