Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

My inspirations

I've been needing more inspiration than usual lately due to some unexpected bumps in the curvy trail of life. I realized how much I turn to nature's beauty for inspiration. This is one of my favorite photos from this past autumn. It's a view that I see every day but the clouds, new snow, and leaves made it especially striking about a month ago.
More recently, just as a storm was fading, the sun set over snowy and mystical mountains.
On a recent evening, K stood under a shining moon at dusk. The beauty and peacefulness of the scene touched me.
I find amazing inspiration from animals who defy the odds. This buck walked past my wildlife camera last night, and he took a defiant posture. I admire him for his courage in the midst of hunting season.
The young buck above also has to worry about this hulking buck who walked nearby since the deer rut is beginning. The huge buck has defied the odds for many years.
Defying the odds is a theme for me. I love seeing the animals who manage to do it.



    As for defying the odds, you do it well -

    And inspire the rest of us more than you'll know!

  2. What Khyra said from me too.

    I am not handling the pain I have in my arm very well, but I keep thinking about all you have been through and how you just keep going. Hope the bumps get smoothed out soon.

  3. Me, too, KB! I think you have made us all feel stronger and braver than what we were!

    Blessings, my girl . . .

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  4. You have the most amazing photos on your blog. Just love them!

  5. You are right, that first picture is so inspiring. And your life to many of us is clearly inspiring.

    Hope things are a bit less painful today and tomorro and every day to come.

    We love you and your amazing spirit.

    Bert and My Vickie

  6. We're here in your corner no matter what... Oh, and the pictures are nice, too!

  7. All of your pictures inspire me, and I can well imagine that seeing those views firsthand must really lift your spirits. I hope that everything works out for you and that the bumps in the road soon settle down!

  8. I love that Autumn photo. It looks so peaceful there. Truly inspirational.

  9. Hi KB, your photos inspire us to look at the beauty surrounding us that we sometimes don't have time to notice. We don't know what your bumps in life are but we hope they are smoothed out for you soon. No worries (especially for you) and love, Carol (and Stella and Rory)

  10. The autumn photo that you captured is speaking in so many ways.
    You are one with Mother Earth and she is speaking through you. You finding strength in her beauty is your proof of listening. You will not be alone as you climb over the obstacles and bumps that you are encountering. All of us will be beside you as you rise up and soar.
    Mother Earth will lead you.
    The photo of K is like magic.
    You are also one with her. She is an example of courage.

  11. KB,
    Whatever it is...hang in there!
    You are so right - nature provides amazing inspiration; the understanding that there are greater powers in control and that we can access those greater powers too.
    Sending lotsaluv to you and your pooches.
    Your photos are beautiful!

  12. That photo is very, very nice. I love the contrast between the yellows of the trees and the grey/blues of the mountain and the sky. The partial framing of the tree on the right and the left frame everything.

    Excellent work!


  13. Oh WOW! Wonderful photos! Our fave has got to be K's. Just perfect!

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie

  14. What photos. Odds are there to be defied .

  15. we all go through those moments...but we deal with it one treat at a time.
    Benny & Lily

  16. I can totally relate. I get more inspiration from Wildlife and animals. My dog always reminds me to face life with enthusiasm and courage. The times the weather hits extremes, my mind goes to the owls,hawks, eagles and wildlife that I so admire, and I think " No complaints, they adjust, I can adjust ". Makes life easier for me. I like your inspirations ! It reminded me of my own.

  17. Hi Y'all,

    It makes my Human very sad when she sees a huge old buck that has fallen to a hunters weapon.

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  18. Defying the odds... I am hoping your back is okay and that you're not facing the spectre of yet another surgery. But like you, I take courage and inspiration from the mountains and the critters inhabiting them.


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