Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A new sow and cub on the berry slope

A bear visited a berry slope near my house recently. She was a beautiful reddish brown color. Her color was intensified by the sunrise light. Her fur color was like K's at sunrise (see the banner photo). If she turns out to be a regular in the area, I might name her KBear!
She walked past my remote camera, and headed toward a Buffalo berry bush.
The next photo shows how I know that the adult was a "she". Notice the brown furry appendage in front of the upper right corner of the next photo. Bears usually travel alone except when mating (and it's the wrong season for that) or when they have cubs. Cubs are notoriously curious so I'm betting that the bear's cub was checking out my camera.
The camera was jerked back and forth as the cub investigated. However, the cub never let the camera take a photo of him/her.

It's exciting. This tells us that we have a second sow with at least one cub in the area!!!

Before departing, the sow lingered in the far left of the camera view munching on buffalo berries.
Hours later, but on the same day, a doe arrived at the same scene. She looked scared and didn't stay long.
We're doing well during this busy time.
I hope that you are too!


  1. How long do bears usually live? Is a younger bear more likely to have a single cub, or twins? I wondered if there were any factors that made a difference. It doesn't really matter, they're all beautiful! I think KBear is a good name for her!

    And of course your pictures are as stunning as ever!

  2. Great pictures!!! I love the name KBear!!! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

  3. I always love your trail camera photographs. A lovely bear indeed. I wonder if the cub is the same gorgeous color.

    It's great to see R and K looking so good romping in the wildflowers. I'm glad to hear that all of you are doing well. It's a busy time for us too.

  4. KBear would be an awesome name for that rich-colored bear. Great to see K and R running and looking happy - almost looks like there is something running behind K in that photo.

    Love that last photo.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  5. Glad to see your headline! Great photos as always, and now a new bear.

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  6. I'm trying to appreciate the bears ;)
    Fascinating glimpses via the trail cameras..I really want one!

  7. The bear sure is a beauty! I her love color! I am glad to hear that all is well with you and the gang, I have missed your posts while I was gone:)

  8. The bear sure is a beauty! I her love color! I am glad to hear that all is well with you and the gang, I have missed your posts while I was gone:)

  9. That shot of the mom with the baby's arm barely in view is great.

    Trouble-makers, they are!

    Hoping to find some 'round here soon.

  10. wow beautiful bear but we prefer no visitors
    Benny & Lily

  11. Wowsers!!!!

    Boondocks and The Love Shack Pack

  12. Great shots. Hope mama'K' bear comes back with the cub, so we can get a glimpse of the cub :)

    Wyatt's Mom

  13. really good location, nice catch!!!

  14. I think the cub thought your camera was a new toy :).

  15. R is looking very dashing - literally !

  16. I just love the photo's you post!

  17. That sow certainly is a beautiful color. I hope she sticks around, and that you get a picture of her cub. It will be interesting to see if the cub is the same rich color.

    Love the zoom zoom picture, too.

  18. KBear's coat does look beautifully cinnamon! What a treat to be able to see the bears the way you do. I'm so glad you have your cameras up and functioning again after the theft a while back.

  19. We love when you transport us to your magical forest and share the secrets revealed to so few. Thanks.

    The bear sow is a beautiful color. Be well and at peace, all.

  20. Dito for us on the gorgeous photos-we always look forward to your adventures

  21. Oh my gosh,
    the color of that bear is just like K's.
    Beautiful photos!

  22. Bear sightings continue in our county but so far, none have been injured, which is good news!

    I'm glad you're doing well, and I hope you've had an enjoyable day!

  23. So glad to hear your doing well and keeping super busy...cheers as we head off for Cape Cod!

  24. Very cool photos of the bears! Hope you have a fantastic weekend!

  25. Isn't it interesting that a cub can check out your wildlife camera so closely, and still not be captured in a photo. Sneaky littly guy, or girl. Have a great weekend!


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