Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Keeping a steady course

K and I are bowing down in thanks that she's feeling so good. I'm spending our hikes trying to slow her down because she feels so good.
So far, it feels as if we made a good decision to treat K's cancer. She is relatively young, and she's incredibly fit from running along side my mountain bike every day for most of her life. At least partly thanks to her strength, she's handling the treatment well so far.

This morning, during our morning hike, we met R and the Runner, who were cross-country skiing on our trail network. R was a whirling dervish of energy, as usual.
K started to join him in romping but I asked her to stop (and she complied - I've been letting her be off-leash because she listens when I ask her to slow down).
After a glorious hike with K, I headed out for my usual bike ride on my fat-tired snow bike. Snowbiking has helped me keep my sanity recently. It feels like a form of meditation as I focus my energy on pedaling and staying upright in the snow. There's little room left in my brain to worry about K's osteosarcoma or about my ongoing medical appointments concerning my lung nodules and enlarged lymph nodes. It hasn't been a relaxing phase of life but snowbiking has helped me keep a steady course.
K and I ended our day with a short stroll to see the sunset. As we watched dusk fall, I felt so grateful for this day with K.
I'm also grateful for the incredible support that you all have shown us. It makes a huge difference.


  1. Stay strong and paws crossed
    Dachshund Nola

  2. OMG! That last picture of K is incredible! Thank goodness you and K both have a way to release your emotions. I can't imagine how overwhelmed you must feel about everything at times, most of the time. Thankfully both you and K have are of strong body, mind and spirit. Our thoughts are with you. So nice to see K enjoying herself! Love the single track in the snow, too. Life is definitely a journey.

  3. So glad to see K looking so happy and strong-dogs are amazing and are so inspiring! And so happy you are enjoying your rides in the woods-mr smrp built his own rotundcycle and he loves it! I hope the lung appointments are going well and that K continues to enjoy every day to the fullest! Big hug your way from all of us!

  4. I agree with bassetmomma - the track in the snow, the steady course. Sending strength.

  5. Every day is a new journey, and as you travel together, the beautiful moments, like the last photo, will uplift you both. Strong spirits, and strength will be with you all the way. K looks so well and happy, may that continue always.Fondest from Jean in NZ

  6. K looks as fantastic as ever! I definitely think she's enjoying life and happy to be free of the vet clinic. You surprise me every day with more beautiful photos! I love that devilment that surrounds R, too!

  7. Your thoughts reminded me of something I said to my congergation a couple of weeks ago about living by the calendar and not the clock.

    "Leisure, from the Latin, means "to be free." Leisure is anything that restores you to peace while you are doing it." So, romping with K can restore you to peace as you do it. Another cousin of leisure is the word "paragon." This little-used word means "the second thing that we do in life that keeps the first thing in tune." Hence, your work and worry may draw energy from you, and you have then a "paragon," a leisure thing you do in order to restore you.
    It maes me smile to see you and K enjoying your leisure and each other. Always in our thoughts and prayers.
    Gooses MOM

  8. Sounds like K is enjoying every minute with you and your hikes. Paws crossed and sending lots of good vibes
    Benny & Lily

  9. Sometimes I feel like I am just repeating myself and that I comment too much on your blog, but dang it all, I love the blog.

    Todays post was beautiful as usual. I loved it that you and K came across R and Runner while out on your walk.

    and of course the last picture is sooo K and sooo you.

  10. What a beautiful day and moments that you have all shared today.
    R looks like he is having the time of his life!
    And K looks like she is just feeling so happy- that is what life is about- being happy and feeling good, and enjoying the moments - right? We cheer you both on everyday-!Stay upright on your journeys!

  11. Every step of this journey of embracing the moment is a precious gift to all of us. There are no words to thank you for sharing with us. Hope and love.

  12. Such a gorgeous and obedient girl - K is just amazing and so seemingly resilient! Brava! Now...may you stay well too! Peace to you all!
    Xoxo Sammie and Avalon

  13. K - Keep on rockin'and rollin'.

  14. You have more snow than we. We usually have more. She will recover very good with your hikes in a slow way. Last picture is so nice!!

  15. We love the last picture best. It's so gorgeous!
    Paws remain crossed!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  16. K is doing what she loves and that is what is most important.

    Mango Momma

  17. continued strength to you both.....

  18. Your words make us smile. So good to hear how K is responding to treatment - she is such a strong girl. Just like her human. We continue to keep you both in our thoughts and prayers.

    And that last pic - WOW!!!

  19. Amen...you put your thoughts and feelings so beautifully into words. The last shot of K is again stunning.
    Have a good tuesday!!

  20. Hi there, I can't think of any activity that helps releave our stress than being out in nature. You've proven this again and again. I am counting on both of you being in such good shape(don't know how you do it)and that this will cause your bodies to heal.
    Hugs today.

  21. I can see you appreciate every day with K and you breathe in all the warmth and wonders of your days together in the beautiful place you live..thank you for sharing this with us and thank you for taking the time to comment on our blog. Zola x

  22. Hi Y'all,

    All that exercise y'all get is standing y'all in good stead during this challenging time of health issues.

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  23. So glad to hear K and you are doing so well.

  24. That single tire track through the snow IS a meditation. Glad your girl is still full of spunk - and you, too.

  25. Just checking to see how you and K are doing. So glad to see it's going well so far. Keeping our paws crossed. Goose sure has an interesting comment.

    Jed & Abby

  26. I've been wondering how your own health battle has been going, with all attention on K. Your snowbike is indeed therapy. Not only for you, but for those of us who can't be out there doing what you are doing! Thank you!

  27. It is really great how you can focus on what you have not what you sooner or later might not have any more.
    Hugs to you and I just want to let you kno wam thinking often of you without really knowing you...

  28. We are so pleased you had another wonderful day with K.
    Pawscrossed K continues to grow stronger each day!
    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx


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