Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday: Eight years with K

Then, she grew up...

Well, not really...


  1. Oh, her eyes have always been absolutely stunning! What an adorable puppy she was. I am so glad that the two of you found each other! I can't imagine K being anywhere besides with you. :) Hubby wants to know if she has a lot of ball drive. :P

  2. If you didn't hear the 'squeeee' from Pennsylvania, did you hear it from Virginia?? K's eyes have always been so captivating with so much depth, haven't they?

  3. You might think you're hearing an echo, but it's just another SQUEEEE from California!!

  4. Wonderful photos of Then and Now. I can't help wondering what the 8 year celebration day cake looks like.

    Mogley G. Retriever

  5. Couldn't miss a chance to send very special wishes to K on her special day!!!

    Another squeee headed your way.

  6. Those are and always will be the most beautiful eyes we have ever seen. I think it is because there is so much soul in them.

    What charming pictures, but I gotta say, her face in the last photo is the best.


  7. Happee 8 years with K. She is a beauty
    Benny & Lily

  8. Here is a sqeeeeeeeeeeeee from Oregon K, because you are the cutest little chocolate puppy we ever did see! Look at those eyes!
    Oh K- you are just as adorable now, in fact you are soooo beautiful.
    We love you K- Happy 8 years K!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I love his tantalizing eyes, he so cute on his photos!

    Dog Fence | It's all About Pet Fences

  11. Ohhhh...this brought a HUGE smile to my face!!! She is so beautiful!!
    and I just am in love with that last picture!!
    Happy 8 years to K!! She is a blessing!!

  12. OMD! What a doll K was! Talk about melting your heart! And the beat goes on...

  13. I don't think you have ever done a post more filled with love and preciousness!

  14. What incredibly sweet pictures of your precious one...I just had to stop by and smile.
    Sending lotsaluv

  15. the puppy pics are absolutely gorgeous! and she has turned into an equally gorgeous adult!
    have been checking in.....love all your posts...as always!

  16. Oh my goodness! That last photo! Gotta love a lab, right? They are just so goofy.

    Mango Momma

  17. Eight years and I bet it seems like three weeks . What fun.

  18. Happy Happy 8 years to K and to you!

    Fotos of her always make us smile, and yes you heard another SQUEE from my mom too. ;)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

    PeeS Max says thanks fur stoppin' by to meet him!

  19. What a great post! Wonderful photographs of the gorgeous K.

  20. And I'm glad she didn't... cute like brownie...

    happy barkday

  21. And I'm glad she didn't... cute like brownie...

    happy barkday

  22. Doggys never grow up really...given a chance to be silly they charge into it with full speed ahead...lovely photos KB...chocolate velvet silk!!

  23. Kia ora KB,
    Lovely! What an amazing friend you have. Kia kaha to you both, to you all.

  24. Those photos are just gorgeous. We know what fun choc labs can be. Our daughter has one and he is delightful. No worries, and love, Carol (and Stella and Rory)

  25. Hi Y'all,

    Such beautiful pictures...exceptionally cute puppy!

    My Human says we only have two ages...young and old. She says we are active and young and into mischief and then suddenly we are old...and she's never figured out where the time goes and how it happened.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  26. Happy 8 year anniversary with K!!! What a special day! The photos are so sweet - what a gorgeous face as a baby and now! Here's to a lifetime more of special moments for you and K! (And we look forward to seeing your pics of it all!) Happy day, K!

  27. Squeeeeeee from down south! I love the puppy pictures; K looks so serious.

    Congrats to both of you. Eight years is a long time!

    Thanks for ALL the wonderful pics you take! :-)


  28. Oh, my gosh! You have to make a movie of your photos of K through the years! These photos are the most heartwarming thing I've seen in a long, long time! And the puppy photos... a side of K I didn't know!!! Awwwwwwwwwwww!

    only you (and The Lizard) will appreciate my word verification tonight: sidi!!!

  29. Sqeeeeee from Seattle! K's eyes are so striking against the chocolate brown. Did they change color over the years or is that just the lighting?

    Happy Tails and Trails!

  30. Oh my gosh, what an adorable pup she was!!! That third photo is amazing! Love the last one in the post too. Bless her silly heart!

  31. Happy Belated Birthday K!!!

    Being young at heart is the BEST way to be :)

    Lots of Luv & Kisses
    Addie, Lucie and Hailey

  32. That last photo is absolutely priceless. What a catch.


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