Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


This will be a very short update because I am exhausted and shattered after this day. Today, the oncologist did a biopsy that showed that the tumor in K's ulna (a forelimb bone) is osteosarcoma. Tomorrow, she'll have more tests to see if it has spread beyond her ulna. If it has not spread, we will get cutting-edge treatment for her with the hope of extending her life. That treatment will probably *not* involve a total limb amputation but rather the removal of the ulna or high dose targeted radiation to kill the tumor. Chemotherapy will follow.

We will only pursue aggressive treatment if the scans tomorrow show that the cancer is confined to the primary tumor in her limb bone. Otherwise, we'll just keep her comfortable for as long as we can.

We love our K and will do whatever we can to gain more time with her. Many many thanks to all of you for your support and compassion. Now, I need to collapse into a heap on K's dog bed with her.
Life is much too short.


  1. Thanks for taking some of your energies and sharing this news with us -

    The paws will khross more tightly now -

  2. We have no words, but our hearts are filled with love and comfort for you and K. One day at a time, and may there be many days to come.

  3. Thank you, KB, for coming on here and taking the time to update us after your harrowing day. Please know that you and K are in my thoughts and have been all day.


  4. I have been thinking of K all day long and find myself very grateful for your willingness to let us know what has happened.

    Blessings on you, K and your family. Prayers for K continue.

  5. We are continuing to send warm, positive thoughts your way. Paws and fingers crossed for the best.

    Hugs to you and your babies,

  6. I've been thinking about you all day, too, wondering how it went, how K is doing and how you are holding up. Hang in there. You have so many positive thoughts and well wishes coming your way from across the globe.

  7. Thanks for update. Have been on pins and needles all day wondering. Hopefully you and K can feel all the support from blogland.

  8. You are too kind to share this update with all of us following your blog after the emotionally and physically draining day you've had. K will remain in our thoughts and hearts as will you, R and the Runner. We will be hoping and praying that you hear good news tomorrow that the cancer has not spread. K is a young, healthy girl so I have every reason to think she has the strength and support to fight this.

    Bear, PeeWee and Heather

  9. We are still praying for you all. Praying for your continued strength and for healing.

    Hugs to you all.

  10. We are thinking of you and sending lots of love to you and K.

  11. Bless you for thaking the time to let us all know about the appointment.
    We will continue to keep you in our thoughts and we send hugs to you and K.


  12. Dear KB
    You are so exhaugsted and understandably so.
    We have had K and all of you in our thoughts every moment of this day.
    Thank you for letting us know how the visit went, and of course we keep sending more and more love and healing thoughts.
    We care so much- we are all your family.

  13. Get some rest my friend.
    I really don't know what more to say....and that is unusual for me.

    Bert's My Vickie

  14. So sad to read all this and thinking of you all. We know you will do the best you can to a wonderful companion.

  15. I support you in any and all decisions you make for K....I just want you to know this, as you navigate through these difficult decisions. I know you have done your homework and communicate well with your team on K's case.
    Thank you for taking the time to update! I have been thinking about you and K a lot, and sending positive thoughts your way......I'm curious about the procedure, as you might imagine :).
    I pray for the best outcome for beautiful K.

  16. You have many readers and friends pulling for you. We hope K makes many more wonderful journeys into the woods with you.

    Mogley G. Retriever

  17. Know that our heart aches for you, but that K totally trusts that you will do the right thing every step of the way. If there is anything - anything - we can do, reach out.

  18. Get some rest. We are sending lots of love and support your way.

    Your pal, Pip

  19. I have been checking for an update periodically throughout the day, thinking you'd be too wiped out for that, but wondering what the news was. And I'll continue to keep wondering and hoping that you and K have much more time and memories in store for you.

  20. I've been watching all day for the update. I'm so sorry that it's osteo, and that it couldn't turn out to be something else. I have my fingers tightly crossed that you'll get news tomorrow that you'll have more time left with her than less.

