Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


A peaceful day here in our neck of the woods... Sitting on this boulder with Duo, the world was silent except for the whooshing of the wind through the quaking aspen leaves and a few scattered chirps from meadow birds. We sat quietly in the peace just after a fiery sunset, staying completely still, and watched the world go to sleep. I love the quiet of dusk.
We wish our friend Lilac a Happy Sweet 16 Birthday. I wish that all of our dogs could live so long, so happily, and with such strong spirits.
And, we wish our friends who are going through difficult times strength and peace.


  1. now that is one beautiful post
    Benny & Lily

  2. I love the silhouette photos and your wishes for dogs and friends alike. Strength and peace sounds good.

  3. Like Maery, I also love your silhouette photos and in these the sky is so perfect.

    Wishes that days like this heal your back a little more, and keep the pups well too.


  4. Thank you! Lilac has had a great day, and we'll be celebrating for as long as she says we are! We have been so lucky to have her for so long, and having lost two at a much younger age, I think I appreciate her old age more than I would have otherwise. Every day is a gift!

    I love those pictures today! Really and truly breathtaking!

  5. Lovely photos and lovely sentiments!

  6. Peace . The single most beautiful word in the English language ?

  7. Those are remarkable photos, KB..
    May everyone find a little peace today

  8. I feel more peaceful just looking at those gorgeous photographs. Thanks

  9. We are a day late (again) but your post is still as beautiful and meaningful and loving as yesterday.

  10. Your words are so beautiful KB.
    Medicine for our souls and so many others.
    We wish your friend Lilac a Happy Birthday too.

  11. raise your arms over your head~~~~deep breath~~~~exhale~~~~drop your arms~~~~PEACE!

  12. Killer photos. Those should be motivational posters and greeting cards!

  13. You always get the best silhouette photos. I can sense the quiet and peace that you describe.


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