Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

No regrets

My blog and all my Google privileges were "disabled" today. The problem seems to be fixed but I'd suggest that all of us remember to change our passwords frequently so no one hijacks our accounts.

Today in my backyard...
As I rode my snowbike with K by my side this morning, the fresh snow glittered all around me. I felt like I was riding through the tunnel of life. I wanted to reach out and grasp each glitter, to keep time suspended right at that instant. But, if I stopped moving, the glittering stopped.
Life is that way too. I'd love to grab time and hold it still, to stop life from hurtling by at warp speed. Alas, it's not possible. Each instant is precious. It arrives and then it's gone. Did I live that one instant of my life to the fullest? As my legs churned in circles today with my chocolate K cantering along side me, I pondered how to live a vibrant life with no regrets. There are no do-overs when it comes to the one wild and precious life that we're given.


  1. yep, you can keep all that snow thank you very much

    Stop on by for a visit

  2. You just walk...or ride...or run, eyes wide open, breathe as deeply as your lungs will let you and don't look back. Oh, and always remember that where you are and what you are doing at the exact moment is what is meant to be...so celebrate it! thanks for the reminder.

  3. SO, so beautiful in your part of the world!

  4. Disabled ? Hijacked accounts ? The unexpected dangers that lurk in bloglan !

  5. Hi Everybuddy, sorry to hear about your Google problems. Your photos more than make up for it (for us anyway). All that snow just makes us want to jump through the screen and feel what it is like. We are enjoying every minute of your blog and photos. Thanks heaps. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  6. So true! We are supposed to get a little snow here in the north east tomorrow (I'm in Baltimore) so I am a bit excited about that. Ok - I am ALOT excited abut that - and so is Indy Bones. That lab completely utterly adores the snow.
    Let's all live our lives in the moment - and count each day, each sunrise and sunset as a special gift.

  7. I love your snow pictures, even though I'm not ready for it here yet!

    I completely agree with you about living a vibrant life in the moment. It's why all dogs are guaranteed an entrance to Heaven!

  8. That is horrible that your account got hijacked! That happened to my Twitter account a few months ago.

    Your snow pictures are getting me excited for winter!! Hope you are keeping those fingers warm:)

  9. Glad the disabled problem was fixed. Now that is snow! Beautiful
    Benny & Lily

  10. That was a very potent message. Thank you. I'm sorry you apparently got hacked; happened to me, too, while we were attending my brother-in-law's funeral last year. Not the most fun thing in the world to come home to any time, but after something traumatic... I'm glad you're back up and running.

    That photo of K with sparkling snow speaks volumes!

  11. Hi Y'all,

    I'm so sorry you were hijacked. You have no idea how happy we were to find your blog back where it belonged!

    We can never remind ourselves too often that we have but this moment in time...it is all that we are promised...

    Enjoy your winter wonderland and all its magic.

    BrownDog's Human

  12. Well said! We need to keep that in mind when we worry needlessly about so many things. I do love your snow...as long as you don't send it this way.

  13. What a wonderful title and post. We definitely struggle with regrets - trying not to have them. It's a tough lesson, but SO IMPORTANT.

    Thanks for your emails and coyote advice yesterday!

  14. We hear you loud and clear and pretty much follow these suggestions every day....the snow is so pristine and clean...now to go and change my PW's!!!Thanks!

  15. Hi KB
    We are so thankful your bloggie is back! Now we are taking the time to look at your awsome world.. and read your words.
    Oh how we feel like you- to be able to capture moments and make time stand still. If only,, it was possible.,, we would do it.
    But because that gift has not been given to us,, we try to remember to live each moment- like there is no tomorrow.
    These photos are so gorgeous.,, the crystals , and the beautiful snow looks so peaceful. We would love to be there,,, soaking in that very moment with you.
    K- look at the eyes,,, gosh,,, how gorgeous
    nitey nite

  16. You're a very wise young woman, KB. I don't think that any of us grabs every moment, and lives it to the fullest, but you seem to do much better than most.

  17. Excellent reminders regarding passwords, and especially of life. It really moves faster than any of us would like, and there are NO dress rehearsals. Happy trails to you and K! I have a feeling that you all make the most of every day!!b

  18. I'm familiar with that feeling. Time goes way too fast. Gorgeous photos!


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