    No matter what happens, K has led a remarkable life with you that any dog would be lucky to have. Regardless of the quantity of her life, the quality has been the very best. I'll be hoping that you get a lot more of both!

    If there's anything at all that I can do, please let me know!

  21. Get some rest dear friend. Our hearts are filled with love, strength and comfort for you and K.
    Gooses MOM

  22. We are praying still.... Much love to the both of you!

  23. Thanks for the update. I'm glad your able to get more info. Good luck tomorrow. Hugs to you and K.

  24. Rest easy, good blogger buddy. Rest easy.

  25. I am so sorry it's cancer, but now we can keep praying that it's localized and can be treated. Our prayers are still with you.

  26. We continue to cross our paws and pray for K.

    Wyatt's pack

  27. Sending hugs and love your way. We will keep K in our prayers.


  28. Sending so many hopeful thoughts and love to you, k, and the whole family-desperately hoping for a chance for more time so that you can spoil your girl and continue to have as many adventures together as possible!
    Lots of love,
    Sue and the crew

  29. BIG hugs to you both. Give K an extra snuggle from us.

    Lots of Luv & Kisses
    Addie, Lucie and Hailey

  30. I have been thinking of you and K today. Sending hugs your way and hope that you can get some much needed rest.

  31. You have to be exhausted...we are sending love and healing energy and want you to know you are in our thoughts and prayers...

    Khyra sent us....


    Scruffy, Lacie and Stanny

  32. Power of the Paw, and prayers coming your way.

  33. all our feets are crossed for you and K.
    Benny & Lily

  34. We love you! And K! Paws crossed for you, now get some rest
    Dachshund Nola

  35. Feel with your heart what words cannot convey; we send tears and love and understanding and hope and prayers.

  36. Dear KB,
    My thoughts and prayers will remain with you as you and your special Vet choose the best option for K.
    We love you!...sending special cyber (((Hugs)))
    With love,

  37. Mom Beaglebratz here-
    I am sorry to hear this news but I do thank you for taking the time to share. Sending healing thoughts and prayers to both you and K.

  38. We're so very sorry to hear this. We've been thinking of you and K. all day and praying that the news would be anything other than this. You continue to be in our thoughts.

  39. Sending our prayers for comfort and strength for K and for you. Everything will be fine. Stay Strong!

    It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence

  40. Sending love -- you are in our thoughts.


  41. Whatever may lie ahead for K, and for you, please know our prayers are with you each step of the way.

  42. Thanks for the update, I will continue to hold K in my thoughts and prayers. Remember that any decision you make for her that is made with all the love in your heart will be the right decision.

  43. You and K both remain in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you for the update!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  44. Sophie and I were hugging yesterday and we were thinking about you and K...please know we are sending what good vibes we can muster. Yes, you are so right..Life IS too short!

  45. We are also praying for the best outcome and for you both to have continued strength.

  46. I am so sorry about what I had to read in these few latest posts! This time must be so hard for you. Just take in every second with K and spoil her as much as you can. She is such a beautiful lab! I know there will be some hard decicions to make now but be sure you make them for her and not for you! Watching your pictures up to Dec 22. you seemd to live in the perfect spot of the world but then everything crashes down… I will be with you and follow your updates closely! Hope you have all the strength you need. And for that last decision we have to make for our beloved dogs, always remember it is a way to stop them from suffering.
    For now I hope it can be done with removing the ulna, but even with three legs left there still can be some fun in a doggies life!
    Hugs from Germany,
    Tina and her gang of four

  47. Love and prayers surround all of you.

    Janelle, Maggie Mae and Max

  48. Poor K - she doesn't realize what might be happening (I'm just looking at that bottom photo)... Awww.

    I have seen many dogs with amputated front legs and they don't appear too concerned and carry on as best they can. Hopefully it won't come to that, but if it does, she will still be able to enjoy life as before....

    Hopefully, of course, it is all in the tumour....

    Good luck and hugs!


  49. Heard on the CB that your K is sick. Sending lots of Purrs and Prayers your way. We do hope you get some good news on test results.

    jude,poo,babybella,piper & marley

  50. The waiting must be awful, but it sounds like K is feeling OK and I am sure she appreciates all the love and closeness with you.

