Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Colorful winter

We awakened to a cloudy and frosty morning. K and I wandered a hillside near our house with scattered boulders and pine trees, all coated on their east sides with hoar frost.
Crystals of hoar frost formed intricate patterns on each pine needle.
K is getting a little stronger each day - I can see it in how she moves through the forest and how she's using her now 3-toed paw. It's wonderful to once again explore nooks and crannies of our forest with her, although our walks are still short and on-leash.

A little later, I took R for a short mountain bike ride through aspen groves that resembled white lace. R didn't notice the beauty. He was busy working on his "Cheoah snow slide" form.
We arrived atop Hug Hill and the world looked alien - no mountains in view.
The conifers on the summit looked more white than green. The frost had coated Douglas Fir tree so thickly that the pine needles and cones were barely visible.
R looked down from the summit next to a hoar frost laden shrub.
I dropped R off at home, and, in the few minutes that I was indoors, a miracle occurred. Blue sky beamed down from the east. The frost glittered during a moment of grace when the sun shined but the crystals hadn't yet melted.
As the air warmed, frost dust drifted down from the tree tops, leaving a thin carpet of white in the deep forests.
Our world looked like a crystal etching, so cold, yet so beautiful. A miracle.
An acquaintance recently bemoaned the start of winter, saying that the world went from vibrant colors in the spring, summer, and fall to a dull black and white in winter. The photo above shows that even winter is colorful!

At the end of the day, K and I enjoyed a quiet walk, just the two of us, as dusk fell on a still and frigid forest. I rejoice in every step that I can hike with K.


  1. R - You know Cheoah totally approves of your form in the snow slide.

  2. I think the mixture of pics has made this one of my favourite posts ever!


    BTW, I'm sure The Herd will LOVE R's efforts!

  3. Made it as far as Georgetown today to try out their Christmas / winter market (not impressed). But the mountains were gorgeous. The sun through the leafless trees shining on their branches makes them glow. The guy ringing the Salvation Army bell had a yellow lab with him who looked like he'd rather be with K and R...

  4. Fantastic pictures! We are so happy that K is getting better and the infection didn't go anyplace else. She will be bounding through the forest with you in no time at all!

    Emma Rose

  5. SO happy that K is starting to walk better and that you are exploring a little bit together again!

    Beautiful pictures of the snow crystals...turned into a gorgeous day didn't it?

    xoxo to the dynamic duo!
    Sue and the Crew

  6. Those are beautiful photos...I especially like the closeup of the frost covered Douglas Fir and pinecones. R and K had very special photos too.

  7. I tell people who complain about winter to moved to Florida. I love all of it-the cold, the frost and the snow.

  8. Love the ice on the trees, beautiful
    Benny & Lily

  9. How very beautiful! You sure know how to put a smile on my face.

  10. What a way to end the day. Thank you for sharing your day with us. :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  11. Oh my gosh! I don't know how you manage to pull more and more amazing pictures out of your hat, but you always do! I could just look at them all day!

    R, that is spectacular slide form!

    K, you have to be the prettiest lab in the world!

  12. I agree with Bunny, one picture is more beautiful than the next! Amazing!

    I am so glad K is feeling stronger and the sun is shining on all of you.

    Your pal, Pip

  13. You said: "I rejoice in every step that I can hike with K." You know what? I do too!

    Absolutely great pix!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo and Stella

  14. The pictures are so pretty! Thanks for sharing them!!


  15. Yeah for K Yeah for K

    Oh.. I agree. I think winter is colorful fresh and crisp. Ummm I have a problem. I licked your ice crystal photos and now my tongue is stuck.

    PS- pawsome cheez whiz sliding.

  16. A quiet walk before settling down by the Aga. As good as it gets.

  17. incredibly beautiful winter scenes!!

  18. Stunning crystals :) What a winter wonderland you have to explore!

    Thanks for sharin your jewels,

  19. Incredible pictures of the hoar frost, ice crystals, actually all of them. You are very good & always manage to show us the best time after time. K is beautiful & we like what you said about rejoicing in every step. Love your post and the variety of pics. THANX for sharing a part of your world with us.
    Love & wags

  20. Those crystal photos are true gems, KB! I'm glad for K's good news.

  21. Oh, this is great. Such great photos and it's good to see K doing well.

  22. Roo said it -- those ice crystals are beautiful jewels. So beautiful and so different from our winter here.

    On another note, it cracks me up that K, the beautiful brave girl who jumps up on boulders to survey her queendom, who sniffs out mountain lions and bob cats and bears is afraid of an exercise ball!! I love it!! All of our kids have their own special quirks!

  23. This is a superb blog and I love these fantastic photos. Labradors are my favourite dog. we had one called Bruce but sadly he passed away and we didn't replace him. Now I sponsor guide dog labrador puppies instead. Anyway I have signed up as your latest follower and look forward to reading more.
    Carol from www.facing50withhumour.blogspot.com

  24. We got a tiny bit of snow here yesterday. It was fun to see Zoe's reaction since it's her first winter with us. I love your photos as always. That first one of K is so beautiful. It's so nice to read about her growing stronger. Take care!

  25. I love frosty mornings like that. It's usually gone as soon as the sun hits. You got some great shots. I'm so glad that K is making progress.

  26. Wow! Look at her standing tall in that last pic! I'm so glad you share your pics with us, I'm just happy to know someone living in such a magical place. If I could, I'd drop everything and live far away from all this urban sprawl - maybe after I sell my first few books (long-term plan)! So happy things are looking brighter for you and K :)

  27. Stunning! I enjoy exploring winter through your pictures.

  28. KB
    You and your camera paint your world so beautifully for us.
    I learn from you,,,, i never heard of hoar frost,,, we have frost that has looked like yours,,, I just thought it was cold frost.
    We all have beautiful worlds,,, however sometimes we need someone to share what they see, and open our eyes,,, so we can see more of our own,,, because sometimes our vision is blurred by things we cannot control.
    i hope you can understand my words.

  29. Hi Y'all!
    Somehow I missed reading this entry...so glad I caught it in the reader. Pictures are beautiful.
    In the boulder shot of K it looks like Northern lights behind her.
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  30. Gorgeous gorgeous photos... I am in awe, and so frilled to see the K reignin over her territory!

    And I give the R a perfect 10 for the snow slide!

    wif love from the Luke

  31. Oh, my gosh, those hoar frost photos are stunning! You should consider making greeting cards...


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