Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Tracking a bear

I'm heading out to track a bear who passed my wildlife camera this morning, going in the direction of many boulder outcroppings that surely have great dens among them.

This might be Tiny. He didn't stop and smile for the camera.
He seemed like a bear on a mission.
Very few things inspire me like following the tracks of my favorite animal - the bear!
Since we are many hours behind him and don't plan to get anywhere near the actual bear, K will join me!
I hope that you're having a fun Sunday!


  1. You love bear like My Vickie loves Moose. Only I do beleive your critter is much more dangerous than hers.

    Please be careful.

    Can;t wait to see what youy find.


  2. My pups used to track bears when we were living in AK

    Stop on by for a visit

  3. What some people will do for fun!!! :-)) I would tell you to 'be safe' but I know you will be--Good luck!!!

  4. Nice!

    Get your plaster-of-paris and make some casts!!!

  5. Not as much fun as you are having!

  6. Hooray for tracking the bear. I saw a black bear last night crossing the highway near our neighborhood. What a sight!

  7. it has been a very dull day here as i struggle to figure what i can do and what i cant do. typing is obviously a challenge:( please be careful out there and stay safe - we will all be anxiously awaiting a report on how it all went.

    Woos~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning and Mom

  8. Hi Y'all!

    Can't wait to hear what you find! Great den sites I hope!

    The bear at our farm just travels through and hasn't been by for more than a week.

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  9. so cool. You are a bear tracker....cool
    Benny & Lily

  10. What a perfect way to spend Sunday! Looked like a lovely day....

  11. I keep thinking of the children's book I read at school, "We're Going On A Bear Hunt" as I read this! I hope you and K had a good time and found what you were looking for. It was too miserable here to go out and do anything, so we took Christmas card photos today.

  12. My Sunday fun did not include trackin' a bear! Be very careful while you is doin' dat...'kay?

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  13. Oh your journey sounds exciting!
    The tracks of the bear in the snow were beautiful.
    He did look like he was in a hurry.
    I wonder if you found him? Guess we wait for tomorrow to find out

  14. Hi Everybuddy, just be careful ok? We love your photos but just be careful. No worries (especially for you) and love, Stella and Rory

  15. Have fun tracking the bear! I can't wait to read what you may discover:)

  16. You know we are going to want DETAILS about whether you found Tiny or not. Maybe when he comes to your house he has been following YOUR tracks! lol

    Cheers and hugs all around,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  17. Happy hunting! It's good to see K wearing her blaze orange. :)


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