Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, June 23, 2011


My internet has not worked all day but I seem to have a brief window right now when I have a connection. First of all, thank you so much for all of your good wishes. We can feel your positive thoughts all the way here in Colorado!

K seems about the same as yesterday, which I'd say is good news. She's certainly no worse and is tolerating our poking her with needles to hydrate her beautifully. After we give her fluids, she looks like a linebacker with shoulder pads because her "camelbak" of fluids sits under her skin across her shoulders while her body absorbs it. You can't see it in the photo below.
I miss having K by my side exploring the forest and meadows near us but I'm hoping that she'll be back soon to enjoy the summer beauty with me!
Here is K's Columbine for today. I've decided that these delicate but tough beauties having healing powers!


  1. We LUVS you K! :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  2. We've had the sub q fluids in some of our dogs in the past. It's always so strange how you can see that lump slowly move along the side of the body. I'm glad that K is holding her own! We're still sending out our good thoughts for her! The columbine are beautiful!

  3. We'll keep sending our healing vibes and very best wishes for K's speedy recovery.

    It occured to us that a lot of animals feel vulnerable when they are ill. In the wild, they'll often dig a den or go into hiding. Maybe that's the source of K's enhanced fear reactions, when she has them?

    Get well soon, K!

    Jed & Abby

  4. K needs a lot of Colorado air and some sniffs of columbine. That will help her get better.

    Mogley G. Retriever

  5. Beautiful columbine for a beautiful dog. I'm glad that she is stable, and will keep holding her in my prayers and thoughts.

  6. One of my daughter's had a kitty who had to get fluids that way a couple of times a week - he always had a big pouch too. Hope that another day brings more good progress for K. That columbine is beautiful.

  7. Wishing her all the best...and a quick recovery...

  8. Paws are crossed for a Special K full speed recovery.

  9. Just stopped by to check on you and K. I'll continue to send positive vibes, and healing wishes. xoxo

  10. Uh oh, I think I missed a post. I sure hope K is OK. I will go back and read yesterday's post.

    Your pal, Pip

  11. We did the same as Pip-so glad to hear that K is feeling a bit better. Both Parental Unit and I are sending good vibes your way!

  12. K we have all our feets crossed you will be better
    Benny & Lily

  13. Glad you are feelin' better K. I'm sure the hikes just are not the same without you!!

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  14. My Vickie is a true beleiver that us dogs can feel/sense what we are doing when separated from our humans.

    So talk to K in your mind while on your rides and what you see K will see to.

    It will be like you are together.

    It will help K heal.

    Well, thats what My vickie thinks.

    But then she is a bit weird.....


  15. Guess all sorts of things have healing powers but Columbines are probably best of all !

  16. Sorry K hasn't been feeling well. We are definitely sending good thoughts your way and keeping all our paws crossed. Thats a lot of paws..
    PeeEss Beautiful pictures a always and the Columbine may be a big help on her way to recovering..

  17. Oh no...I was not awares K was under da weathers...her will be back to her normal self nows dat I is around...hehehe...one can only hope. I am so sorry to hears dis though. I will most definately be sending my healing to hers.

    I has sooooooo missed ya'll. And I am wondering myself bouts your coffee question...hehehe!


  18. My hope is that K can feel all of the loving wishes we have for her recovery. That, and the columbine should have her back to her old self in no time!

    Stella, Mom and Zkhat

  19. We sure hope and pray that K gets back to feeling good really soon!! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

  20. Hi Y'all,

    We missed hearing about K. After Monday real life intervened. My Human had my posts scheduled, but I missed checking all my friends.

    I'm gonna keep my paws crossed for K. I've asked my Human to add her to her prayers.

    With all the Human prayers and paw power, I know K will be flyin' through the meadows soon.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  21. It IS good news that K isn't getting any worse. Hope it's followed by rapid recovery. I do love your flowers.

  22. Oh my, so much has happened since I read you last. It's really difficult to hear this about K. Sophie senses things with us and I know R does the same with K. We are all thinking about your family and KNOW K will pull threw. If it helps, I was just looking at the columbines in my garden today. Cheers!

  23. Dear K,

    We hope you feel better soon so you can get out and enjoy the beautiful weather once again. We're thinking of you and sending lots of positive thoughts and love your way!

    Love and Doggie Kisses,

    Bear, Pee Wee and Heather

  24. I hope K continues to improve. I had to do that under the skin hydrating with a very old cat once. It all seemed to flow into one leg or another. Poor girl looked like a cat with one elephant leg.

  25. K,,,, I am sending you a magic bubble full of healing wishes...
    It will be in the sky- right over the Columbines..
    I love you

  26. Hey there, I haven't checked in for a while and I'm so glad I did. I will be sending warm fuzzy thoughts and wishing you many sloppy kisses from K and R. Miss you all.


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