Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

This one is for K

Last week, K seemed like she was finally bouncing back from the series of UTIs that have hounded her since April. She ran ahead of us, frolicking, on our rides and hikes.
She never seemed to slow down.
Until yesterday when things went south pretty fast. First, her fears escalated. Then, R started sniffing around her hind end a lot. It's indelicate to say so but R is always the first to diagnose a problem with K's urinary tract. If he starts sniffing, we know that K needs to go to the vet.

Unfortunately, yesterday's tests showed that K doesn't have a simple UTI. Rather, she has a kidney infection, with an inflamed and impaired kidney making her feel awful. She was so dehydrated that she landed in the Vet ER last night after I noticed her lethargy, tacky gums, and very slow capillary refill time. She's home now but only with fierce warnings from our vet to watch her very closely. Usually, vets automatically hospitalize dogs with kidney infections.

We have to give her subcutaneous fluids twice a day, give her antibiotics, and let her rest. We're hoping that this works and that we don't have to hospitalize her because she can be such a fearful dog. We're awaiting the results of a urine culture so that we can find the best antibiotic to kill the nasty bacteria.

She came home from the hospital wearing their trademark purple bandana.
And, when I looked in her eyes, I saw the fight in her heart. She's going to be OK, I think.
For each of my dogs over the years, I've come to associate one wildflower with them. For K, that flower is the Columbine because we so often center our summer mountain bike rides around seeing as many of these delicate gems as possible. I love the sight of K loping through an aspen grove with a floor of Columbines.

This one is for K.


  1. My vickie and I are so glad you are treating K at home. We know that dogs heal much faster when they are with their family and it sounds like you know how to do the fluids and medication and you are smart to know what to watch for.

    We will be crossing our fingers and paws and asking for special help from above so that K is well soon.

    My Vickie loves that K is associated with columbine.


  2. We're keeping K and you all in our thoughts......nothing worse than when a member of the family is sick...

  3. Dear K
    I hope you get to feeling better soon. There are so many columbines blooming on your mountains. They are waiting for you to visit.
    K, please rest,, and know all of in bloggy land are keeping our paws crossed that you feel better soon.

  4. Oh, I hope that K feels better very soon!

  5. Puppy prayers is on da way fur my sweet furiend K!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  6. Oh no! I'm so sorry K is sick. I'll be thinking positive thoughts for all of you, and hoping for a speedy recovery. Hang in there. BTW, I think you picked an excellent wildflower for K. xoxo

  7. I was fearful of something more serious, but like Bert, I am happy you can keep her at home and give her the meds she needs.

    We will look forward to the next bulletin!

    We will keep her in our thoughts and prayers,

    Jo and Stella

  8. Paws crossed from the pups and prayers from me for K to respond well to the treatment. We know she is in the very best of hands in your care. The columbine flower is known to be delicate and yet hardy - so appropriate for K.

  9. I hope K is better very soon. I'll be thinking about her.

  10. I hope the best for your friend.

  11. I'm so sorry to hear that K is not feeling well.
    I hope she feels better soon. She is in the best care that she can be in.
    Sending BIG hugs:)

  12. Dear K,

    All 12 of our paws are crossed for your most speedy recovery. Just rest and take it easy and soak up all that love your mom has for you. You are such a strong girl and a brave girl and we know you'll be back on the trail in no time.

    Your friends,

    -Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

  13. I am so sorry to hear that K is having such a hard time! She's really had us all worrying about her a lot this past year. I'm so glad she'll be able to be at home, though. I know what a big difference that makes for our pups. At least you know why her fears were seeming to increase now. We're sending prayers that she's over it soon!

  14. We are so sorry that K is sick and will be sending get well vibes and prayers for quick healing!! Get well K!!! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

  15. We join in the fervent wishes for K's speedy and complete recovery. She's been through a lot this year, but with such excellent family support, we're sure she'll conquer this problem, too.

    Jed & Abby

  16. There's a little corner of France linked to K In its thoughts.

  17. Sending healing vibes K's way!! We hope she feels better soon!!

    Pugs & Kisses,

    Yoda, Brutus & Ellie

  18. Get well soon K! Keepmus posted.....positive thoughts your way....

  19. Gee, I hope K will do well in the coming days and get back to normal as soon as possible. This must be hard on you.


  20. Oh, I hope that K recovers quickly and completely. I'm glad she's home, surrounded by those she loves. That will give her heart a boost.

  21. Just as you've been sending good thoughts for us, we send them for K! I hope by the time you're reading this she's feeling better!

    Your flower choice is just perfect!

  22. Beautiful K, you are in all our hearts and we we crossing all our paws an sending good vibes all the way from France.

    Woofs, purrs and hugs,
    Everyone at The Poupounette

  23. So sorry to hear that K isn't feeling well! All fingers and paws are crossed here! We hope she starts feeling better real soon!

  24. I'm so glad you still see fight in her eyes. She's had such a rough year! I add my thoughts and wishes to the pile, hoping for a speedy and full recovery. Columbine is indeed the perfect flower for K.

  25. Paws and fingers crossed here with positive thoughts coming from NC. I'm glad you were able to keep K at home during the treatment and hope things go well.

  26. Hope K is feeling better. R you can be a psychic and make some green papers
    Benny & Lily

  27. Read this this morning and have been thinking of you guys today. Count our paws crossed for K. I'm so sorry that you have to go through another stress with your special girl.

    Heal-up fast, sweet K!

  28. It may sound strange, but years ago a neighbor dog had a similar problem, they gave her a 1/4 cup of cranberry juice spread over a week. It seemed to keep her healthy.

    Mogley G. Retriever

  29. Poor K! Sending her lots of extra Yorkie TLC.

    Your pal, Pip

  30. Sweet K, beautiful girl.....although I dont post often you are always in my thoughts and if wishes were to come true, your Mom's next post will make me so happy...........thinking of you always !

  31. So sorry to hear about K...we hope she gets better very soon. Husky hugs, K!


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