Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

K is mending

I went to visit K yesterday, and she's recovering, albeit slowly. She walked well, ate a tiny bit, and obviously adored her technician. However, she was agitated and whined with pain when she moved. I wasn't certain that she knew who I was, which disconcerted me. In the photo below, she seemed leery of coming over to me. Eventually, she settled down.
The tech says that K seems sharper and is acting like she's in less pain this morning. They're trying to wean her off her IV so that she can travel with us to my surgery location this evening. If they advise against taking her, my wonderful regular vet will medically board her while I'm in the hospital.
Yesterday morning, I had the soul-nourishing pleasure of taking R with me for a snow bike ride on my Fatback bike. It was special to be with our exuberant little boy alone. He zoomed at crackling voltage levels but responded with enthusiasm whenever I asked him to 'come' or anything else. He does everything, even a 'sit', at warp speed.
He seemed to sense that I needed a little quiet time with him and stood close to me at our favorite viewpoint.
On a fascinating note, we collected more images from the mountain lion cache of a deer carcass. It seems like the lion has abandoned it (but cameras still stand guard, just in case) but a plethora of fascinating events have been captured by our cameras. If I have time today (and to distract myself from all the stress), I'll try to put together a short video of the highlights. I'm saving the bigger project of compiling the 400-500 photos and video clips into a chronology for after surgery.

I probably won't have time to post again before we leave to stay in a hotel tonight and arrive at my surgery before dawn tomorrow. Thanks to all of you for your words of encouragement and thoughts. They've warmed my heart and soul.

I plan to visualize K and I returning to this quiet alpine lake this summer. I hope that we'll both strong by then. And, we'll be ecstatic to visit one of our favorite places.
I apologize that I haven't been able to visit many blogs over the past two days. Life has been out of control, to put it mildly.


  1. I hope K continues to recover quickly and fully. Also wish you all the best with your surgery. Hopefully it will go well and time will fly so that you can be out with your hounds once again. Best of luck to you and fast healing.

  2. I'm glad to hear K is on the mend. We'll be thinking of all of you in the coming days, weeks.

    Take care!

  3. We are going to be thinking of you lots and lots and send our best good thoughts your way. We are also so glad K is on the mend - I know that K will get better and better - right by your side as you recuperate as well! Look forward to seeing some of those collected photos and what has been happening out there.
    Big Hugs and xo
    Sammie and family
    PS - that is one beautiful MT. Lake!

  4. Sleep well tonight. You'll be at the forefront of our thoughts tomorrow. We'll be looking forward to the summer pictures of you and K out hiking!

  5. You, K and your family are all in our thoughts as K recovers and you start the recovery tomorrow.

  6. As I hit this blog (actually the first one for the morning), Khyra went back out to her tree and settled with paws 'Khrossed' for all of you!

    Please know there are many healing vibes headed to K and to you!

    K will share what she didn't need with you!

    Khyra and Phyll

  7. My pup and I will make a pause at sunrise during our hike tomorrow for you and K.

  8. May the Year of the Bobcat bring you and K back to great health! We will be thinking of you tomorrow and looking forward to hearing from you again soon.

    Cheers and Hugs,
    Jo and Stella

  9. i know how hard it is to see K "out of it" i'm sure that has to do with the pain meds she is on....i pray for her speedy recovery and yours as well....i will be on pins and needles the next couple days till you are able to post again....keep that thought in your mind...you and K at that special place....

  10. Poor K, you certainly didn't need anything else to worry about this week.
    Sending positive, healing thoughts to you and K...
    Hugs, ~K

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. I have been thinking of you and K so much. I'm glad she is doing better - I hope that she'll be able to come with you for your surgery, but if she has to stay at the vet, it seems like she'll get exceptional care.

    Do you have any idea when you'll be blogging again? I confess, with all of the things going on out there, I worry when I don't see a blog post from you!

    Take care, KB, and I wish you the best for tomorrow.

  13. Dear KB, How relieved you must be that K is mending! Perhaps she was reticent because she didn't want to worry her most favorite person in the world. I just love that last photo of her - it's a wonderful visualization. I enlarged it and fully enjoyed its healing powers myself! I am thinking of you. Stay focused. It sounds as though K will be in good hands. Can't wait to see the further footage of your lion when you are back home. Take Care!

  14. We are happy to hear that K is recovering. Maybe it is better for her to stay at the vet's for a few days so both she and you can have some time to get back on your feet. We want you to know that you and K will be in our thoughts and prayers and we pray for speedy and healthy recoveries.

    Hugs, the OP Pack and Mom

  15. We will be praying for both of you.

    Emma Rose and The Duchess

  16. I'm glad you got out riding with R. I hope you get to see K more alert before surgery as I know that would be a comfort to you. But if you don't, try not to worry. It sounds like she's in good hands. Best wishes for tomorrow. I will be thinking about you and sending healing thoughts to you and K.

    p.s. The asian characters comment, I've been told to delete something similar and not click on the link, which of course I did and it seemed to be doing something weird in my history after that. Once deleted, the weird stuff stopped.

  17. I am so glad to hear that K is on the mend! Our hounds have always taken a day or two to bounce back to themselves after major surgery. I hope she's able to go with you and praying for the best for both of you! You've been in my thoughts!

    I've had the weird Asian characters post before, too. Just delete it.

  18. Sam,

    I honestly don't know when I'll be capable of typing again. But, I'll try to send off an "I'm OK" post asap (over the weekend???). I'm entering the twilight zone where all is unknown.

    Thanks for caring!


  19. You're quite welcome. I wish you (and K) the best of luck and will look forward to hearing from you!!! I am sure that once you're over this hurdle, life will begin to get back on track.

  20. I'm glad that K is doing better. You are both in my thoughts as you get ready to undertake your own surgery. Good thoughts for a speedy recovery!

  21. Were thinking of you, AND K!!!! Hugs and more hugs and PLEASE let us know if you need anything!!!!!!

    Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
    Sierra Rose and mom

  22. We are sending big heeler vibes to you and K. Hopefully all will get well real soon..
    What a beautiful place for a walk with R... Watch out for those big kitties..

    Big Sloppy Kisses
    Gus, Louie and Callie

  23. I am crossing my paws and sending lots of Sibe Vibes to the both of you.


  24. Hi KB

    Best wishes and speedy recuperation

    Happy days

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