Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, August 26, 2011

Alpine hike

K and I had a glorious hike up high yesterday, reaching the thin air over 12,000'! Below the true tundra, the grass still glowed green and flowers bloomed. Alas, only a few bedraggled Columbines remained but the world still radiated beauty and peace.
Storm clouds circled us throughout the hike, creating magical light in which the grass beamed green and K glowed red.
Many crevices of the mountains held snow that doubtless will last until the first snow falls sometime in the next month.
K and I climbed up and up. This is one of the easiest routes to the Continental Divide.
As we crested the Pass, we paused, and I gazed down into the valley that we'd started from.
K looked happy but hot! The heat of the summer even reached the high altitude area where we hiked.
Up on the saddle, the arrival of fall was undeniable. Look at the autumn color of the low plants and grass.
One of the great parts of this hike is that it has amazing views of the surrounding mountain ranges and a lake for K to swim.
She romped with abandon!
It's a gorgeous lake that's still fed by snowfields nestled in the north-facing nooks of the mountain walls. We lingered for a long time by the lake, hiking around it and exploring its shores and scents.
I think that the lake was K's favorite part of the whole day!
On the way down, we stopped for a joint photo with angry storm clouds gathering behind us. I'm not hiding behind K - I'm whispering secrets in her ear!
Here's to more summer adventures before the snow flies! Our motto is "Carpe Diem"!


  1. Oh, it looks like K had so much fun. What a wonderful day for you both!

  2. K is feeling better? She certainly enjoyed her day with you.

    Mango Momma

  3. What a beautiful day captured in photo!!! The pups here love hearing that magical word SNOW.

  4. Hi Y'all!

    The mountain lake would have been my favorite part of the day! I could have gone swimmin' with K...no gators or algaes. :)

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  5. K's water drenched face is so familiar. Sophie being 1/2 chocolate lab has the same expression and H2O strings when charging out of the water. Now I'll just have to ask Sophie to ask K what those little secrets are...!

  6. While this page was loading, I was getting excited because I knew I was going to get to see you with K! But then it finally loaded, and your face is hidden! But it does look like you are whispering secrets in her ear. My husband was standing behind me, looking over my shoulder while I was waiting for all the images to load, and he, too, loved the pictures of K, especially all wet! He said she looks like she's having a ball!

  7. The same thing is happening with Mango. His foot was getting better but then today it swelled up again and now he has a slight fever. It has been a week since he stopped the antibiotics. He has a vet appointment for the AM. It is going to be a long night. He is drinking lots of water. Hopefully that will help.

  8. What a wonderful time you had today!!! K looks great and everything there looks so beautiful! We hope you all have a great weekend!!! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

  9. First let me tell you that we are ok and they have gotten most of the spill cleaned up so if it were to ignite now it wouldn't be a huge explosion just a big fire.

    Secondly, another great and beautiful post. My Vickie says she has only made it as high as the divide (in the San Juans) once in her life and that it is amazing to see your photos and remember.

    Thank you thank you. Your blog is one of our favorites....


  10. It is so amazing that you live in this paradise land!
    K looks so happy and frisky....
    I know your so happy to see that!
    The photos are spectacular!
    What a wonderful time you had...
    just wonderful

  11. Mountains, water, dog, greens, all just splendid and beautiful!

    You and K, what a friendship!


  12. What a spectacular day. Thanks, KB.

  13. What a beautiful spot. That path on the first pic, looks like it is teetering right on the edge of that hill. lol I love the look on K's face getting out of the lake!! Nothing like a lab in water!!

    Looks like you had a wonderful time. So glad you were able to get away and show us all about it.

  14. I love the magical light of the sun through gathering storm clouds. Your world is enchanted in so many ways. Carpe Diem, indeed!

  15. Carpe Diem . You can't get a much better motto than that .

  16. Absolutely GORGEOUS..especially K!

  17. Only a dog would venture into those cool waters. Beautiful photos and I enjoyed hiking with you.

  18. That's one of the great things about hiking.....gaining altitude to help beat the heat. Beautiful Hike.

  19. Hi KB, Loved your photos but I always do. K looked so exquisitely happy, especially after her swim. I so admire your strength and resilance at hiking and biking in spite of your back issues; you look like you are in great shape.
    The Farmer's Almanac says we will have a dry and mild winter here on the plains so I'm hoping you do too. Sept. is much too early for snow.
    Hugs, Noreen & Reggie-dog

  20. A perfect and fitting motto for a perfect day!! I hope today has been just as memorable!!

  21. Always love the beautiful scenery in your area.

  22. Kia ora KB,
    What an awesome tramp! Every time I return I am more amazed, and your photos have just filled me with an energy I so badly need right now, the spirit of the high mountains. I have not been able to blog or get online as much as I would like for a few reasons, but I hope and friends are all well and content as can be. Kia kaha e hoa.


  23. Carpe Diem is right! I really like that close-up "happy but hot" photo of K. What a sweet face!!


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