Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, October 28, 2011


K and I rode out the door before sunrise this morning onto frozen trails and into the frigid air. I love this time of day, the dawning of a new day, full of promise and plans. The eastern horizon was pink and the forest was light but the sun hadn't peeked over the rocky ridge yet.
I kept K in a tight heel for the start of our snowbike ride. The wildlife love dawn as much as I do.

Soon, the sun appeared on the horizon, lighting the snow gold.
When K looked toward the sunrise, it was reflected in her eye. Can you see it?
K's chocolate fur lit up in that rich rusty hue that only sunrise and sunset can paint.
A wonderful moment. I never regret being outside for the dawn of a new day. The world feels so clean and new, like a freshly erased whiteboard waiting for a drawing.
K was full of energy and mischief. I've given her a break from her muzzle since it snowed. Unfortunately, based on her behavior, I think that she was digging dried old mushrooms out of the snow today. In small quantities, the mushrooms that the squirrels hide and K finds are no big deal. However, I think that the muzzle may return tomorrow.

In the photo below, I'd just called her away from a digging enterprise. The flick of her tongue gave her away. She flicks her tongue when she's nervous, like when I catch her digging up mushrooms.
Soon, the day became clear and bright. Some hoar frost had formed overnight on the few remaining leaves on the rose bushes. The world still glittered like yesterday.
Today, I knew that I had a long and difficult day ahead of me. What a joy to start it with a snowbike ride and K at sunrise!

The other night, we had two surprise visitors to our clearing in the woods. Here was the first one: Tiny the Black Bear. He had a coyote shadow throughout his long visit to our clearing. I'll tell you more about the fascinating interactions between the two of them in an upcoming post.


  1. Oh my the picture of K's eye is so striking. But I gotta say, it all looks beautiful but cold.

    I don't know why I am already feeling the cold this year as I have always loved the winter time.

    Maybe I am getting old...

    cant wait to hear about the bear and the coyote.

    Bert's My Vickie

  2. Wow, how wonderful it must be to greet the day with Mother Nature at her best. That gold glow on the snow is amazing. And those eyes on K - they don't even need the sunshine to be beautiful.

    Hope your day wasn't too bad and that tomorrow will be even better.

  3. Oh my...K's eye reflection is amazing...I just keep staring at it...very nice...and the hoar frost is outstanding...thanks for these.

  4. You would think that all the beautiful snow and its fun would keep our pups from looking for those 'treasures' underneath, but it never does, does it? :-)

  5. Ending my day here always makes me smile:)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  6. I see the glow in K's eyes!
    It is just amazing.
    Oh to meet your world first thing in the morning,,,, how awsome.
    Why isn't that bear hybrinating? Is it lost?
    Seem to me, that it should be curled up and sleeping through the winter.

  7. Thank you I needed to hear and see what you saw today. Life is such a blessing.

  8. There is something beautiful in a dogs eyes It's as if they see more than we can ever imagine .

  9. Hi KB, your photos are just wonderful. The photo with K's eye is magnificant. You certainly keep us spellbound. Thanks again for sharing. No worries, and love, Carol (and Stella and Rory)

  10. Hope these moments of beauty got you through the rest of your long day :-)

  11. I hope the rest of your day went alright after that beautiful sunrise! Did you use a macro lens to get that close to her eye? All the shots are beautiful, but that one and the hoar frost one really captivated me!

  12. Look at all of that snow! It's beautiful. So are your pictures, as usual. I am so curious to find out about the coyote and the bear.

  13. Oh K you have to cook mushrooms before you eat them. We see the sun in your eye ball. Cool
    Benny & Lily

  14. Hi Y'all,

    Hope y'all had a better day than anticipated and have a great weekend. What priceless photos you've posted.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  15. wow, snow already!
    I love your crystal leaf photo! and look forward to the bear and coyote story!

  16. While my world is no where near as spectacular as yours, momma and I often wake up (especially in winter) before everyone else and watch sunrise together. There is no more magical time of the day. It fills the soul and prepares you to face anything with hope in your heart and beauty filling your mind. It is wonderful that miles apart we are somehow connected as the sun makes its entrance.

  17. Beautiful picture of the sunrise in K's eye!

  18. It is a beautiful time of day

    Stop on by for a visit

  19. Kia ora KB,
    I always look forward to stopping in and seeing what is up in your backyard. I tried to get out to the mountains this past week but the weather and a few other things turned me back. It was if the mountains themselves were telling me my heart was not in the right place. Fortunately I have another 5 days coming up soon. Interesting in the moubntains I am always up long before dawn to enjoy those amazing colours and the hints of the emerging day to come, and the fresh thoughts and emotions inside us in those early moments of a new day. Not always the case for me out here. Hope all is well e hoa. Kia kaha.

  20. Such beautiful photos, with the sun illuminating the snow, and K's beautiful starry eye just makes me melt! I look forward to learning more about the bear and coyote. Happy Halloween!!

  21. Love those ice crystals! I kind of lick my lips when I've done something naughty, too - don't tell Bob! Enjoy your white world. I hope you're feeling well.

  22. Wow! I can't believe the snow! I got up early Saturday to catch the sunrise and walk the dogs. The sunrise wasn't very spectacular but the river was putting up fog and it was eerily beautiful. We saw quite a few deer too.

  23. I, too, am loving those ice crystals. Incredible shot! You're doing some wonderful things with that macro, like the sunrise reflecting in K's eyes. Another winner! I love the color of the snow when the sun first hits it in the morning.


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