Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A sunset that set the world on fire

One evening recently, the Duo and I hiked out into a world that looked alien. As the sun set, it lit a bank of clouds over our heads on fire so that it glowed bright orange. Soon, a pinkish tint emerged to mix with the orange. The cloud bank reflected down onto our forests and meadows, rendering them purplish. Even the dogs themselves changed colors. Nature's shows are better than anything that I've ever seen in a theater.

Here's the evolution of that sunset. Near the start of our hike, the cloud bank emanated a pale orange but the world around us already looked alien. Even the Duo had changed tints.
The cloud bank grew deeper orange.
Then, pink started to infiltrate the orange as I looked to the east.
Black angry clouds hugged the Continental Divide with a ceiling of bright orange hovering overhead.
Finally, the sun sank far enough below the horizon that the brilliant colors faded to grey.
It was dusk and time to hurry home. As we walked in the trail to our house, we heard the distant yipping of coyotes, an enthralling sound like the ancient call of the wilderness. I recently captured a fat and healthy coyote on a trail camera near my house who I bet was part of the chorus that evening.
What an amazing world we live in!


  1. Hi Y'all,

    Natures wonders are truely something to be thankful for every day.

    Magnificent transition.

    Y'all come by now,
    BrownDog's Human

  2. Without you out there, snapping pictures, we would miss out on all this beauty.

    Thanks, KB!

    Jo and Stella

  3. What a beootiful sight to see in da furs. Even though da fotos are amazing I can't begin to think how beootiful it was to be there. :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  4. You always capture the absolute best of nature! I think a lot of it is because you have the gift of seeing beauty in everything. Have you thought about doing a calendar? K and R would make fantastic models!

  5. Wow - another phenomenal post! Your words are as exquisite as your photos. Wish we could enjoy your world in person but we are thrilled to have the chance to experience it here.

  6. We couldn't say it any better than OP Pack and Houndstooth.

    And just to add, the coyote picture is so good. Your wildlife camera really caught that perfectly.

    We agree, a calander is in order.


  7. That is a beautiful sunset alright
    Benny & Lily

  8. The colors are just beautiful, it changes the feeling of everything doesn't it?
    I love the picture of the duo!

  9. Hi KB
    We also notice in the evenings when colors change so fast. Every time I blink my eye.. the shades seem to change. Photos taken in those changing tones are magical, just as yours are.
    We notice the golden weeds growing on the hill sides sometimes change to pink.
    Your photos are beautiful.
    I spent some time tonight going back and looking at some of your photos from a few posts back.
    The close ups are amazing,,
    the drops of water on leaves, are just awsome. Butterfly wings, and stems on flowers... awwww!

  10. Hi there KB
    Sorry I've not been around much lately - it's been a bit hectic this end. However, you were my first point of call this morning - just had to visit again - and Im not disappointed. Was I ever? Your blog is as beautiful as ever!
    Those sunsets are spectacular. The funny thing is that we have those in Johannesburg city sometimes - usually when a storm is brewing and there is a particularly high amount of dust in the air....rows and rows of orange candyfloss...
    Thank you for a beautiful post. Love the coyote - and I hope the neck pains are holding up.
    Stay well and lotsaluv

  11. Those photos ar the best possible advert for mountain living .

  12. Love those freakish colored days when the whole world turns orange and pink.

    Beautiful world.

  13. We do live in an amazing world!


  14. Wonderful photographs! I love the coyote. We have one with only three legs and we see him surprisingly often. (He's pretty easy to identify!)

  15. Spectacular sunset! I'm so glad you got the dogs in the alien world, too. I love that time of day and the glow it casts upon the world.

    Excellent coyote shot!

  16. Just fabulous sunset photos, KB! The colors are amazing. Also, the wildlife camera caught a great still of the coyote!

  17. Mother Nature sure puts on a show!! The coyote shot looks so crisp. Nice!


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