Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday: Tumultuous springtime

Within hours, our world switches between a winter wonderland and a springlike garden. All of these photos were taken in the past two days.


  1. The best part of it is that your forest maintains the peace and seclusion no matter what the weather. Here, as soon as the sun comes out, the hoards of people do, too.. suffice to say, the recent heat wave we've had in New York has brought the beach goers, fair weather dog walkers, soccer players, and motorcycle owners all out of hiding. :o)

  2. It's beautiful though - as cold as I get I'd still like to live somewhere that had true seasons.


  3. The pulse of life runs so intensely where you live! Invigorating.

  4. Mother nature sure shows her stuff where you live..SO pretty!


  5. As we said the other day, you have the best of both seasons:) Love those shots of the pretty purple flower covered in snow crystals and then opened in all its glory.

  6. Ain't it the truth! It's been a crazy year so far. The 2nd and last photos are my favorites.

  7. Its kind of like living in Minniesnowda where, if you don't like the weather, stick around for a few minutes, it will change!


  8. It is so beautiful where you live! Whatever the weather, it looks so peaceful. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

  9. That picture of K and the snow is absolutely amazing!! We have had crazy weather here, too! Lots of rain, not much sun - hope things brighten up soon.

    Your pal, Pip

  10. Such crazy weather up there! Love the flower closed and shivering in the snow and open for sunshine. The snow picture at night is also interesting!

  11. What joyful variety!

    Rottie Kisses!

    haha - my vari-word is maketrac :-)

  12. You really do have some weather swings there. Sun one day, snow the next. That has to be hard to adjust to. The bottom photo of the dogs looks hopeful though. They're surrounded by green instead of white. :)

  13. We feel as if we were just given a wonderful gift. And we were.
    The peaceful feeling that you share with us in your photos,,, is wordless, because it cannot be described. Splendorious is the only word I know
    Thank you

  14. That's extreme weather for you! Wow! I love the sky in that second photo!

  15. From the look of that second photo I never, ever want to be in a small plane flying over the mountains.

  16. It's crazy how quickly things change!

  17. Hi Y'all,

    It has been crazy everywhere this spring, but y'all win the prize! What beautiful contrasts!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  18. Amazing contrast and amazing pictures!! Here we're going from warmth and blue skies to darkness and storms--I'm having trouble deciding if I like mine or yours better! :-)

    I hope you've had an enjoyable day!!

  19. Yep, that's Colorado to a T! Those two pasqueflower shots side by side are such a great contrast! Plus good macros to boot...


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