Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Thankful Saturday

I want to pause to say thank you all of you who have been so supportive over this past month. We are grateful.


  1. Hi Y'all,

    Oh K you are so beautiful!

    Hawk aka BrownDog

  2. That is what furiends is for. :) We luvs you guys!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  3. Yep, Maggie Mae speaks for all of us. K has such a penetrating gaze.

    Paws still crossed.

    Jed & Abby

  4. Ah yes, Maggie Mae is so right, it IS what friends do.

  5. I think we all realize how much shorter our canine companions' lives are compared to ours, and know that we'll all feel that heartache at some point. I think it's partly because we all put our hearts out there when we choose to share the journey with a dog, and we all know it will be us at some point one day. K is beautiful!

  6. Words seem to be the one thing we can do right now, and send them with love, care, hope, faith, and doing this we let you know how much we care for you and K, sharing your journey, and hoping in this small way we help. Fondest from Jean.

  7. Maggie Mae is right on.
    To answer you question: YES I do like snow. I'm glad we are getting a bunch. But MOM right now is not so sure. It is coming so fast since we got hme from out walk with Bert and Murphy she has shoveled 4 times. Right now she is not liking it so much. But I stand out there and ceer her on.

  8. We agree "that's what friends are for".
    We thank you- for allowing us to walk along side of you.
    We love you all so much.

  9. We are thinking of you mom and K
    Benny & Lily

  10. I know exactly what you are feeling. I am grateful for you too--You've always left such kind, caring and supportive thoughts on my blog that I have so appreciated and meant so much to receive.

    Take care and enjoy your weekend!

  11. Not everyone understands what it means to be a "dog person". Except on this blog list, where everyone DOES know exactly what it means. Thats why it is so homey and comfortable here. You can say all the things you want to say about your dogs (pets) and you can almost always feel the heads go nodding up and down in affirmation.
    We are with you, you are with us.
    And it feels good!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  12. Grateful . The best start to a Sunday any dog owner could have

  13. We are with you...here from Sweden.
    Now we´ve got snow! About 10 cm fell last night. The puppies Vilja and Trym love to play around in it. Pics will come. Have a nice SUnday!!

  14. Following you and Angus is a priveilege - and your journeys make me appreciate and treasure my own dogs even more. THinking f you as you travel through some difficult times.

  15. We should be thanking you, for helping us take the time to remember what is most important in life...
    Hugs and bellyrubs to all (you choose),

  16. Woof! Woof! Lots of Golden LOVE. LOVE the photo ... Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  17. We are all there for each other and that is what makes the dog blogging community so awesome. I sincerely appreciate the support both for Sarge's Downtown Dogwalk and for all of the support when we lost Kodiak.

  18. And thank you for being so supportive on our blog.
    What a gorgeous picture of you, K!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  19. We echo the others.. that's what friends are for!
    What another stunning shot of K. She is so gorgeous.
    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  20. I can see the reflection in K's eye! Thinking of you guys...

  21. You and your family are special to us and many others...love from the east!

  22. I wish we had met under better circumstances but I am glad that we can be an encouragement to you. Your pictures and words inspire us also.

    Chester's Mom ♥

  23. I agree with those above. That's what friends are for. And that's what friends will keep being for.


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