Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Exhilarating walk but long day

K and I hiked on air this morning, feeling happy and free as we wandered our forest. Your wonderful gift buoyed my spirits, giving me a happy bounce to my gait.

We hiked through a golden-hued meadow.
From the meadow, we climbed a local peak, hoping to glimpse the mountains. Instead, we saw a veil of clouds covering the Divide. A cold wind stung my face as I gazed at the peaks.
Soon enough, we headed down through another meadow, where scents in the wind intrigued K.
I was curious to figure out what scent K was sampling but we needed to head home. It was time to drive to the hospital for tests to check the progress of the bony fusions that should be forming between my vertebrae. The hospital is hours away so it was a taxing day. Although the xrays haven't been analyzed yet, all signs point toward a normal recovery. I'm happy about that but I'm ready to go to sleep (and it's only 6 PM here!). Good night!


  1. Awww! K has such a zen look in that last picture!

    I'm glad to hear things look normal in your recovery. Take it easy!

  2. K's second picture is just wonderful!

    We hope you get some good reports!

    Here's to breakfast with The Bobcat!

  3. Rough but happy day. I hope you got your rest.

  4. I love that picture of K sniffing the breeze. That's the epitome of bliss!

    Glad to hear your doctor visit went well. I'm surprised you were able to drive so soon after your surgery.

    Hope you're getting some sleep now!

  5. It sounds like a very good day to
    me, from top to bottom!


  6. I bet you are long asleep by now! A long day it seems. When do you get results?

  7. Hey KB
    Steady but certain progress - that's all you need! Look after yourself and succumb to zzzz's.

  8. K is looking really good.....and hopefully the radiographs will show that you are healing well!
    hang in there! long drives to the city are always a bummer....

  9. Despite the clouds hugging the mountains, what a beautiful day to be out walking in the woods. Best of luck on the test results.

  10. Keep up with the resting. That, and the daily inspiration of the views around you are sure to speed your recovery along.
    Good luck on the test results

  11. Love the wind photo! Good catch! Best of hopes in the x-ray reports and continued improvement.

  12. Sam,

    Just in case my doc reads this, I'd better clarify. I'm not allowed to drive yet because I can't turn my neck at all! My husband drove me! Somehow, despite just being a passenger, I was still completely exhausted at the end of the day.


  13. Hi KB, Two things I love about your post: the golden light on the meadow and the amber light in K's eyes as she watches you. I prescribe rest - no "bouncing" allowed (except metaphorically, of course!).

  14. Hi KB!! Beautiful post. Hopeing things are looking good for healing.
    Thank you so much for sharing that you keep the pups on the long leash for a while. I have a 20ft line, so we can play ball and I monitor SR's body language, but typically, she is staying close.
    We love the Sonora area as well! Did a few trips to Pinecrest Lake this past season.
    Best wishes, will check in soon!!!

    Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
    Sierra Rose and mom

  15. What wonderful pictures! I bet that the walk was much more invigorating but the hospital trip is what made you tired - they can take so much out of you, even if you are mostly sitting. It is good that everything looks normal so far, we hope it stays that way!

  16. KB, just reading about your pre-surgery life EXHAUSTS ME! i can see how that would be a taxing day on someone who, i don't know, just had her BONES worked on!

    nice shots. feels crisp and clean!
    wild dingo


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