Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Going high

Thanks to all of you for your well wishes for K. The new antibiotic seems to be kicking in, and she's feeling better. We're still waiting on the bacteria culture results, which are critical to defeating these resistant bacteria that have now recurred at least 5 times.
Since K seems full of zip today, we're going for an easy hike up high. I'm hoping that we can spot at least a few Columbines still in bloom!
We appreciate your support so much!


  1. Yay for K! We will pray for her recovery. I know what you mean, our Chow keeps on getting eye infections and each time it is harder to get rid of.

  2. Guess I need to go back and read these in order so I know what's going on. Glad she is responding and hope she will be better soon. Lovely columbine! Not too many left!!!

  3. K is being thought about all over the world.

  4. Oh you made our day twice. Hearing K is feeling better and that beautiful pic of the white columbine. I have been waiting all summer for that shot.

    All white. wow...... Now I think My Vickie can rest a bit.

    She has been looking for an all white one all summer. We got pretty close but never quite all white.

    Heal Quickly K my friend.


  5. I missed your last post.....hope K is back on track soon! Why does she keep getting these infections? Does she have leptospirosis?

  6. Thanks for the pupdate - hope the meds slam that infection full force and knock it on its patootie for good. Enjoy your hike and best of luck with your search.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  7. We are having problems with our internet slowing way down in the evening, and I don't know if my comment on your post yesterday made it or not. But I will just say today that I do know how you're feeling in the journey you are taking with your girl K. Just know that we're all here and are sending good thoughts in your direction that the right medication is found, and that her 'feeling good' continues!!

  8. We are sending lots of prayers to K that she continue to get much better. Love the pictures!! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

  9. Fingers crossed here that this is the lucky time that finally beats the infection! The poor girl has had such a tough time.

    The SAR puppy is all my husband's! He's in charge of wearing the little hellion out. I think that Bunny will like the puppy at first and be willing to play, as long as the other dogs aren't involved. She really likes playing with dogs that are close to her size or a little smaller, but gets intimidated when they're bigger or pushier than she is. We go up to visit the breeder in a few weekends, but the litter he's hoping for isn't due until October, so I'm betting he'll be out playing with his puppy in the snow this winter.

  10. Hi K,

    My paws are crossed for you. I know your human and you are in my Humans prayers.

    Thanks for smiling for the camera today and sharing that beautiful flower.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  11. I'm so glad you both had a good day. Here's hoping the infection is bacterial and sensitive to the antibioti K is on.

    Gorgeous Comumbine.

  12. K we will send you good vibes every day
    Benny & Lily

  13. With K or with yourself...embrace the good days with gusto and on the not-so-great ones seize the day a little more gently. But in either case, breathe in life!

  14. That flower is beautiful, but I think that K is even more so.

  15. so glad that K is getting better. looks like you had a good time out and about.

  16. Olá... Lindo o blog e estou seguindo.
    Sou do BRASIL, a KIPPY, uma YORK e meu blog está em festa pela conquista de 100 amiguinhos, será um prazer ter voce lá e ser meu amigo (SEGUIDOR).
    Venha "comer bolo"... Está uma delícia.
    Te espero com alegria.
    Aus 1000 com amor do Brasil...


  17. KB
    You know that we always have K and R in our thoughts!
    We wish on the stars that the right med is found to kick the sickies out the door!
    Oh the colubine!!!!!!!!!!!!! beauty!


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