Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Stunned beyond words

The title says it all. My blogging friends floored me today. They left me in awe of the friendships that I've forged through this invisible connection called the web.

A few weeks ago, I posted that I'd declared 2010 to be the Year of the Bobcat for me. I hoped to find the strength, flexibility, and resilience of our magnificent wild felines as I navigated the path ahead of me, including spinal surgery.

Today, my friend SMRP delivered an astonishing gift from a group of blogging friends that made made me grin so widely that I thought that my face would crack in half. Wow - a gorgeous Kathleen Coy painting of a bobcat, framed and ready to hang on my wall. The details of the cat's face, fur, and tufted ears are exquisite. His eyes radiate the quiet strength that I know resides in the soul of such a tenacious survivor. Below, I've borrowed a copy from Kathleen Coy's website.
I must say thanks to every single one of you who read my blog and leave supportive comments. Recovering from a major surgery can be an isolated and lonely journey but your encouragement has lifted my spirits every single day.

When I started blogging, I had no idea that I'd find such kind souls who would reach out to me so thoughtfully. I truly didn't have a clue... it's been an amazing surprise!

I plan to put the painting next to where I have breakfast to inspire me to live up to the moniker of the "Year of the Bobcat" each day. It will also remind of the friends who stand behind me full of support, strength, and encouragement.

Thanks to all of you!


  1. Khyra is still lobbying fur Year of the BobKhat!

    I'm sure all your readers wish they could have been there to see the look on your face!

    That was nice of SMRP to make such a special delivery for you!

    It sounds like you've made an awesome choice for its location too!

    Hope this week brings extra inspiration on many levels!

    Surprises are some of the best gifts we can give each other!

  2. Hi KB, I'm so happy you love my bobcat! The kindness and generosity of the blogging community never ceases to amaze me, and I was thrilled to be part of this surprise. I hope my bobcat gives you strength and inspiration during your recovery and beyond.

    Hugs and best wishes,
    Kathleen Coy

    PS. I never have a problem with my images being posted if there's a link back to me. :-)

    PPS. I love Colorado! My husband and I were married in Rocky Mt. National Park in Sept '03 by Sprauge Lake. The elk were bugling and the aspens were turning. It was perfect!

  3. Wow! What a gorgeous painting! I'm not surprised that kind people are drawn to you and want you to feel uplifted right now, though. You radiate kindness and peacefulness through your words. It's no surprise at all that it would come back to you tenfold!

  4. I love hearing what you think!>>

    I think you are a very special person who deserves a big surprise.

    You have taught me many things, and I look forward to learning more from you, about the outdoors,
    about living with pain, and standing tall.

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo and Stella

  5. I was a few days late getting the secret e-mail about this, and have been quietly waiting to see the post show up. A thing of beauty - the work, and the collective effort to get it to you.

    You earned it, enjoy it! :)

  6. Gorgeous! and inspiring. I look forward to reading about your recovery too!

    wild dingo

  7. What a great location choice! The Year of the Bobcat just seems like a perfect inspiration and breakfast is a great time to be reminded everyday.

  8. wow, that is beautiful!! you deserve all the love you get...:)
    hope this week is a good one for you and K!

  9. How gorgeous! I was amazed at how you came up with the "Year of the Bobcat" post - it was very insightful of you to have figured out such a beautiful metaphor for the journey ahead. I LOVE that you're hanging it near your bkfast area - how totally perfect! I can't tell you how much I look forward to your posts and photos - you have a truly amazing amount of fascinating info about one of my fave places in the US, CO's wildlife, your wonderful doggies and most of all, YOU!!!
    Hugs xo
    Sammie and Miche

  10. Surprises always make gifts even more special. I agree wholeheartedly with your feelings about friends you have met because of the blog - the same is true for me. You are truly an inspiration to all of us - no wonder you were so nicely rewarded:)

  11. What a grand surprise for you, KB! The Bobcat painting will remind you of your own strength as you heal and become "like the Bobcat" once again.

  12. Beautiful! Wish I had known... I'd have chipped in! You deserve it! Best wishes for recovery that allows you to do the things you love.

  13. The Bobcat's beauty takes my breath away.....I am so glad you will have this beautiful portrait to remind you of YOUR strength of purpose

    Smrp's thoughtfullness is legendary !

  14. What a wonderful surprise from your blogging friends. We hope you're healing well!

  15. Hi there, I am not surprised that this was a gift because I equate you with the bobcat's strength and perseverance and tenacity.
    I hope your healing is quick and you are able to ride sooner than the dr's initially thought and that wouldn't surprise me at all.
    Hugs to you today.

  16. Wow! What a neat surprise. Thumbs up to all involved.

  17. Yay!!!! Wonderful!!

    Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
    Sierra Rose and mom

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