Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Photos from our alpine celebration!

K and I hiked toward the sky on Friday. We climbed up a mountain path carved into a mountainside.
Wildflowers dotted the mountainside, especially early spring flowers like the Globeflowers in the foreground. The snow melted from this trail only last week so the wildflowers are weeks behind their usual blooming times.
K eagerly looked toward the top, wanting to keep heading up toward the Divide.You can see her shaved belly from the ultrasound that she had the day before this hike. I forgot to put sunscreen on it but it didn't burn.
But, we had to pause for a photo with the mountain Columbines. Usually, the mountainside is covered in these delicate gems at this time of year but they're saving their full glory for later this year.
K stopped at each snowfield for a wriggle. You can see the leash. In fact, K spent most of the day on leash in this wilderness area but I briefly unsnapped it for most of the photos.
At the edges of the snowfields, Glacier Lilies bloomed.
Soon, K and I reached the Divide. K gazed at the craggy west face of the mountains.
We also gazed at the lakes on the west side of the Divide. One lake that's known for its Columbines (in the left of the photo) was still snowbound although its turquoise color barely shined through the snow.
K seemed to want to go visit that lake as her laser-like attention focused on it.
Instead, we hiked along the Divide to a lake nestled under its peaks. Surprise, surprise - we were the only ones at the lake!!!
Since we were alone, I let K take a dip. She swam around in circles, staying in the frigid water for longer than I thought was possible. You can imagine how cold the water was based on the snowfields melting into it.
She scrambled onto a boulder after swimming.
Then, she lay among the yellow Alpine Avens that dotted the ground.
Although they can't be seen in the large view of the lake, Alpine Forget-Me-Nots thrived near the lake. These tiny jewels bloom only on the alpine tundra.
All too soon, it was time to start descending. We paused for one more peaceful view to the west.
Then, we turned our view to the east and the valley that we'd be descending.
I love sharing this beauty with my K, especially since it had been such a journey to get her healthy enough to climb to the pass. Much to my delight, she didn't get even slightly sore after the hike, despite navigating alpine talus slopes with her three-toed paw for the first time. I am thrilled!

Many thanks to my good friends who let me use their fast internet connection so that I could upload the photos!


  1. The beauty that you live in astounds me. And, that you can share it with K makes me so very happy. I'm so glad that you got to a place where you could download these pictures. They make me want to be standing there with you. (hah! fat old me couldn't make it up those mountains for anything.)

  2. As always, amazing photos. You are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place. Glad K had a great time! She is looking rather regal. That water does look frigid, but that didn't seem to bother her : )

  3. Maybe you can send me some of dat snow cuz it sure is hot where I lives. ;) Beootiful fotos!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  4. What a beautiful place for a hike! I wish I'd been able to be along with you! K, the fact that you even got in that cold water impresses me. Staying in and swimming around must make you part polar bear!

    I love how blue the sky is!

  5. My Vickie and I are so glad you have good friends who let you download the pictures. And K you look absolutely wondeful.

    To see you in your true environment again, well it is just wonderful.

    So My Vickie has a request, I think we have made this before, but would you, next time you find them, take one of your spectacular close ups of an all white columbine.

    As we have told you, the columbind is a family favorite forever but we seldom get to see an all white one. We saw you were surrounded by them today K.

    So, if you get a chance.

    Thanks so much in advance.

    Bert and My Vickie

  6. All of those photos are beautiful, but the pictures of K wriggling in the snow was just torture to a certain group of Sibes.

  7. Hi Y'all!

    Wonderful photos! Thank you KB's friends!

    K looks like she is really savoring each moment of your amazing hike. :)

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  8. What a wonderful series of photos! And how great to see K so hearty. Makes a body feel really good.

  9. K is looking gorgeous and definitely acting like she was having a wonderful time!! Love the pictures as usual....what a absolutely serere and beautiful place to live!!! It's hard to believe that you still have snow...but I'm going by how very hot it is here!! I would take your surroundings any day!!! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

  10. I could go for a dip in that lake!!

  11. Absolutely gorgeous!! K looks healthy and fit!

  12. The picture of K in the water is an all time best .

  13. Oh, it is just so beautiful. My pups are so hot they might even want to join K in that cold lake. Those blue forget-me-nots sre so pretty - hard to find a really pretty vibrant blue flower. Thanks for a very refreshing morning romp.

  14. You are so blessed to have such beauty around you..and we are blessed to be able to share it with you. So special to be able to bond with your dog amidst that.
    sending lotsaluv

  15. Those are photos that should have "Wish you were here" written on them.

    Mogley G. Retriever

  16. Such a beautiful place!! We love visiting your blog - you have some of the prettiest pictures :)

    Pugs & Kisses,

    Yoda, Brutus & Ellie

  17. K looks great, she is having a ball!

    Your flower pics are sheer delight!

    These pics were well worth the wait, and we are grateful you have someplace to load them!

    Thank you for sharing them and your romping with us!

    Stella and Jo

  18. I'm so happy to see you and K on an alpine adventure. Both of you have seized the spirit of the Mountain Lion's Year with your strength and tenacity through the challenges...inspiration abounds!

  19. Thank you for allowing me to drift away into your fantasy for a few minutes. This was the best time I've spent all day. What a beautiful way and place to celebrate!

  20. Gorgeous... so many beautiful colors!

  21. The hike was magestic!
    And the lake,,, it looked like "The Sea Of Tranquility" to me,, except that is on the moon.
    K is very courageous to brave that cold water,,, oh it must have felt so free for her.

  22. A celebration, indeed! Of life. Of summer. Of Mountain beauty. Of conquered health issues. Our hearts sing.

  23. Magnificent photos and 3 cheers for K! Please tell K, that I'd be in the lake in a blink...no forethought just leap and plunge. Maybe some day I could experience mountain lakes...would really love that.

  24. Hi KB, What a great hike - I remember it from other summers, but can't believe you saw a Glacier Lily - I've never been so lucky! K and I would have been rolling together in that snowfield, but I'd have to pass on the chilly lake. Great photos of your Girl.

  25. KB,
    These photos are simply gorgeous! I just had to share this post on my FB page. It's hard for me to image snow this time of year. Thanks for sharing!

  26. It's even more fun now seeing these photos. They bring back great memories of my trip.


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