Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

K's world expands

This morning, K and I headed out for our short hike a world that was changing by the minute as clouds whooshed over the Divide covering the blue sky and then exposing it again. I love having K back by my side, making small explorations of off-trail terrain. Her new boot, a Therapaw, has made her immeasureably more comfortable on our rock and boulder-strewn terrain. The sole is strong enough to help support her atrophied paw. Her world is expanding daily.
I've been letting K walk off-leash for small parts of our hikes for the past couple of days. Yesterday, she lagged behind briefly to nibble on some rose hips. As I prepared to snap a photo of her foraging, she leaped a log! "Noooooo", I wanted to scream. I didn't. Instead, I leashed her. Her paw and forearm muscles are not strong enough for leaping yet but I'm glad that she's feeling so good. She looks as surprised as I was!
I do let her survey the meadows from boulders because I know that if I tell her to "stay" until I lead her carefully down from her perch, she will.
I'm just plain thrilled to be doing more with K. I've missed having her with me in the forest.
Winter is hovering on the sidelines here. It hasn't walloped us with our first big snow storm yet. The first big storm usually means a couple of feet of powdery snow, and it shuts down north-facing trails to mountain biking until the spring melt. So many trails are in wonderful shape that I just keep riding and riding and riding. My spine is very happy with the dry conditions since riding my mountain bike is the best muscle spasm-busting medicine available.

R joined me at the start of my ride today and gazed at the tumultuous mountains.
Then, he made a face, just like a little boy playing to the camera.
By the end of my ride, the mountains beamed. Their snowy coats glittered in the sun and a puffy veil of clouds clung to them in the endless blue sky.
This is my world, the one that I love, and I enjoy it the most with a dog by my side. On my way home, I passed one of K's favorite perches. It stood empty but I'm betting that she'll be back on it by springtime.


  1. Hooray for Therapaws! K looks so happy and relaxed!

    That picture of R may be one of my new all time favorites!

    I don't have any better luck than you do with green eye. I use paint when I have one that I want to touch up, and the smaller the eye in the picture, the better. I've tinkered around with it some, and sometimes I do a better job than others. Green eye drives me nuts, I can't lie!

  2. I loved the K leaping the log pic


    Of course, R clowning around!

    Great pics as always!

    BTW, we captured an evil critter doing the rock thing - it will be on Khyra's Wednesday post!

  3. Oh, I could just feel all the happiness in this postie! I luved those most beautiful pictures of K. Specially the one of her jumping the log (even if she wasn't s'posed to).

    And that picture of R - he's so goofy!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  4. R - Thanks for the laugh. You cracked us up.

  5. It's so hard to pull in the reins on our pups when they are feeling so good, isn't it? I'm glad you're enjoying your time with K and that she finding her footing! :-))

  6. I am happy that you and K are back together too. You have such a special relationship its a joy to read your descriptions and watch you in action together.

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo and Stella

  7. I am so happy to see that K is feeling much better, she looks super happy to be out there by your side.
    Love R funny face.
    Thanks for Making us Smile.

  8. The log jump made for a nice photo, but I can just feel your cringe. A little early for that kind of activity, huh? K has the prettiest eyes I've seen, and I love R's funny face photo.

  9. Joyful, indeed! I loved that pic of K leaping over the log - I cheered out loud and startled poor Matt. HaHa!

  10. Gosh '
    I just love looking at your beautiful dogs in their world.,,, and in your world,,,,
    All of your photos are just so splendorious..... and do you know what?
    we can hear your heart sing.

  11. Yes, K DOES look surprised hee hee! Love the photo of R too! You have a knack for capturing the most wonderful pictures!
    Sammie, Avalon and Mom

  12. Wonderful to see K getting stronger day by day. It's even progress that she forgot her healing foot for a minute and just responded to her instinct to jump, even though we know you have to monitor that so she doesn't push too far, too fast. R's face is the way Jed looks when he's had one too many pictures taken, like "get that blamed thing out of my face!"

    Jed & Abby

  13. Ah! Great adventures. K is looking so springy and R, an enthuiastic nut just like me!! Winter is on its way but, as you say, a great time to enjoy those trails before the snows bury them.

    Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
    Sierra Rose

  14. the pic of K jumping over the log is hilarious......so glad you two are out together again!

  15. Woof! Woof! Another great hiking adventure ... wish I can join you. Just Beautiful. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  16. Even though K wasn't suppose to, but I still love that pic of her leaping the log.

  17. I'm with @Barbara ... R is doing his Elvis lips.

    I'm so glad that K's new boot is working so much better for her.

  18. That is the funniest expression on R in that silly photo - good catch:)

    We love hearing the joy in your voice in these last few posts.

    Hope you get snow, and the pups here want snow too.

  19. LOVE that jumping photo of K! so glad she's doing better!

  20. Hi Y'all,

    Came back to see some of the cloud photos. My Human Momma is facinated with them and the deep blue skies of winter. Y'all have some of the most beautiful photos we've ever seen. We just get transported for a few moments.

    Hawk aka BrownDog

  21. I'm so happy for you! My the Mom agrees wif you about life. It's best spent wif the ones you love.

    K is lookin like she feels better and better, and her confidence is growin. It was fun to see her leap the rock!

    And R is a hoot.

    wif love to you all from the Luke

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