    Mango Momma

  51. We're still purring,wagging and praying. We hope the report shows the cancer has not spread and that K will be able to get treatment.

    The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

  52. We are so sorry. We know exactly what you are going through as our Lily was diagnosed in August. We opted for the amputation to the shoulder even though it would be difficult for larger full chested dog to lose a front leg.

    She has just finished her 5th and last chemo, been e-rayed and ultrasounded and so far.....is clear.

    It hasn't been easy but she gets around pretty good and is happy.

    We hope to celebrate her 10th birthday on Jan 26th.

    Good luck to you and K. We will keep you in our thoughts.

    Fabric, Food and Fido

  53. We are purring hard for your beloved K and hope there is good news for your sweet girl. We are two cats who heard about her on the Cats Blogosphere and had to come over and wish her (and you)well for the coming days. We will think of you.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  54. We just heard about K from Khyra's blog. We are sending healing drool and keeping our paws crossed for her. We know how CANCER sucks with our fur-babies. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

  55. Lots of prayers sent your way.Such sad news,but keep positive.I have 2 dogs a Westie and Border Collie the collie will be 14 next month.I actually feel so sad everday to see him and know one day soon he will leave my side.God Bless!

  56. All of us here send out best hugs and wishes for the best possible outcome. Love to all of you!

  57. I once read that while God might not always grant our prayer requests, He loves to send "freebies". Thing like joy, peace of heart and mind, and wisdom. I hope He give these to you in great quantites!

    My heart is breaking for you.


    PS: Life is much too short.

  58. My fingers are crossed for you, and I'm sending giant hugs your way.

  59. Hang in there, KB. You will make the best decisions for K and we're all here to support you as you move forward together. Paws crossed here for an isolated tumor and four legs good for romping.

  60. So much love and good wishes to you both. Hug K for me, if that's ok.

  61. Heartbreaking news. We'll send positive thoughts and healing energy your way.

  62. Dropped back to check on you and K and to leave a word of support. Can imagine your exhaustion. Am hopeful for the best news possible!

  63. You are in our thoughts and hearts. K knows you will do what is best for her cause she knows you love her. Love Carol (and Stella and Rory)

  64. Take it easy, KB! Stay strong K! We got you both in our thoughts and prayers.

    We'll take it a day at a time with you. Crossed paws from the Piappies and all furry friends who love you a lot!

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie

  65. Sending you wirey love and support -- and hopes that the tumor is confined. Hugs to K!!

    Jake and Just Harry -- and Joan

  66. Keeping my fingers crossed. Good luck!

  67. You are right, life is much much too short! You and K have such a strong bond; only you can know what is right for her. We are all here to support your decisions and hope for the best possible outcome.

  68. All day, every day, you, K and your family are never far from my heart
    You and K are my heroes, always

    Bibi and my dog, Brady

  69. Our paws are crossed for K and we surround you all with our love.

    Jed & Abby

  70. You have shared so much of your daily lives and thoughts with us in your blog, and the folks here in "blogland" appreciate it! I also am honored that you have chosen "us" to go through these difficult times with you and your family. Keeping us up to date must be difficult, but it is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    Prayers, big hugs, paws crossed and thinking of your whole family during these days.

    "Love That Girl"!!(A song in my head that I think of whenever I see K - I just can't get it out of my head!)

    Sandra and Baylor

  71. I'm sorry to be meeting under such sad circumstances but I can't imagine what you must be going thru. I'm stroking the brown head sacked out here beside me and hoping to never have to face the decisions you are facing right now with K. Any day less than forever is way too short for a furry friend and companion.

    Best wishes for a successful treatment.
    Chester's mom

  72. We have our pawscrossed here for K. Sending lot sof pawsative thoughts.
    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  73. You are in our thoughts and prayers...hugs to you and your family.

  74. A little late but we are hoping for the best prognosis that will allow you to extend K's life.


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