Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Wildlife and Winter's Onslaught

Long-Nosed Leopard Lizard in the Colorado Desert

Red Fox in my backyard

Curious Coyote in my backyard

Agile Coyote in my backyard

Big Bull Elk in my backyard

Doe and male fawn with antler "buttons" in my backyard

Yesterday in my backyard

Today in my backyard

Today in my backyard

Superbike, Fatty, comes out of hibernation in my backyard

My Backyard


  1. Yuppers, you got more than me! And that sunset photo of K is spectacular. But you know I'm lovin' the lizard the best. :D

  2. HI KB, You go from heat to snow! Love that Lizard pic, but my favorite is K wearing a snow beard. We got about 8" and still falling.

  3. WOW!! Animals on parade!! I love the Lizard, too. And of course beautiful K with snow beard!!

  4. My daughter-in-law is in Denver on business. She is not at all happy with your snow.

  5. Hi Y'all,

    Oh the magic and the majesty of it all!

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  6. Your backyard is a wonderland!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  7. WOW!! What happened to Fall? I saw on a report on the snow in Denver on this morning's Early Show, and thought of you guys. Welcome to your new wonderland. It's pretty!!

  8. Oh man, that looks so cold. I don't think that my Vickie is ready for that kind of snow and ice.

    I of course can handle anything, so BRING IT ON.


  9. Great photos as always - I'm really digging the one of the lizard!

  10. I wondered why my feet are all wet, my pack is crying at my feet at the sight of that snow:)

    What a beautiful winter wonderland you have !!!

  11. I love the pic of your backyard, except for the last four!! BOL!! Well, at least the white stuff, K of course is always beautiful. :)

  12. what a difference a day makes.....
    Benny & Lily
    Pee S It is around the time of my Gotcha Day as a matter of fact. But I only celebrate my birthday in May

  13. Love that little fox! Do they get along with the coyotes or are they prey for the coyotes?

    That snow looks absolutely beautiful!

    Your pal, Pip

  14. Hi Everybuddy, what an absolutely fabulous backyard. We have to show our big brother your photo of the lizard. That is very beautiful. Thanks for sharing. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  15. Makes us miss living in AK

    Stop on by for a visit

  16. Oh my gosh! Take me back to yesterday in your back yard, please!

    K looks lovely in the snow and without it!

  17. A scene we are not quite ready for yet, but spectacular nonetheless!

  18. W2hat a difference a day makes !

  19. The lizard doesn't look too pleased to be getting it's pic taken. NICE elk.

  20. Holy cow, I just love your backyard!! Unbelievable wildlife there...


  21. To quote a cliche...'what a difference a day makes!' ;) Heard you had a snow storm coming your way. Boy did you! Beautiful :)

    Waggin at ya,

  22. Whoa! Your first snows are really SNOW! How beautiful, though.

  23. Wowee..I've not seen backyard photos like that before. GREAT to find and visit your blog. Really interesting for us guys faraway in the South of France.

  24. I have thought so much about you as I've seen the news reports--Amazing how quickly the weather changes, but I know that's not unusual when you're living at your elevation. I hope all is well as you welcomed your first snow!!

  25. So, it's finally there...still it is beautiful!! Hope you've made your snow angels! Enjoy the white stuff!

  26. The photos of K with the snow flakes on her is beautiful.
    K always looks like she enjoys the snow,,, but then she always looks like she enjoys everything,,,, after all ,.,, it is her world too.
    Your winter wonderland is beautiful.
    We love the photos of the fox and coyotes. Your world has so much wildlife. We always wonder about our wild life. (but we did find some bear poop)

  27. I notice that fox is always around where the bunnys live!
    I hope the bunnys moved.


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