Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Sweet respite

This morning, I watched the sky change from impenetrable blackness, to inky blue, to bright blue from my indoor bicycle trainer. The sun finally touched the treetops, illuminating them like candles. The world beckoned me outside with the promise of fluffy fresh snow and blue skies.When my family departed for the local downhill ski area, I sprinted out the door to cross country ski with my black and chocolate furry friends. They seized the moment, sprinting like wild bears through our snowy meadow, wrestling ferociously for a stick.
And, finally joining canine forces to porpoise through the snow together, one set of jaws clamped on each end of the most important stick in the universe.
We skiied to the zenith of our local trails, enjoying the alpine view.
R decided to lend his handsome face to the photo.
We skiied off-trail, looking for promising sites for the wildlife camera. The new snow foiled our search, erasing all animal signs except fresh tracks. As we searched, a chickadee chattered at us from a snow-pillowed pine bough.
The canines loved the unbroken powder, swimming through its depths and getting frosty faces!
Near the chickadee, the Labraduo decided to jump onto a boulder, a perfect photo pose!
At the very end of our sojourn, the wind kicked up, blowing the snow pillows off the trees and creating a white out. K hunkered down to wait for the gust to pass.
Aside from that sudden blast of wind, it was a blissful and peaceful ski through the forest. I had the gift of an hour of little pain while I skiied. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders, freeing me to relax and enjoy our beautiful world.


  1. What a beautiful day, aside from the big gust of wind. I've never seen anything like that in my life. I'm glad you were able to enjoy that precious time with your dogs out in the forest.

    Hope you have a lovely holiday with your family, friends, and pets!

  2. Oh my!

    That last picture is incredible!

    Khyra and I wish ALL of WOO a HAPPY HOWLIDAY!


    Khyra and Phyll

  3. Merry Christmas KB and gang! Everyone of those shots could be a beautiful Christmas Card!! How gorgeous it is there!! xoxo

  4. the snow is so beautiful!!!! and to see the dogs easily romping is gorgeous.....LOVE the first two pics of the dogs, wow!
    here in wi it is RAINING...over the snow... :(
    glad you had a peaceful day...

  5. That last picture is so cool! It looks like an idyllic day! All we had here was rain and more rain.

    Merry Christmas to you!

  6. Some fabulous photos of the pups today, KB. I really liked the "gusty" one. I'm thinking of you! I'll be up and out the door very early tomorrow to celebrate Christmas first with one set of Grandchildren and then with another. I'm glad you had such a good day. Peace be with you.

  7. Great snow pup photos! I like the frosty look. You'll have to explain to me if or how you cross country ski though the deep powder. I gave up on it after awhile and switched to snowshoes.

  8. What an absolutely stunning day. Beautiful.

  9. A day you and the pups are most deserving of!


  10. Oh, man! The winds were nuts over the holiday. I'm glad you guys could wait out that particular gust.


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