Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Winter in April

Nature is dousing us in the snow that we so desperately need to nourish the forests. It's a gift from the sky.

Yesterday, the Duo and I headed out into white-out conditions for our "sunset" hike. We didn't see the sunset. We just saw the white barrage of snowflakes out of the sky. First, K stopped to gaze at the blizzard, and snow rapidly gathered on her head.
Then, R decided to join her.
We had a spectacular hike. The dogs frolicked joyfully, like a pair of crazy puppies. By the end of it all, we had another 4" of heavy wet snow in our world. The snow almost instantly began to melt on the warm ground.

This morning, I decided that if the world gives you snow in late April, you need to have fun with it rather than scowl your way through the day. Of course, K helped immensely with my attitude - she's so happy to get outside and run regardless of whether winter has taken hold in April. And, winter really has taken hold - every day in the foreseeable future has a picture of a snowflake in the weather forecast.

In that spirit, I took out my Fatback snowbike, and K and I did a tour of our trail system. My snowbike climbed through the thick fresh snow like a monster truck, and K galloped exuberantly along side me. I felt stronger than I've felt in a long time because my physical therapist's treatments for my back spasms are finally working.

We saw lots of animal tracks, although no bear tracks. Several neighbors saw a large cinnamon bear yesterday, sleepwalking close to their houses. One of them said that the bear was moving as slowly as a sloth and didn't even react to a loud sound. I'd guess that he's still in the process of waking up from hibernation and wandering around with a very slow metabolism. It's called "walking hibernation" and continues for weeks after a bear wakes up.

Although we didn't see any new bear tracks, K and I saw a plethora of bobcat tracks. Early this morning, our bobcat followed my snowbike tire tracks from yesterday as he patrolled his territory. He eluded my wildlife cameras but left beautiful tracks.
So, it continues to be winter here but the Duo and I are having fun with it.


  1. Considering we are experiencing pseudo summer, we SO wish we could have fun too!

    Great shots!

  2. We learned long ago that complaining about Mother Nature accomplished nothing. Shrug. Not that we always remember the lesson.

  3. Even though the pups here are very jealous of your snow (and I am NOT), the one good thing about all that snow you are getting is that it is keeping our atmosphere cool enough that we are missing all the severe weather. Lots of rain, but not the tornado threats - at least not yet.

    K and R look so good with those white flakes on them.

  4. Our forecasts had little snowflakes in each one too, but yesterday and today we hit the 60s!
    Now its chilly again this evening and very cloudy! Like you (kinda) I am developing a sort of who cares attitude. The only thing Stella hates is rain and Zkhat just spends her days snoozing!

    On we go!


    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  5. The pictures of the dogs in the snow are beautiful - almost makes me wish we would get more snow ...just kidding!

    That's funny about the bears sleep walking! Hope they don't bump into anything.

    Your pal, Pip

  6. Good for you and the duo having fun with the snow!
    We have been getting so much rain here I am beginning to wish it would turn to snow!

  7. you guys must love being out in the snow. Beautiful, but come on spring..
    Benny & Lily

  8. Your new snow looks like a big adventure! Those flakes on the Labraduo almost look manufactured. It must be the really pretty stuff!

    A sleepwalking bear? Now that would be one for the cameras!

    I laughed so hard this morning over your story about sneaking the dogs in past the statue! I've never had a dog who gave a statue another thought before. The Greyhounds have all just ignored them, which was part of the reason Morgan's reaction was so funny. It was like it was a surprise to her when she walked up beside it, too!

  9. Oh the photos are so beautiful.
    I would love to be enjoying your winter wonderland. Oh to escape,, and maybe snow camp,, and take it all in,, and as MaxDog always said live life to the max.
    You and your pals... really do.
    Your world is so gorgeous


  10. What a great reminder to be a part OF nature not an agent working against it! Have snow fun and be thankful for the much needed moisture...and your wonderful companions. So very glad to hear the back pain is easing up.

  11. The picture of the two of them covered in snowflakes is a gloriously happy sight.

  12. K and R look beautiful in the snow. I can imagine a bear staggering around now after months of sleep...I guess that would make any creature a little dazed when they wake up! Enjoy the snow! Lots of love, Holly and mom

  13. It was so dang hot heres today dat I would haves taken da snow...didn't even gets to go on my walkie!
    Sooooo...you might as well enjoy da snow cuz then we'll complain bout da heat in da summer.


  14. Kia ora KB,
    What lovely pictures contrasted against the snow. We are heading into winter here, and up high the snow and cold will firming up for it's winter duration. Great to walk and ride in a gentle snowfall. Hope all is well and kia kaha e hoa.

  15. Woooo - too cold! I bet a little snow will be a nice memory for when Summer rolls around!


  16. I love the snow on the backs of the Duo! Way to stay positive :-)

  17. It's all about perspective, right? I'm very glad to hear your physical therapy treatments are working well. I was wondering about this as I catch up on blogs (a whole week's worth!)

  18. Hi KB...speaking of being slow...we are getting slowly back to the blog world after last week and thank you so much for your concern and prayers!
    Now....that snow is lovely..if it is nature's way then so be it...the flakes looks so soft and gentle on the puppies fur...mmm!

  19. Surrounded as we are here by the scent of spring flowers, that snow seems almost unbelievable to us. But we are glad you are glad to have it!

  20. It's kind of funny how confused my dogs look when I open the door and they snow back on the ground. They look back at me like "Where did that come from." Not that they mind, although Java is more of a fan of snow than Latte.

    I'm glad the physical therapy is helping your back and energy level. I just had the scar tissue in my shoulders pushed into submission by a chiropractor today. He said it would feel bruised for awhile. He was right. Ouch!

  21. Love, love, love the photo of both of them from behind, with the snow and those red collars. Lovely!

  22. I'm so glad the therapist is finally able to help you. No one deserves to be in pain all the time. That bobcat track is just priceless! Love the shots of the dogs gazing at the snow.

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