Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A calendar of K photos

At the end of 2011, before K's cancer diagnosis, I made a calendar of my favorite 2011 photos of her. I thought that I'd share them with you. I've included a short story about where the photo was taken and why it was significant to me. The photos are not necessarily my best photos, purely in terms of their artistic features. Rather, they're the photos that mean the most to me for sentimental reasons.

This was the cover photo. I took it on a warm and gorgeous autumn day when I knew that we were all about as happy as we could be.

January, 2012: I took this photo last January near the end of K's convalescence from having a toe amputated. We'd gone on a long snowy hike, following the paw tracks of a mother mountain lion and her kitten. After we left their tracks to head home, K rolled joyfully in the snow.

February, 2012: I chose a photo that I took of the Duo during an evening hike last February. The sun was setting and a bare aspen grove stood behind them.

March, 2012: I made this photo at sunset in a canyon near Moab. I love how K's fur and the red rocks go together. I also love the memory of a wonderful warm week in the canyons of Utah.

April, 2012: I chose a sunset photo from April of last year in "our backyard". K and R had been romping on a hillside in the evening. I caught this photo of K happily prancing through the golden grass in the sunset light.

May, 2012: I chose a photo from our spring trip to the San Rafael Swell in Utah. We spent an evening on the rim of the Little Grand Canyon, watching the sunset play out over the deep canyon. K looked beautiful in the evening light.

June, 2012: I chose a photo of K galloping through a meadow near Marshall Pass in Colorado, with Golden Banner flowers blooming all around her. K was recovering from a kidney infection, regaining her strength as we spent our mornings wandering through wildflowers during a long vacation in the high mountains of Colorado.

July, 2012. K romped through a meadow near our house with purple flowers all around her. Ah, I love the memories of the happy and healthy days of Summer!

August, 2012. I chose a photo from a glorious hike that K and I took up high in the mountains near our home. The photo was taken at about 13,000' looking down over a string of emerald alpine lakes.

September, 2012. I chose a photo from K's 8th Birthday hike to Dog Leap Lake. Ah, what a wonderful hike our whole pack had that day! The two dogs romped and frolicked in the clear mountain lakes.

October, 2012. I chose a photo that highlighted one of my favorite sights - K's golden eyes and the golden leaves of aspen trees surrounding her. This photo was taken in "our backyard".

November, 2012. I chose a photo from our November, 2011 trip to the land of red rock canyons. We went to Dead Horse Point State Park so that I could photograph a spectacular sunset. The red rays from the setting sun set K's fur ablaze!

December, 2012. Traditionally, K and I try to be out at a vista point for gorgeous December sunrises. I chose a photo from a sunrise snowbike ride. Little did I know that it might have been one of our last bike rides together. Wonderful memories.

In retrospect, my favorite photo of the year is one that wasn't included in my "K Calendar". I titled it "The Power of the Paw". At the time that I made the photo (early December), I had no idea how much we'd need and appreciate the Power of the Paw in a few short weeks.
I'm so happy to have this calendar hanging on my wall!


  1. I think your choices are perfect. Did you make up the calander? Does it hang on your walls.

    How beautiful.

    K's action shots are the best of all. The eyes....always the eyes....

  2. Yes, Bert, I did have the calendar printed, and it's hanging on my wall!!!! I love gazing at it every day.

  3. Wowzers, K is a calendar girl too! I would like her calendar to hang on my wall.
    All the photos are just lovely.
    MOM went to Moab once (without me!) to hike and white water rafting. I guess it was ok I was not there, I'm not sure I would like the raft part.

  4. Beautiful as always! I agree with Bert that she has the most beautiful eyes.


  5. What a beautiful calendar!! I don't know how you could pick favorites with so many amazing pictures that you've taken. But I know after the year is over, the calendar will become a treasure, just as K is!!

  6. Beautiful photos! What a wonderful calendar that would be!

    Sam and Pippen

  7. Hi Y'all,

    Oh so special and beautiful. I am so thankful to know y'all. Thank y'all for sharing the warmth and smiles from the radiant K.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  8. Beautiful pictures! What a special calendar you have.

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  9. I bet that calendar will be hanging on your wall for years to come!
    Such beautiful pictures of K!

  10. Perfect choices! My favorites are May and October
    Dachshund Nola

  11. I think your calendar and the sentiments behind each photograph are beautiful. K is lucky to be so loved. I shall keep her in my prayers.

  12. incredible photos that unlock so many memories and moments lived in the now and joyous celebrations of life! We hope that every single day you are inspired by what you captured in those 13 photos.

