Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Lion, fawn, and bear cub!

Our internet connection has become completely non-functional again. After giving our current company many chances to make things right, we've decided to have a new (satellite) system installed tomorrow. My fingers are crossed that I'll have a good connection after the installation. Many people have warned me that satellite internet has many frustrating characteristics but we're betting that it's better than no internet at all! On the positive side, we have a 30 day trial period so we can quit if it turns out to be no good.

Fortunately, my trail cameras are still working beautifully (unlike my internet). A collared mountain lion, one who looks familiar to me, passed a camera last night.
Then, this morning, a fawn came on the same scene and paused.
The fawn must have smelled the lion because he sprinted away with his spots in a blur!

About a mile away, the rebellious cub who we've been following all spring and summer visited a scent post. I feel certain that his mother and obedient sibling were lumbering by the scent post out of view of the camera. They've been foraging on a nearby hillside that is now covered in Buffalo Berries. Meanwhile, this independent cub wandered off to investigate the popular scent post. This is the site where I've photographed numerous mountain lions, bobcats, coyotes, deer, and elk.
I made a flipbook video of the cub's short visit to the scent post which you can watch here or at Youtube. He's looking healthy and is growing fast! However, I bet that he's giving his mother gray fur with his curious forays!

Meanwhile, we've been having more stormy days with afternoon thunderstorms, creating gorgeous skies and very green meadows.
However, we've been squeezing in dog romps between the storms. Poor R is suffering from a GI upset so he's a little under the weather. In a reversal of their usual roles, K is romping with more abandon than he is.
I'm betting that R will be back to 100% very soon now that he's taking medicine to eradicate all those bad bacteria in his gut.


  1. So sorry to hear about the continuing internet disruption...fingers are crossed for you.
    The meadow picture is really beautiful...the grey sky enhances the sun lit field... gorgeous!

  2. Hi Y'all!

    Beautiful photos! I adore that mischievous little cub.

    Tell R that Hawk is sending his pawpower and keeping his paws crossed for a quick recovery.

    Hawk gets a tablespoon of DanActive Yogurt every morning. Hubby drinks the rest of the container each day.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  3. All is good, things are getting back to normal for K and R is still looking really good considering the upset stomach.

    It is like nature is setting you up for the wonderful days ahead of you three.

    Much love

  4. Hope the new satellite system works for you. Hope those thunderstorms don't interfere with it the way they do with our human sister's satellite TV.

    What is it this year with the stomach upsets? Thunder had it a few weeks ago and now today Ciara started. Off to the vet tomorrow for some of that good medicine here too.

    We could use the rain but Phantom says to keep the thunder and lightning and just send the rain:)

  5. More great pictures!

    I can't believe all the catamounts 'round there!

    I get about one bobcat a year and I'm thrilled..... You get cougars every other week! ;)

  6. Beautiful as always!! We hope that R gets much better and K continues to be doing well. We have the same problems here with cable vs. satellite....both have problems and both go down way too often. Sometimes I wonder which is the best to get for decent service!! We hope you have good luck because we really love your pictures and videos very much! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

  7. BOL! I am sure the mother bear does have a few grey furs from that cub - my mom knows all about that as my sister has given her a few as well.

    The GI problems seem to be making their way around the doggie world. Hope everyone feels better soon.

    Your pal, Pip

  8. Beautiful pictures!
    I hope the satellite works out for you!

    I am sorry to hear that R is not feeling well, and glad to see that K is doing great! Hopefully they will both be romping together again and feeling good!

  9. I hope the satellite internet does the trick for you! It would frustrate me to no end to have all the trouble you've had.

    There must be something in the water! I've heard about more dogs being sick last weekend than I can count! I hope R is feeling more like his old self very soon!

  10. I am keeping my paws crossed that you get a good internet connection with the satelite. It is worth a try.
    K is looking so happy,,, and R too,, even though an upset tummy.
    I hope he feels better soon.
    This is such a beautious time of year for you. That meadow... oh my gosh,, how beautiful!
    We love the little baby bear cub

  11. You think satelite will be the answer..paws crossed. I think we saw Bambi
    Benny & Lily

  12. Hope the pups and the internet are back to full speed in the next day or so. Love the storm photo. Do you have a monsoon cycle like we do?Amusingly our word verification is: irain

  13. Yippee for the new internet system!
    Hope they arrive tomorrow with no excuses. I have some bear pics I have wanted to send you but not when it takes so long to download.

    Your little bear is a cute guy, K looks wonderful and hope R is on the mend pronto!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo and Stella

  14. Here's hoping the installation proceeds in a very 'unFrench' way !

  15. I like the look on the cubs face. Sort of looks like me in the morning :).

  16. That picture of K running through the meadow made me smile. So did that cub. He's a corker, all right. Did you hear that they found a mountain lion in Connecticut that had wandered 1,800 miles from the upper Mid-West? They thought at first it was one that had escaped from a private zoo. It's said to be one of the longest land treks by a mammal ever recorded. People just South of us keep reporting that they are seeing mountain lions, but the DEC poo poos them, saying that there aren't any here. Maybe this will make then think some more.

  17. That cub looks absolutely huggable! I know, I know, hands off!

    Good luck with the satellite connection. And I hope R is soon back to romping now...

  18. Technology is fabulous - except when it isn't! Good luck with the new setup!

    Always love the wildlife photos and videos! Your blog is better than National Geographic!

    Hope R's tummy bug is gone!

    The Road Dogs

  19. That IS one independent cub. I'm sorry R is having GI problems. I hope it's better now, and good luck with the satellite. Maybe it will do the trick. :)

  20. The post is really awesome snaps too, but i also have some thing to show dog lovers is dog in cute shoe


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