Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Great News

Yesterday afternoon, the sun set in a blaze of glory as I walked the Duo.
When we arrived home, we did some goofy training games. Each dog had to do a down-stay and allow me to place a treat balanced on a paw without them eating it. Each dog uses the same approach. Never, ever, look at the temptation. K stares at me during this game.
R turns his head away from the treat, refusing to even let his snout drift in the treat's direction. They're allowed to eat the treat when I release them.
For the first time since before her surgeries, K was very naughty while I focused on R during this game. She broke a down-stay to sneak up behind me and bury her head in my open treat bag. I had to laugh. K is back!

This morning, dull gray skies and a whirling wind met us on our walk. K stood on a boulder cliff and gazed at the elk herd grazing in the meadow below us. You can see her boot in the photo, protecting the paw pads with hyperkeratosis (overgrowth of tough pad material). We had to abandon the Ruffwear boot because K hated it. This boot is a Muttluk, which she likes much better. It is tiding us over until a custom Therapaw boot arrives in the mail.
When we arrived home from our short hike, an awesome phone message awaited us. K's pathology report showed that the highest bone that they removed, a metacarpal, was clear of infection. Thus, no more amputation is needed to control the infection. We'll use antibiotics to clean up any remaining infection!

In honor of that great news, I wanted a happy photo with a clear blue sky behind K. This one is from yesterday.
Now, we have a rehabilitation and restrengthening phase ahead of us. I am SO happy about that! The future seems bright.
In fact, there's even a chance that K will be able to run along side my mountain bike, in moderation, sometime in the future. We can't be sure that will happen - but I love that the possibility exists. At the very least, we'll be able to enjoy long hikes in our forest.

For today, I left K at home and took R for a mountain bike ride. The boy was over-the-moon happy, and took flight ever so briefly!
He looked like a "Meth Lab", according to Mogley, as he crazily sprinted to me. More than one person sent me the link to Mogley's Meth Lab post, saying that it looked like R was a Meth Lab!
When I headed out solo on my mountain bike after both dogs were tucked in at home, I felt happy, happy, and happy! I found that a gorgeous buck has passed one of my remote wildlife cameras. For new readers, I post these cameras in the forest, and motion triggers them to take a rapid-fire series of photos. My favorite trail camera company, trailcampro.com, has great explanations of how they work.
As I rode along through wild weather, including wind and snow flurries, I spotted a mountain in the distance that glowed beneath the looming clouds, as if the sun had singled it out for the spotlight.
That vision summed up how I felt today. We've had a lot of dark clouds but now the sun seems to be shining on us!


  1. This post is so full of wonderful photographs that I'll have to keep coming back to appreciate them.

    Best of all is the news about K. All of you are in my thoughts. Have a great weekend!

  2. Awesome news, awesome pictures! Glad K is back!!

  3. Pawsitively THE best post I have read ever. I am just so filled with joy for you and K - wonderful news.

  4. Fantastic news about K and the pictures are awesome as usual. Love visiting you all.

  5. The last photo does seem to have an uplifting message for you and your Duo!

  6. That a girl, K!! The future IS BRIGHT!!

    Your pal, Pip

  7. Yaaay!Yay!Yay! I saw the title of your post and was so hoping it was good news about the pathology report that I had to skim over your post until I found the news (then went back to read everything, of course)! Yay!! I'm so happy that K is free to start rehab and gain strength.

    Your last photo is incredible...the perfect image for such good news.

  8. Truly awe-inspiring post today! Tks for the camera info. This sounds intriging. Yes the last photo is just about the most perfect view to see after the problems you and yours have been through. Things are definitely getting better.

  9. Awesome, awesome, awesome news. We could not be more thrilled for you.

  10. R looks so happy! i am so glad the K is healing up! And the picture of her is beautiful!

  11. Best news EVER!!!

    Here's to a quick and complete healing!

    Isn't Mogley hysterical??

  12. Mom and me is so happy fur all of you. Da news 'bout K is fantastic!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

    PeeS From Mom: The last picture today is beautiful...one of my favorites!

  13. So thrilled about this news!! K is amazing, and R said it all with the galloping flight!
    We are very happy to read this news!

    Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
    Sierra Rose

  14. YAY! YAY! YAY! The best news, KB. So Happy for all of you. Let the rehab begin!!

  15. Gorgeous photos... as all ways! But the best news ever is what we're here to celebrate! Our prayers have been answered!!! And we'll continue wif the speedy recovery ones!!!

