Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, November 17, 2011


It's becoming our morning tradition. K and I sprint up the hill to see the sunrise. Some days it's glorious, like a rain of fire from the sky. Regardless of the sky show, I'm happy to be out on the trails with my K.
Below was a surreal morning. A wild wind blew off the mountains, and a swirl of clouds hovered to our east. The sun barely shined through, creating a ghostly appearance to our familiar world.
After sunrise, I often pedal toward the forests where K and I enjoy wending through the trees. Recently, fallen trees have converted the trails to obstacle courses. Moreover, the wonderful local hikers and bikers who usually clear the trails probably won't be out on them again until springtime. So, I've been stopping at each one to contemplate what I can do about it without hurting my spine. During one pause for pondering, K decided to wow me by leaping the fallen tree. She seemed to say "See - just jump it like I do!". What an athlete she is.
I used to get angry and upset about the wind. It can be relentless around here in the winter. Feeling it batter me while I try to pedal forward could frustrate me to the point of spewing angry words out loud. Somewhere along the way, I developed a more philosophical view of the wind. It's not worth getting angry at it - it's part of nature and can't be stopped.

Here's a short clip of video (9 seconds) from a ridge where I rode today. I literally couldn't ride my bike or even stand still because the wind buffeted me with such force. The camera wobbling is despite me trying my best to hold it still. Be sure to turn the audio on so that you can hear the fierce gusts.

In the evenings, just after sunset, the wind often takes a short rest and the world seems peaceful again. There is no way that I would be able to convince K to stand on this boulder if the wind were howling.
And the skies look brooding, planning their next aerial assault.
I am thankful to experience the wild fury of nature and the peaceful lulls, day in and day out, from my perch in the Rocky Mountains.

I may take a short break from blogging so please don't worry if this blog is quiet. Just in case, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.


  1. Wow that video sounded COLD....

    Please don't stay away too long, we miss you already.

    If we don't hear from you before, then let us wish you a Happy THanksgiving now.

    Much Love

  2. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    -Bart, Ruby and me.

  3. Oh gosh what a beautiful photo of K leaping over the log! She truly is an athlete, and nothing will keep her down!
    We know what you mean about the wind- there is no sense in fighting it,, all we can do is brace, hold on, and go with the flow and hope it does not knock us down.
    Thank you for always sharing Mother Earths furys ---that she displays in your world.
    We are wishing your family a wonderful Thanksgiving too,,, many blessings to you in your world.


  4. Wow, that was really amazing! I love your place it's very captivating and wonderful place to have!

    It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence

  5. IF we don't hear from you, have a terrific Thanksgiving. I know we are planning some quiet time with the pups here at Chez Herd.

  6. It takes a true spirit to press through the wind.

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

    And remember to just jump like K!!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving if I don't see you! I hope your break leaves you feeling refreshed and perhaps more at peace. I love all those shades of lavender around K in that twilight shot.

  8. Hi Everybuddy, wow we will miss your photos but enjoy your break. We all need them at times that's for sure. Take care and stay safe. See ya buddies. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  9. Thanks for alerting us to your blog break so we don't worry. Hope it is a good break and that you enjoy your time off.

    Mango Momma

  10. I, too, would get frustrated with the wind screaming along a ridge..
    I haven't yet reached the stage of accepting ;)

    Those photos of K are just wonderful!

  11. Such beautiful country - wind and all! It must feel so good to be alive there. Amazing. And I love that photo of K on the ridge - gorgeous!

  12. Sampson and Delilah often jump over trees in much the same way. It always marvels me the ease in which they do it.

    Those are some gorgeous pics you have there, I especially love the one with K all dark against the sky.

  13. Looks like I have missed a few of your blogs! Wishing you a happy holiday too, whatever you do.

    K as a puppy! Aw, what a heart breaker she was. I would tromp miles through the snow to hold a puppy again and smell that sweet breath!

    I agree with you about the contest entry. That is a great photo of K up high and the picture from below.

    Cheers and hugs all around,

    JO, Stella, and Zkhat

  14. From sunrise to sunset - great photos, KB! Lottsa wind in Breckenridge, too. Makes for some chilly wind-chill when outside. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. Happy Thanksgiving to you, to the runner, to K, and to R. Enjoy your break!

  16. Great shots of K! I used to be fairly discouraged by the wind, too. After last year's Ride the Rockies, I realized ferocious wind does make riding harder, but it also makes us stronger to be out in it. So although there are days when I just can't summon the strength or will to battle the wind, I know I can. And I do. I'm glad it doesn't bring you as far down, now, too!

  17. Hi Y'all,

    Beautiful photos...magical as usual.
    We hope your Thanksgiving is a blessed one filled with love and the closeness of family, both two and four legged.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  18. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you too. Enjoy your time away, we will sure miss you.

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  19. That is some wind!! We have lots of windy days here, and many of them would be much more bearable, especially in the winter, without the wind. Happy Thanksgiving to you too. I can't believe the holidays are here!

  20. K's ears are in sync during the leap over the downed trees...lovely. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours and await your return!

  21. The wind can be something frustrating at times (especially when the temperature is very cold) but I admit I love it. There's something magical about it, really. In Maine we experienced strong winds during the big Noreaster storms, but here in TX, the winds blow almost constantly. Small breezes and enormous gusts like yours.

  22. Beautiful photos, I love the silhouette.

  23. Sending love from our world,,,
    to you in your world.

  24. Just stopping by to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.

    Your pal, Pip

  25. Just want you all to know how special you are to us and how VERY grateful we are that you have chosen to share your stories, photos and lives with us...all of it. Your friendship and genuineness are treasured.

    May your Thanksgiving Day be bountifully filled with laughter, friendship, warm memories,and love. The White Dog Army.

  26. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! :D

    Waggin at ya,

  27. WE just wanted to come by and tell you....WE MISS YOU

    Bert and My Vickie


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