Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The day before...

Tomorrow is the big day. Today, I needed some time with my K, off by ourselves in the beautiful mountains. So, we cheated and walked a bit further than our vet told us was okay (but I kept K on leash, as instructed). I decided to cheat because I knew that it might be K's last hike as a four-legged dog. We went up to our sunrise/sunset viewpoint and sat on our favorite lichen-covered boulder with views to the east and west.

I admired her beautiful and strong legs.
On our hike home, we stopped and hugged under a sliver of a moon. I promised her that the Runner and I would do our very best tomorrow to choose the treatment that would give her the best quality of life. I think that she understood.
We'll keep you posted on what happens tomorrow. I'm sorry that I haven't been visiting blogs very much. I've been too preoccupied, doing my homework before K's appointments and probable surgery tomorrow.


  1. You and K have been on our mind all week. We know you and the Runner will make the best call for K. Hugs to you and lots of good thoughts for things to go well.

  2. I could look into K's face all day long, MOM can too.
    I know it is a scary and uncertain time for you both. But know that there are many of us who are pulling for you, praying for you, sending healing and comforting hugs. Whatever the outcome you are in our prayers and thoughts.
    MOM took me on a long walk tonight and she talked to me about K and how worried you are. We stop and sat on a rock and silly as it may sound to some, she held my paws and we prayed and prayed. Please give Miss K a hug for me and one for you too.

  3. Our paws are crossed and we are sending you wisdom and strength to make the best decision for your beautiful girl. I'm glad you enjoyed today.

  4. Sending love and hope for tomorrow's visit, KB. I'm glad you cheated a little bit. You both deserved that time alone together in the woods you love so much.
    Sue and the crew

  5. I appreciate your posts in such a difficult time and will be thinking about all of you tomorrow. K is lucky to have two such caring and strong people in her life.

  6. We will be thinking of you tomorrow, and keeping K in our prayers, and you.


  7. Thinking of you all and sending lots of love from us in New Zealand.

  8. I'm sure you'll be able to make the best decision tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you all. I'm glad you and K got out together today.

  9. All of you will be in ours thoughts...

    We have no doubts you will do the furry best for K!

    Khyra and Phyll

  10. Don't worry a whit about visiting! I understand and I'd be doing the very same thing. The blogs will all still be there tomorrow and the day after that. K is beautiful, and not just because she has four perfect legs. She's beautiful because of what she possesses inside, and because of what she brings out in you. Your spirits resonate together and make beautiful music!

  11. Nothing but the best thoughts to you and K for her procedure tomorrow. I think she will be an excellent tripawd who wonders why the rest of the dogs all have one extra leg!

    Sunshade and Jaffa sending LOTS of AireZEN to K!!

    Our best,
    Elaine, Sunshade & Jaffa

  12. Holding you close...

    Janelle, Maggie Mae and Max

  13. Listen to your heart KB. K understands more than you think, her heart will tell your heart what to do.

    WE will be trying our hardest to send you both strenght, hope and peace.

    Bert and My Vickie

  14. Thinking of you and paws crossed. Please keep us posted
    Dachshund Nola

  15. sending all good vibes and thinking of you tomorrow
    Benny & Lily

  16. we will pray for you K..and I know that God will strengthen You :D

    It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence

  17. We are praying for you and sweet K. We know that you will do what is best for her!


  18. My Thoughts are with you and K for tomorrow. I have been thinking about you two a lot. You are 2 strong beings and I know that you both will come through this even stronger.

  19. And I know too that you will do the very best for K.
    That moment you and K shared under the crescent moon was special. That crescent moon is reaching the many miles to our world, and we are going outside right now to wish on that crescent moon and the stars- the very best wishes for K.
    love tweedles

  20. Pushed away from the computer just now and stepped outside: it's a clear night with Orion blazing to the south, and like Tweedles I wished on all those bright stars, "Love and the very best for K." You are in our thoughts --


  21. I think all your readers and I understand your time is better served doing what you are doing. We need you to put everything you have into you and K. We're fine. And we'll be waiting to hear how it goes tomorrow. On our knees and with bowed heads.

  22. You will be in our hearts and prayers tomorrow too! (and tonight and as long as you need them!)

  23. Dog owners all over the world know what you're going through . K's trust and your strength will make it a good day .

  24. Good luck K. We will be thinking of you tomorrow.

  25. Crossing fingers and thinking of you tomorrow. Love EM

  26. We know that K is in the best hands possible. We are with you in spirit.

  27. I am thinking of you this morning, and wanted to let you know that. I know you both will have the strength and courage for the day ahead.

