Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Good thoughts for K

Our K had an emergency gastrotomy in the wee hours of last night. The surgeon cut open her stomach to remove deer bones that she found at the lion kill carcass. He also dealt with bones in her intestines.

Her surgery went as well as possible, and she'll probably get released from the hospital just in time for my surgery. Life around here hasn't been serene and won't be for a while.

K and I will be recovering from our major surgeries together. Your good thoughts for my little girl would be very much appreciated.


  1. You got them!

    We'll be warming up the paws and fingers for your recovery

    BUT for now, K has plenty of good wishes heading to KholWOOrado!

    Khyra and Phyll

  2. As a new reader to the blog I'm rooting for her (and you)! My pup and I hope to see you out in the woods this summer!

  3. Good heavens! I'm so sorry to hear about K! Maybe she knew that you would need company after your surgery. Good thoughts for both of you in the coming days!

  4. My thoughts and prayers are with both of you! Really, I know you two are very close, but This??
    Seriously, she is such a beautiful, healthy dog, I feel sure she will recover quickly.

    Jo and Stella

  5. Hence the old phrase 'it never rains but it pours'. It's strange thing about blogging that people we've never met can, and will be, so much in our thoughts.

  6. such a pity. Hope she will recove very quick, so you can see her progress before you submit yourself to the surgeons. All good thoughts EM

  7. Oh KB, am so sorry to hear about K - sending you golden vibes for a quick and super recovery for K, who will be a great nurse when the time comes.
    Hugs xo
    Sammie and mom

  8. Woo, K, we thought the biggest challenge of that kill was the huge kitty cat watching you - not the kill itself. Recover quickly girl and know that there are lots of Herd paws crossed for you - and your mom - in surgical week.

  9. K's a tough girl....sending positive energy for both of you!
    so sorry to hear that.....

  10. I've been checking your blog,looking for a post, worrying, hoping you were just out enjoying yourself. I'm so sorry that wasn't the case. Thinking about both K and you.

  11. I am so damn sorry about K's surgery.......you really didn't need that :(

    Sending my strongest and most heartfelt vibes to you and K for strong recoveries

  12. Oh no, so very sorry to hear this. We send our very best sibe vibes and good thoughts and prayers that both you and K will do very well in your recoveries. Sometimes life just isn't fair.

    Hugs, the OP Pack and Mom

  13. Very sad news. We will say a prayer for both of you.

  14. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear this! We'll certainly be praying for both of you! How lucky that you got her there in time!

  15. I'm so sorry to hear about K's surgery but so thankful you got her the help she needed in time. At least with her recovering while you recover, she can keep you company.
    You'll be in my thoughts and prayers in the coming days. Stay strong!

  16. big healing thoughts your way.

  17. Dear KB, What sadness and stress for you just before your own surgery. I wish for a speedy recovery for both K and for you. You will be relaxing together at home soon. Stay focused - I'm thinking of you!

  18. I agree with the poster who said "when it rains, it pours" - seems this couldn't have come at a worse time, and I'm sorry to hear it. I'll be wishing the best for both you and K in the coming days.

  19. Wow, definately more then you fair share of stuff to start off the new year :o(. I am holding lots of good thoughts and crossed paws here for a fast recovery for K. Good wishes also to you with your surgery. May you both have lots of love and hope to speed your way back to health!

  20. Oh man! Talk about everything coming at once! I hope everyone recovers steadily and smoothly and that you are rewarded with your best spring ever.

  21. Kia ora KB,
    My best thoughts to you both. May the mountain breeze be upon you both at the soonest. Kia kaha.

  22. Hey there KB
    Life is never simple - always extreme it seems. We are really sorry to hear about K! What a terrible trauma it must be for you all.
    We will be thinking of you both and saying prayers, holding thumbs and generally just trying to uplift you at this immensely difficult time.
    When life is taken out of our controlling hands, its best to just go with the flow and to remember to just "Be gentle on yourself"!
    With all our love

  23. Wow, that must have been such a frightening ordeal. I am so glad to hear that K is okay. I wish you both a very speedy recovery together.

    Byron's Mom

  24. Oh my gosh, i'm so sorry! Hope K gets better soon!
    wild dingo

  25. Oh no!!!! We are so sorry to hear this.

    Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
    Sierra Rose and mom


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