Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mountain lion and deer carcass part 2

I finished a montage of images from days 4-8 after the mountain lion killed the deer. Two wildlife cameras recorded images around the carcass. You can see part 1 here.

Thanks to all of my regular readers for your encouragement and well wishes. I probably won't post again for a little while after my surgery.


  1. Incredible!

    The facial shots in the opening scenes from this video are striking!

    Good luck with the surgery -

    Khyra and I will eagerly be anticipating your return and/or any updates!

    Khyra and Phyll

  2. Those are really remarkable photos! I'm curious about two things. Were you ever able to tell for sure the sex of the lion? Also, why would the lion return to the site after he drug the carcass off?

    We'll miss you while you're recuperating and we're hoping for the best of outcomes for you and K both! Take good care of yourself!

  3. wow, that is #*@&ing awesome! love the slide show, can't wait for the documentary...the lion sure looks full and healthy!
    you and K will be in my thoughts .....until your next post, only then will i be at peace, knowing that both of you are on the mend...

  4. Wow! Really cool pics. I would love to know how the "setup" of a wildlife camera works. We have a bird nest by our window. I'd like to run a feed for my wifes classroom.

  5. Awesome montage - it almost seemed that the lion knew the camera was there the way he looked straight at us. Such a powerfully built animal!

    All the best to you, and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

  6. Best wishes for your surgery tomorrow - you and K will both will be in my thoughts this week!

    I can't wait to see the third installment of video/photo. (BTW - I don't know if you saw, but a little while back, Patricia McConnell had some photos on her blog of a couple of different big cats peeing - it was from her Africa trip.)

  7. You are in our thoughts, all the humans and animals here send blessings.


  8. As always, amazing pictures and stunning to see the majesty of the big cat. We are fascinated with the pictures you have been able to capture.

    Best of luck to K in a complete recovery and to you in your surgery and recovery tomorrow. We will eagerly await knowing that all has been successful.

  9. Absolutely amazing, no matter how many times I see this cat!!!

    I was hoping for an update on K, as I have been very worried!

    I am anxious to hear that you are both on the road to recovery...
    Take care,

  10. Best of luck tomorrow, KB. A big day to be sure, but I know you'll do great. I'll be thinking of you.

  11. Wonderful pictures.
    Good luck with your surgery and a speedy recovery to you and K.

  12. We read about you on Khyra's blog, and hope to be back on regular basis. In the interim, we wish K a speedy recovery, and smooth and successful surgery for you.

    The Poupouette Gang
    in France

  13. KB! We're thinking about you. Blessings. And, please give big warm hugs to K & R.
    Will go watch the video now.

    Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
    Sierra Rose and mom

  14. Hi K and KB! We were sent over from our friends Khyra and The Thundering Herd. We will definitely send you both some prayers and healing vibes.

    We have been following the Mountain Lion posts, and love your blog!

    Get well soon! BOTH of you!

    Holly and Khady Lynn

  15. Hi K and KB - I read about you guys over at Khyra's blog - that is terrible that K had to have emergency surgery, and that you have to have surgery too! Even though we just met you we want to send you both lots of purrs and good thoughts for a quick recovery!

  16. I am woofin real good for ur health. :)

    Luv, Keisha

  17. Hi there!
    We just came from the Thundering Herd's and we are here to paw our well wishes for you and K. Hope all works out well and both of you recover fast!! Sending good pawsitive vibes and well wishes your way!!

    Maxx & Mommy

  18. A bunch of furiends and blog buddies ask us to come wish you well. You're loved! I wish you a quick and as pain-free recovery. My entire family and I will be thinking of you two (I'll make sure of that).
    Just don't forget to get back to us with fabulous news :)

  19. Just a note to say we are praying for you and K today.

  20. H there, KB
    Just popping by to say that our thoughts and prayers are with you (and K). We hope the surgery has gone well and that you aren't in too much pain. Take it easy, dear friend and know that Bloggie-world is routing for you.
    Lots of love
    C and the gang

  21. I'm hoping that your surgery was successful and that you are doing well. I'm also happy that K is on the mend. Positive vibes from dogs and folks here in the NC mountains. With your attitude and positive nature I know everything will be fine.

  22. The worst is over and now you and K can concentrate on healing.

    Thinking of you and your soul dog every day <3


  23. Speedy recovery to you both..look forward to more pics of the lion. Never realized just how big they are even after my brother told me of his confrontation while hunting in Colorado a few years back..They certainly aren't a "here kitty kitty" kind of creature.
    Best wishes

  24. As a neighbor of yours who loves to run the mountain trails, I've enjoyed your series and taken some inspiration.

    Here are some of my thoughts.


    Thanks for sharing, KB!


  25. Any problems with me using a couple of your images? Fully credited, of course.

    You must request permission before using or distributing photos.


    Have you had bad experiences with putting your work online?


  26. We have come over via Max's blog just to wish you all the best with your surgery and to wish both you and K a quick recovery.

    With best wishes from all the family here in Ireland,
    Clive and Murray's Mom


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