Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Seizing the day: an alpine celebration

K and I celebrated her good news yesterday with a hike high above treeline in the thin air. I decided that I wanted to seize the day - we were both healthy and the weather was not stormy - so we sprinted out the door for our adventure.
We had a glorious time, enjoying wildflowers, craggy mountains, snow fields, a lake, and endless views. When I have access to a faster internet connection, I'll share some more photos.

I realized that K and I have hiked to the same mountain pass every summer of her life. As we hiked, I recollected how I worried that she might try to jump on someone (despite being on leash) on the narrow mountain trail back when she was a puppy. Now, she's an experienced mountain hiker, mild-mannered and calm. People ask to pet her when they pass us on the trail because she smiles at them and tries to catch their eyes. Her sweetness can shine through now that her puppy-like excitability has (mostly) passed.

I grinned for almost the entire hike. After all that K has been through this year with the bone infection, toe amputation, and the recent kidney infection, I wasn't sure if we'd be out together on the high alpine trails this season. We did it!


  1. THis makes My Vickie so happy to read, there are tears in her eyes. She is so glad you and K are back on the mountain again together and we both can't wait to see the amazing pictures you have.

    Boy, if we could get you better internet service we would do it cause we love your blogs soooo much


  2. I'm so happy for you and K. What a joyous day it must have been for the two of you. If I were there, I would be one of those asking to pet her, for sure. She is a dog in a million.

  3. That really makes me very happy to hear!! What a wonderful time! I am just so glad that K and you went out and had a fun day together. I would also love to pet her very much! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

  4. We can't say it any better than Bert did!! Mom's a little leaky, too :-)

    Rottie Kisses to you both!!

  5. Yes you did do it! So happy fur you and K!!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

    PeeS Mom is still waitin' fur me to calm down ;)

  6. Hi Y'all!

    We are only promised this moment now in time. It's so wonderful when we can enjoy it, spend it wisely and live it to its fullest. It's even more special to share the moment with someone special, be they man or beast.

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  7. Hi, So glad to hear you are both healthy and able to enjoy the meadows and vistas. Have a delightful Sunday.
    Hugs, Noreen & Reggie-dog

  8. We pups and humans who have walked along with you and K during these sieges really couldn't be any happier for you both, hiking together in the thin air, meeting and greeting others. We can only imagine how infectious your enthusiasm was to others!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo and Stella

  9. what a beautiful to celebrate and so many reasons to celebrate!!! Wishing you and K (and R too, and OK, the Runner too) many more glorious days of celebration.

  10. Yay for you and K! Your hike sounds like paradise to us here in 100 degree+, humid Ohio-ugh!

  11. Seize the day indeed! Sounds like the perfect day :)


  12. So glad to hear about K. With all that has happened to her, she due for a very long break from more bad things. :)

    So glad you got to go out together. Seize the moment.

  13. I am smiling with you! K really is a beautiful soul, and I love the fact that she overcomes the odds to live life to the fullest! :)

  14. Congratulations KB on your determination and perseverence! It's apt to celebrate by 'Seizing the day!'
    Sending lotsaluv to you and your pups,

  15. I just the read the news about K! I am so happy for the both of you!
    K sure has been through a lot this year! She is one tough girl!

  16. A much deserved celebration!! I'm glad you're out together and enjoying your activities. I'm so glad K is doing well.


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