Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Great news!

I started my day by finding interesting photos on my wildlife camera. It was a bobcat, carrying something in his mouth.
Zooming in showed that the bobcat was going to have a rodent for breakfast. He must have just captured and killed it.
He walked out of the view of the camera, probably seeking a secluded spot to eat breakfast.
A little later in the day, K and I headed for the vet to get her kidneys checked after 4 weeks of antibiotics for the infection.
I was present for the ultrasound, and the vet said that her kidneys looked "beautiful". Believe me, they did not look beautiful four weeks ago so this was awesome news!
That proclamation brought a huge smile to my face. We'll continue antibiotics for another four weeks to make sure that we've killed every last bug that was attacking her kidneys. In the meantime, she's free to zoom!


  1. YAY!!!!!!!! That is just wonderful - so very good to hear such fantastic news. Zoom away, K - that last pic looks like you are very ready to oblige.

  2. Oh, that's wonderful news! K looks like she's celebrating!

  3. YaY fur K!! I am doin' da boxer wiggle butt happy dance fur her!!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  4. Hi Y'all!

    K you are so wonderful! Wish I could come romp with you!

    We're so glad you're feelin' and doin' better and can romp with your Human again.

    Hawk aka BrownDog

  5. Everyone at this house is very much happy for K to have such lovely kidneys! We hope when you are finished with the final course of antibiotics that this girl and her brother, stay totally fine and healthy! Any color would be fine!

    Stella, Mom and Zkhat

  6. I'm so happy to hear this news! K is a special girl, for sure, and she seems blessed to have such good luck with things this past year. I am really just so happy for you, I can't stop smiling!

  7. Yeah! So happy to hear about the beautiful kidneys. Arwen has had urinary issues in the past so I understand how happy this can make you. Have a beautiful weekend. ps- We saw our bobcat last night and we thought of you ;-)

  8. There are four smiles here!

    One human and three khanine!

    Great shots to convey the happy news!

    Of course, Khyra says thanks for the 'khytty' pic!

  9. Yay! I'm so happy to hear this good news about K and am looking forward to many more pictures of her zooming along.

    The bobcat is a beautiful creature. It must have been a real thrill when you first saw those shots. I have a much less exotic predator on my blog today that you may want to check out.

  10. Glad to hear that K is doing better! Woohoo!!

  11. Oh what a relief. This has been a long run for you guys and the rest of us too.

    I am so excited to see more pictures of K romping throug the rocky's with you and R

    What a great way to start our day....

    Bert and My Vickie

  12. I have been holding my breath waiting news of K and I am so thrilled for ALL of you !!

    Sweet K, the Zoomer !!!!

  13. Hurray for K! I am so happy that her kidneys look good and she is free to run free!

    Amazing pictures of that bobcat. Wow!

    Your pal, Pip

  14. Woo-hoo! That is some great news indeed!


  15. Oh wow, I am SOOO happy to hear the good news re K!!



  16. That's wonderful news, K! We are so happy to hear that. We do hope that you get more healthy as you take the meds in the next few weeks.

    Zoom zoomies away!!!!

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie

  17. What wonderful news!!! Our K sends your K big tailwags for a beautiful weekend!

  18. That is some really wonderful news!!!! I am very happy too!! Love the pictures! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

  19. What wonderful news about K!!!!

  20. Woohoo! How wonderful!!! That's awesome, especially with all the medical trials she's already been through this year.

    Very cool pics of the cat, too! I couldn't help but wonder if he/she played with the food before, um, being able to carry the lifeless body in its mouth. That's what MY cats always did!

  21. Outstanding news about K!

    Looks like that bobcat has a young squirrel? Very cool photos. Great to get behavior shots on camera traps!

  22. LOVE the shots of K - before and after... Great news.

  23. Woohoo! Great news to start the weekend! Enjoy an extra romp together and watch in the tall grass for the White Spirit Dogs running joyfully alongside!

  24. That is wonderful news!

    Mango Momma

  25. Awesome news - celebration time!

  26. Excellent!! I know you both will enjoy K's zoomies! Have a great weekend.


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