Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Let it snow!

Two little boys looked out the window, contemplating the snowy world.
We plunged into the cold to have some fun. The boys sledded with whoops of joy. Meanwhile, I whooshed along on my cross-country skis while the Labraduo sprinted through the forest.
Enjoy winter and seize each precious day!
Remember those you love.


  1. OMD!

    That last pic...

    Let's just say, I bet you can see my smile all the way to Colorado!

  2. The first and last pictures - wow. Those are wonderful shots.

  3. Love all those pictures, but that last one was so sweet!

  4. I love the last photo the best. The black head across the yellow paw as if to say, Don't go now, stay right here.!


  5. I'm choked up looking at your last picture as I remember your beloved S. What an adorable shot.

    Actually, they're ALL adorable!

  6. A lovely post, KB. I thought of you this morning as I walked in the snow. Have a wonderful celebration with your Family. Relax your body and calm your spirit. (That is a great photo of K!)

  7. Good thoughts and you know of what you speak.

  8. Move over Labraduo...I want to snuggle w/ you!

  9. Snow, a sprinting Labraduo and whoops of joy - what better Christmas could there be?

  10. The last photo is truly priceless. It just shouts love out loud.

    Wishes to you and the family for a Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

    Woos, Phantom and Thunder

  11. I love that last pic of R snuggling with S. Super sweet.


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