Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

The state of affairs

I'm going to take a break from even trying to use the internet until we get a new system. Our current one is completely unworkable (I haven't been able to upload a post in a couple of weeks), and I end up frustrated beyond words when I try to use it. Well, maybe I use a few unpublishable words!

K is still dealing with her kidney infection with little bumps and bends in the road.
I feel fairly confident that she's going to be okay in the long run but it's probably a long road ahead of us to cure her kidneys of infection. She'll be on antibiotics for at least 8 weeks. I don't really have a good picture of how long it will be until she feels like herself again.
She and I will keep taking our little tiny jaunts together, wandering in the woods.
And, I'll have the chance to spend some time with R, even as a mountain biking buddy every now and then (when his busy schedule permits it).
He's a smiling barrel of energy!

There's been a drama underway observed by my wildlife cameras. The doe and her two fawns seem to be alive and well. However, a mountain lion has passed one of my cameras (near the doe and fawns) four times in the past two days (I can't upload any of the great footage due to my flaky connection) so I know that he has cached a carcass somewhere closeby. Seeing him making regular forays past my camera with hours of my visits has set my hair on end when I've checked it in an obscure gulch overgrown with the green bounty of summer.

The last time that I had a good internet connection (last week in the city), I uploaded a cute video of the doe and her fawns. You can watch it here or at Youtube.
Do not worry about us if this blog is quiet for an extended period. I hope that, when I return, I'll have a good and consistent internet connection that lets me post regularly and visit your blogs!


  1. Those little fawns are just so cute, just like little puppies with such zest for life. We hope they will be safe from the mountain lion.

    Poor K, that's a lot of time to get better, but we are hopeful she will do very well. Please give her some hugs from us. Hope you can get the Internet glitch sorted out.

  2. So adorable. I hope they survive the Mountain Lion that is so close by.....
    And we hope you survive the internet crisis, because we will miss your posts and pictures :(

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  3. Will VERY much miss your daily dose of dogs and nature ! Try to keep us posted as much as you can on beautiful K's progress

  4. We suspect that either the bear, the mountain lion or the doe had something to do with your Internet link failure. They don't like their privacy being interrupted by the paparazzi.

    Mogley G. Retriever

  5. You and your gang have become a high spot in my day and I will miss you.

    Good luck in getting what you need re internet connection, hugs and smooches for K's recovery and us, looking forward to seeing you back here.

    Stella, Jo and Zkhat

  6. By the look in those eyes you are frustrated...BOL
    Benny & Lily

  7. I hope your internet issues are sorted out soon, and K is on the road to recovery. Hang in there.

    P.S. - cool video. The fawns are so cute!

  8. I want to put the doe and her fawns in a big giant protective bubble for about 6 months. They are SO adorable with their white speckles! We'll miss you, but knowing you, yuo'll want to get it right! Be well, and love to K and R. NO MORE INJURIES!!

    -Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

  9. We so understand your Internet woes. When our HughesNet agreement expires, we are going to try something else - we just have no idea what that might be.

  10. I'm sorry the connection is still giving you such fits! I hope K keeps getting better and improving. Hopefully she'll be back to herself before we all know it. I'll miss seeing your updates, but I completely understand!

  11. Fantastic footage of the fawns with mom. Always great to see what K & R have been up too! Can imagine that R gets lots of outings if he is on runs runs, and then pedals with you! Best wishes with the connection difficulties, makes the fun of putting together entries, such a bigger chore!
    Our ski buddy just moved to C-Butte for the summer, have been receiving great outdoor reports from his hikes and explorations in that area! Summer seems to have finally found all of us. Ahhh...

    Sweet hugs,
    Sierra Rose

  12. Love the doe and fawn video. I've had the worst luck this spring getting fawn pics. I've got a grand total of ONE. Hope you get your connection straightened out quickly.

  13. We send kisses to K for a quick recovery and kisses to R too! We hope your internet gets fixed soon....dealing with that problem makes you say very bad words. Be careful with the Mountain Lion around please!!! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

  14. Hope you get your internet sorted out soon and we're sending good thoughts for little K to fight that kidney infection.

    The baby deer are adorable, but they better watch that romping about with the mountain lion so close by.

    Mango Momma

  15. If it makes you feel any better, I know other bloggers that are struggling with the same thing. Just know that we're here and will be glad when you come back! And know that I'll be sending healing thoughts and good energy across the Mississippi to you and K!! Take care, and continued safety on your rides and good health!! :-))

  16. Kia ora KB,
    Kia kaha and aroha to all of you.

  17. Good luck with getting your computer fixed! We will keep K in our thoughts and prayers!


  18. Thank goodness you have given us such a wealth of wonderful photographs and posts. I'll revisit them often as I wait for you to get connection.

    And I'll keep positive thoughts about the health of all human and canine family.

  19. Lots of love to K and hoping you're not anywhere near the fire in Lefthand Canyon. We'll be keeping all of you in our thoughts from Denver!

  20. Here's hoping that K continues to recover nicely:-)
    Good luck with your internet connection!

  21. Good luck with whatever you end up having to do with the internet connection. I personally can't wait for high speed to be available where I am. It's so frustrating when the server times out while you're trying to upload, so I completely sympathize with the colorful words that must be crossing your mind.

    I hope K is continuing to heal and mend...

  22. Been thinking of you guys. Hope K is doing better and knocking out this infection. I'll miss the labraduo and your forest during your internet-induced hiatus.

  23. Hi Y'all!

    Always one daring one! (fawn)

    Poor K! Just when the weather is in its "perfect phase", to be sick and unable to really enjoy it is just sad. Sigh.

    Hope y'all get your Internet straight soon. We miss y'all when you're away.

    Y'all come by when you can,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  24. Listen...take care of your family...we the blog family will be here waiting when your able to return. I guess I'll have to spend time re-reading and looking at the beauty of your world over the passed months. Massive hugs to K and R and don't beat yourself up...I know it's easy to do but hey...what you've shared with us so far goes a very long way!

  25. I'll be keeping you guys in my thoughts and sending good vibes your way!

  26. Gentle woofs of healing and strong positive thoughts to K from the White Dog Army. In the meantime, you, your family, your story, and your posts are worth the wait...we will be thinking of you until your return.

  27. Hi KB, Checking in with you as I haven't been on the computer in about 2 weeks. I see that your connection is flaky - hope you'll be up and running soon. Good Luck to sweet K - hope she's improving daily. Have a wonderful 4th!

  28. Good luck finding a reliable service provider! We're looking forward to all the footage and photos you'll have stocked up for us.

    Best wishes for K; hope she's better soon. We infer R's injured nail is now completely healed.

    Jed & Abby

  29. I'll keep my fingers crossed for K, and try to wait patiently (I'm not very good at patient) for your return. The fawns are adorable, and I hope that they stay safe.

  30. Hope you are back up and running soon. Me and My Vickie are missing your adventures.

    Plus we are a little concerned about K.



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