  28. Good luck today. You and beautiful K will be close to my heart all day long.

    Mango Momma

  29. I am glad you had some special time together and I know she understood! All the best. Sending you lots of love and support today.

    Kristin & Pip

  30. KB and K,

    We understand why you aren't visiting. Lesser upsets have interrupted our visitations.

    We only care about you and K. You're family is in our prayers.

    BrownDog's Human

  31. I just heard from the OP pack, we have been gone for a bit. I am so sorry yall are going through this. We will keep our paws crossed and you are in my prayers, im sending hugs to yall. I pray everything will be ok.

  32. Don't you worry your sweet self bouts visiting blogs...we totally understand. You needs to take dis time to spend withs K.
    Just please knows dat we is thinking of ya'll today.
    And I knows K knows you will do whatevers you can.


  33. I just read about this on facebook. (I haven't been able to keep up with blogs lately.) I'm so sorry to hear about K. It sounds like you've done a lot of research. Whatever happens, K knows how much you love her.
    Thinking of you all,
    Kathleen and Cloud

  34. We got our paws crossed for you K! Stay strong for each other.

    Sending you all the best thoughts, KB.

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

  35. Hoping for the very best.

    The Heartbeats

  36. Sending positive, healing thoughts to K, and big hug of support for YOU!

  37. We're keeping all 36 paws at our house crossed that everything will turn out OK.

  38. So much love, so much mojo for you both.

  39. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you today.
    Healing bubbles are floating in the sky to K!

  40. Beautiful K, you are in my heart as we await news

    KB and The Runner, no dog could be more loved and protected

  41. Our paws are crossed and we are sending lots of prayers your way.

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  42. Paws crossed here. We are wishing you and k every strength and wellness. Lots a love from all of us at wild dingo.

  43. Thinking of you today. Be strong, sweet K.

  44. We came over from our friends The Rottover's. We are thinking of you and sending lots of pawsative thoughts!
    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  45. I am praying for you guys!

  46. We are all here for you and K. We know you will what is best for K.

    Paws Crossed for you and your family.

  47. I must have been sleeping behind a rock, because I just heard about this today :-( I don't even know what to say, but we're sending positive thoughts and prayers to you. We know you'll make the best decision for beautiful K.
    -Corbin & momma Jenn

  48. Hi KB, you are in our thoughts and we will be thinking of you especially today. Love to all. Love Carol (and Stella and Rory)

  49. I came over from Houndstooth's blog, Tales and Tails. Just want you to know I will be thinking of you all and praying for the very best outcome.

  50. K you are a beautiful Lady Lab,
    Mom and I came over from The Chronicle of Woos to tell you that you and your human are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  51. Our thoughts are with you today.

    Sam and Pippen

  52. We read about you on the OP Pack's blog and wanted to stop by to say we're purring, praying and wagging for sweet K.

    The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

  53. Best wishes from New Hampshire.

  54. Stopping over from Rottrover.
    I'm sending out healing and caring thoughts to you right...now!
    My puppy has traveled a long road too.
    Your Friend, m.(mark)

  55. So sorry to hear about K. Keeping you and K in our thoughts and prays.

  56. Been praying for you guys. All paws crossed hoping for the best for K.

    Lots of Luv & Kisses
    Addie, Lucie and Hailey

  57. Thinking of you and hoping the day at CSU is winding down with the best possible results. Sending lots of love to K and peace and comfort to you, KB.

    Bear, Pee Wee and Heather

  58. Don't ever apologize for not reading our posts...you life has turned upside down and you are doing the best that you can do...once again massive hugs and one wet nose!

  59. Rottrover sent us over to send good vibes and karma. So, here We are. What a beautiful post and a fine day you had. Here's wishing you more fine days. Relish every one.

    Roo, Stuart

  60. Lots of love and warmth to K and those beautiful paws.

  61. our friends Bart & Ruby ( Rottrover ) told us about you and we wanted to offer our moral support. it's so difficult to make those kinds of decisions, but ultimately, we have to do what's best for our 'kids'. best of luck to you. we will keep you in our thoughts.


    from the 5Bs and our human

  62. Just come from Bart and Ruby's blog, hope that all went ok, paws are crossed for you this side of the pond
    George and Tess xxx

  63. We're 'rooting' for you on the east coast of Canada!


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