    I have a great feelin that the K will be runnin past that bike real soon!

    wif love from the Luke

  16. GREAT news! The last shot is totally awesome!!

  17. I am SO happy your news was good news! I know K will be thrilled to be able to go with you again. Those pictures are just breathtaking!

    Those Therapaw people are just awesome! I'll bet you have it soon!

    Do R's feet usually touch the ground? He always seems like he's levitating to me!

  18. YEAH!!!! I'm so glad to finally hear your good news. I had a feeling in my heart the news would be good, but I couldn't be positively sure...That mountain pic is stunning. I've never seen anything like it. Hope is a beautiful thing :)

  19. Hooray!!!!! I'm thrilled you all got good news! Excellent!! I love the sunset photo, and the one of R, the flying Meth Lab! Too cute.

  20. Yay for K! What terrific news to end this week with. I was getting worried about it because it was taking so long, but its wonderful to hear. I can only imagine how great you feel, KB!

    I'm glad I wasn't the only one that saw the Meth Lab for R. Made me laugh out loud.

    Cheers and hugs all around,

    Jo and Stella

  21. KB
    we are so happy that the dark clouds that have been surrounding your world has lifed.
    All you blogging friends are cheering with this news,,, now to just get the healing to take over.. and renew K.
    Awsome photos,,, awsome sky,,, awsome world.
    You reminded me of something that I must share with you,,, I will send photo.

  22. As you say - great news ! Christmas has come early to a house in Colorado .

  23. Wooooohoooooo, Good news indeed!

    Ma said that I do exactly what R does, she plays the same game with me sometimes with treats on my paws and I drool and look away, trying not to pay attention to Ma or the impending biscuit. Once she says "ok" tho, the slobbers fly and its fair game!

  24. YEE-HAW! We're SO happy to hear such good news about K! Now it's just time and patience, which you both have in abundance.

    Jed & Abby

  25. I know the joy and the relief you feel when you get good news like this!!! I celebrate and give thanks with you that your girl has cleared such a big hurdle!!! As early Christmas present indeed!!!

  26. How can the news about a dog I've never met bring me to tears of joy?

    It's because you have made K (and R) so REAL that I feel I know them so well and they are part of all your blogger buddies

    I am SO happy for all of you !!

  27. Thanks for the mention and the link. Yes, we think there is a "meth lab" at your house. That would make it a "meth house".

    Keep up the great photos.

    Mogley G. Retriever

  28. Hi Y'all,

    I'm back from lookin' after my Humans during a business trip and tryin' to catch up with what y'all have been doin'!

    What wonderful news about K's foot.

    As usual I never stop bein' amazed at the photography in your blog.
    Love the picture of R in flight!

    Take care,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  29. Such incredibly awesome sky pics - do the clouds change every moment??? It seems so, providing a light that you take full advantage of in your grogeous photos! The sunset at beginning and the blues, and that glowing mountain pic is extraordinary. Methlab R looks so happy and K seems so thrilled to gaze on the elk from her perch. And we are so happy for her and for you about her prognosis - YAYYAYYAY!!!! And a big Whoopee!
    Hugs xoxoxo
    Sammie and Avalon
    PS - love your treat game!

  30. oh yay! yay! yay for K!

    the meth lab cracked me up!

  31. YIPPPPPPEEEEEEEE!!!!! Oh, this is the Most Wonderful news I've heard in almost furever! I'm doing my waggly dance just for you and K.

    Thank you for the happy news and the super beautiful pictures. (I most especially liked the first one. It took my breath away!)

    Wiggles & Wags,

  32. Breathing a HUGE sigh of relief. That is SUCH happy news from the pathology report. Big hugs all around.

  33. Awesome news about the pathology results! And such a wonderful photo of R sprinting through the trees with all feet off the ground. It made me smile. I love the first photo too. I'm so happy for you!

  34. Meth lab. Ha! That's good one.

    Oh, the old snooter in the treat bag. Great that she is back in action and messing with you.

    Mango Momma

  35. Meth Lab... I'm going to be cracking up over that one for days!!!

    I'm so excited that no more amputations are required, and even more excited that K might be able to sprint alongside you again one day. That's the best news in the world right now!

    It was fun seeing your obedient pups, too. What a joy!

    Fabulous sunset photo, too!


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