  13. It's a gorgeous calendar! And my all time favorite K picture is in it -- the one in front of the Aspen leaves! :)

  14. As your words described how you felt about each photo-we shared the feelings with you. Some of the photos seem so familiar- I guess we just felt like we were there romping with all of you.
    I agree with Kim- that it would be impossible to pick out favorites.
    But these photos that you did choose- have feeling and memories that live in your heart.
    Thank you for sharing this with us.
    We love you all

  15. Can't get over the starburst look of K's irises; it's really magical. Those are all special photos of wonderful memories and we're glad you have so many.

    Jed & Abby

  16. Here's to the ' Power of the Paw '.

  17. What a special calendar. She has a good life
    Benny & Lily

  18. K is so beautiful and we love the photo moments you have captured of her.

    Nina, Myshka, Sasha, Betsy, Lucy, Phoebe and Lily

  19. What a beautiful calendar, K! We got our paws crossed for you ans we say a special prayer for you every night.

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

  20. What a beautiful calendar! It's impossible for us to choose just one favorite picture - they're all magnificent!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  21. They are all gorgeous, but I love January and April!! And of course the power of the paw!

  22. Absolutely stunning shots. Such a very special calendar!

    The power of the paw!

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  23. They are all lovely, but I think my favorite is April. Her fur looks like velvet in that light.

    Your pal, Pip

  24. Love this! I did this very same thing in 2007 (for calendar year2008) with our previous chocolate lab Buster. I just had a feeling inside and decided to surprise my husband with 12 carefully selected photos of Buster. We had to have him put down 12/4/2008 - I am so glad I did that calendar now. The pages are laminated so we will have them forever. How wonderful that you will have this calendar to cherish for years to come :)

  25. Not your best photos??? Seriously?? We can't think of one photo you have ever posted that we wouldn't classify as "best". Great choices for each month, so hard to pick a favorite. We do love May because it seems to exude the strength we see in K. And of course, December is awesome - we all hope the power of the paw is hard at work for both of you. All paws here crossed for sure.

  26. What a beautiful array of shots. One thing I noticed...K always looks at things with such intensity and her eys...wow, like I said befres, you can see her soul....I just said 2 things didn't I?
    Make no mistake, we is always heres to gives you da power of da paw.

    PS: I do likes my blankies straight from da dryer...all 87 of 'em:)

  27. Oh My Goodness, she is a beautiful, proud girl!
    I just want to bury my nose in her lovely fur and inhale the sweet aroma of dog!!!
    Thank you, as always!

  28. All beautiful, but I think the one at Dead Horse Rock is absolutely stunning!! Her fur against the red rock is just breathtaking!!

  29. Superb photography - but then again, how could it be bad with such gorgeous model(s) and their perfect playground?

    I'm sure your calendar will be treasured long after the year is over.

    Chester's Mom ;0-)

  30. All beautiful photos... my mom makes a Corbin calednar every year too... such a niec thing to have!

  31. What an awesome calendar! Love your choices. Fun to remember some of those trips by seeing the red rocks and subalpine lake! Oh, and wildflowers!

    This is one of the cheeriest things I've seen today. I hope it has infused you with the joy you've spread to all of us...

  32. All so beautiful! April, June, July... oh, I can't possibly pick a favourite; and such a good idea too.

  33. A calendar of memories. All photos of K seem to show her spirit and her spunk.

  34. Gorgeous! I especially love that you selected photographs that really meant a lot to you in ways more than framing, etc. I love every single one of them.

  35. These shots are beautiful...I would agree, the shot of the paw is my favorite as well. :) Hugs and love to both you and your girl!!

  36. I love them all, but especially the one with the yellow flowers and at the lake. Oh, and in Moab. ;o)

  37. I love July and August the best. Her August face is just perfect!

    Its a wonderful idea to have this calendar for this year, I can see how you will love it forever.


  38. Your photos are so wonderful. K holds her sunlight very well.

    I am so glad that you have these photos and memories.

  39. Awesome shots for a calendar!

  40. Spectacular choices...for some reason Sept just leaped out at me...colours...vista...the 2 dogs love it there...I just love it...thanks!

  41. An absolutely lovely collection of photos - I loved reading the story behind each one.

  42. Oh what a beautiful calendar - such spectacular pictures of a gorgeous K. The color of her coat and the photo of her at Dead Horse Point Park in the setting sun, Utah, is just amazing! You have a wonderful history of rides and hikes and fun with K!
    Sammie, Avalon and Mom

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