Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy Monday

K and I ventured further than we have in months today, emerging at my favorite hidden viewpoint. We sat and gazed at our mountains from the promontory. Then, K stood tall for me.
Later in the day, we worked on down-stays as part of our training. R turned into a running faucet, with drool flowing out of his mouth as he awaited his next reward.
Funny, experienced K had fallen asleep in her down-stay while R was on high alert for treats - a perfect example of dichotomy between their dog-onalities.

It was a gorgeous day here on the Front Range but I can't share any more photos. It's taking an hour per photo to upload them so I'll save them for later. I hope that you enjoyed your day, despite it being a Monday!


  1. No worries, just the two you have here are awesome enough to hold us until you give us some more:)

  2. R... well... and of course, K: you are both so very special in each of your own ways!!! Beautiful photo of K on the boulder!
    Hugs xoxoxo
    Sammie and Avalon

  3. That pitcher of K took my breaf away... how gorgeous!!!

    And I am givin the R respect for the concentration! Excellent work!

    Seriously, those pitchers are SO good... they'll tide me over!

    wif love from the Luke

    P.S. A good Christmas omen: My security word is "comet". That's the name of my the Mom's first Golden... And wifout the Sweet Girl, there would not be the me! And I know she is lookin out for all of us from the Heavens!

  4. OoH I can really relate to R cuz I am always on high alert fur treats! ;)

    WOofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  5. What a great way to look out over the mountains and valleys. K has the right idea, "Climb Every Mountain".

    Mogley G. Retriever

  6. And here I thought I was the only one who's dog drooled like that!

  7. Good thing poor R wasn't outside! He'd be attached to the ground with droolcicles!

    K looks like she might be part mountain goat! That's quite a perch she's got.

    Don't you just hate when technology doesn't cooperate?

    Yeah, Bunny loves the snow as long as it's not too cold outside!

  8. Gorgeous pics as usual - the slobber monster is too funny

  9. Dog-onalities, that's funny!

    Your pal, Pip

  10. Hey there KB
    I was thrilled to read that it's 'good news' for K's paw. I know the road ahead may be difficult but I am so pleased nevertheless.
    Love the picture of R's drool...reminds me of another dog I knew who loved 'muffins'.
    Stay well, dear friend and KEEP WARM!
    Sending lotsaluv

  11. You gotta teach me how to drool like that, R! I can focus on the treats, but can't emphasize to the hoomans how much I need the treats.


  12. We just love to see that gorgeous K
    overlooking the mountains,, ohhh we can feel the moment,,
    thank you for sharing it.
    And R in his equally gorgeous moment too.
    We understand the slowness thing,, we only have dial up,, so you can IMAGINE.
    xoxoxo and love

  13. i think it makes him look handsome.

  14. That top picture should be in the 'Rockin and Rollin' 2011 calendar.

  15. I do the drooly thing too...just waitin' for the release to eat supper...

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  16. so great to see K on top of her boulder again! i have no doubt that this spring she will be your biking companion once again...

  17. Haylie foams at the mouth for her down stay treats... I am thinking I need to use a lower value treat hahaha. Fred... well I am lucky if he sits on command!

    lab love!

  18. haha! R is concentrating very hard on making those droolies. he looks like someone else i know... :)

    the booker man and asa's mama


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