Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Of dogs and lilies

I can't decide which is more beautiful, the Mariposa Lilies or my dogs romping in the meadow. Regardless, the glory of summer is still in full swing! I hope that you're all enjoying it and that the heat has waned.


  1. Apples and oranges!! They're all beautiful. I love the ladybug pic!!

    Happy Weekend

  2. The flowers are nice, but paws down - the dogs have got it!!

    Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack

  3. The pups charging through the beautiful meadow and the lily with the lady bug just burst with the fullness and richness of life during this season! Both are an ode of joy!

  4. The lilies are lovely, especially the one with the ladybug in it. But, they can't hold a candle to those two beautiful dogs enjoying life.

  5. The lilies are indeed beautiful. And the little ladybug is lovely. But it's really all about the dogs, isn't it? So gorgeous running through the meadow. A sight to behold.

  6. Lovely macro shots, topped off beautifully by smiling dogs.

  7. I'm partial to those delighted, gorgeous dogs!

  8. Love the pictures!!!! They are beautiful!!! The last one is my favorite!! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

  9. Put me down for the dogs, too. They look so great charging along together!


  10. Just ahhhhhh! Lovely!
    We are enjoying summer too...stop by for some pix of our recent travels!

    Sweet hugs,
    Sierra Rose

  11. Great pictures . Dogs , lilies and ladybugs. Why bother choosing ?

  12. Incredible flowers! All wonderful photos :D Fun that you captured a lady bug inside one of the blooms! :)

    Waggin at ya,

  13. Great shots. You definitely have an abundance of blooms, and a pair of very happy, carefree pups!

  14. Those lily shots are just wonderful. And I love the dogs too, of course!!

    Great pictures!


  15. I can't decide which I think is more beautiful, either! K and R looking happy always warms my heart. It's good to see that things in your corner of the world are still as beautiful as ever! :)

  16. Glorious - a whole field of Mariposa! Some summers I have only seen one or two - this summer - many! The pups look as though they're enjoying life.

  17. I love what I see when I see K and R running and feeling good.
    It makes me happy inside.
    When I look at the flowers and hillsides,, I feel peace.
    They go hand in hand.

  18. Love the smiles on the LabraDuo as they race toward you.

  19. Found your blog through Tales and Tails, and I am so glad they mentioned you. What fantastic photos! Thanks for sharing.

  20. Oh goodness, that's an easy one! Your smiling, happy dogs are the most beautiful!
    Flowers are pretty, too, though...

  21. The mariposa are lovely, and then the ladybug zapped the breath right away from me, and I didn't think you could get any better, until I see those final two portraits of the dogs... just precious!

  22. We're trying to catch up on our blog reading and just stopped by to see how you were all doing. Glad to read K is improving so much. Hope R has the benign brindling gene. We didn't know Labs came in brindle, but it's always been mama's favorite color. So sorry your back is on the fritz again; hope it settles down. Gorgeous photos, as always. Enjoyed the wildlife adventures.

    Jed & Abby


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