Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

A gift

From my first moments of wakefulness this morning, I knew that K was bouncing back. We headed out for a hike in the fresh fluffy snow and intense sunshine, and she sparkled with happiness. Look at those happy eyes!
Yesterday, she trudged along next to me. Today, she explored and even ran a little bit.
She dug for treasures hidden under the snow.
It was a good day in our new journey. That's the best gift that I can imagine.


  1. I'm so happy for you! It's so nice to see K full of sparkle and exploration! She really looks happy! Great pics!!

  2. Hi Y'all,

    What a wonderful day in K's world!

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  3. I am once again in tears, this time HAPPY tears for you both. K looks stunning in these photos. Our dogs are soooo resilient. After my Gracie was attacked by 3 pit bulls a couple years ago I thought it would be weeks before she was up to a walk or ride in the car. To my complete amazement, it took only a couple days and she was back (not at full throttle) but she was back. I think it was part of her healing---get up and get going, and to be with her mum. You are the best medicine for K and she for you!! Blessings my friend, blessings. :)

  4. A gift indeed!!! What a wonderful update-this made my heart smile! Monster hugs to all!

  5. Sounds like K knew you needed her to have a good day! We are so happy for you and for her.

    And yes, it feels good to be able to say Thunder and Lightning together:)

  6. I'm so glad you were able to have a good day together today! The pictures of K in the snow are beautiful.

  7. Every day will get better! We think of you every morning!


  8. I'm so glad you had such a great beginning! K certainly does look radiant in her happiness. I'm grinning like mad reading your post today!

  9. SUPER...K is a fighter...for that matter dogs are fighters...they live for the moment and I'm so happy...over the top for you now!!

  10. I say yippeee! I love to see a dog digging in the snow, snooter down and getting all the scents they can find.

    Cheers and hugs all around,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  11. She is one tough girl - wow! She looks gorgeous and also so happy - don't blame her at all! And of course, you sound so happy as well - so glad to read this post!
    Sammie, Avalon and Miche

  12. Kia ora KB,
    Wow! I have been away from the blogs for awhile and have just been spending some time catching up with your and K's recent journey. What an awesome community you have here to send thought and strength, and all I can add right now is please include mine as well. Kia kaha e hoa.

  13. Oh such happiness in your words and such beauty and life in her eyes. Love the last picture. Action in action.

  14. So wonderful! What a great feeling for you and her. :-)

  15. A gift for me, too, to see the photos of her happy romping. Lovely that dog's don't worry, just allow their lives to unfold.

  16. What a beautiful gift. I'm smilin' ear to ear (and I've got long ears.) :)

  17. Wishing you many more good days.

    The fresh snow looked so nice. My two dogs only get to dig in sand and dirt!

  18. You really touch our hearts, and yes indeed that was gift that you will treasure in your entire life, and gift from God is really precious :)

    It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence

  19. YAAAAY K!!!

    BIG hugs and kisses
    Addie, Lucie and Hailey

  20. Go K Go!!! There is nothing like fresh snowfall to bring out the happy puppy in a dog! She looks great! So happy for you both.

  21. K looks so happy! She looks beautiful with the snow on her nose! Its so good to see her enjoying her day! It makes us happy!

  22. That is such wonderful news!
    She looks beautiful!

  23. A joyous "Journey On" dear friends! We celebrate the blessing of today.

  24. Came to your post at the same moment as tyhe following CS Lewis line was being broadcast on BBC Radio 3 - "Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see ". Well done K.

  25. That's what we love to hear. So glad you had a wonderful day. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  26. So pleased to read you both had a good day. What a wonderful sight to see K digging in the snow!
    Gorgeous photos of her. K's eyes are so beautiful.
    Sending pawsative thoughts
    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  27. We are so happy that K is rebounding. Hope her strength and energy will return more every day. Does she have more treatments to come? When? We're keeping our paws crossed for her. And we know she is treasuring every day, just as you are.

    Jed & Abby

  28. We are so happy that the two of you had a great day!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  29. This morning I'm raising my cup of juice to many more of these wonderful gifts!! ~Cheers!!~ :-))

  30. So glad K did some exploring today! Her eyes are georgous no matter what......and they always will be :):) Have a great day!

  31. YaY fur good days! K looks beOOtiful!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  32. And I bet that digging made you laugh, along with the vision of the snowy nose. Yes, a very good day. Enjoying it along with you.

  33. my favorite is the snow on he nose sho. she is just so beautiful. glad she is feeling better

  34. I'm so happy to hear that K is feeling much, much better. Great stuff.


  35. Just caught up on all this with K...I'm so sorry you're going through this with her, but I'm so glad you have each other.

  36. Hello,
    I have a question about your blog. Please email me!

  37. See? dog's are soooooo much wiser than humans. No time to waste on feelin' down. they really are zen. perfect in every way.

    Now about that R... does this mean what I think it means? that you are entering the cracker category? OMD... I think he's VERY well qualified. just sayin....

  38. Woof! Woof! Happy New Year! We are back from our longggg Holiday break.

    Is sure is ... everyday, a new day is a gift. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

    Finally did the blog move to WprdPress...Visit my new (WP) blog: www.sugarthegoldenretriever.com
    In order to follow my blog, subscribe to my blog feed (details on my blog) and add my url to your blog reader. Lots of Golden Thanks

  39. That bandana is great. What a nice thing for them to pass out to patients. I'm glad a good day of rest paid off in her energy level. I've been meaning to ask. Is that lump we see on her front leg the tumor, or is that just a hematoma from all the needle sticks?

  40. So glad you had such a great day!

    Hope you have more!


    Mr. Nubbin'

  41. Nice to see K so well. The pictures of her are very nice.

  42. beautiful images, beautiful words.....so happy.

  43. WooofHOOOOOOOOOO! This makes me HAPPY! You go, K!!

    Chester ;0=)

  44. Here's hoping you will have many more good days in your journey.

  45. Beautiful pics. It was a great day indeed and may there be many, many more on that beautiful horizon for all!

  46. Christmas comes late for you! Great way to spread the joy of the season out over the worst part of winter! This truly is a wonderful gift, for you and for us who enjoy your romping and rolling!


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