Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Good News and Thank You!!!!!

Regardless of what the day holds, K and I always try to start it with a sunrise outing on our trails. I especially treasure it on days when the rest of the day looks ominous. K glowed red this morning at sunrise. As we stood atop a ridge, I knew that I'd forever remember my sunrises with K.
Today's plans included a visit to the canine cancer center to figure out why K has an oozing wound over the area where she had radiation treatment to kill osteosarcoma tumors.

Finally, for what feels like the first time in this journey, we got good news!! K has a skin wound and infection. The xrays of her limb showed that the radiation did its job on the tumors and showed no signs of a bone infection - so no surgery is needed. With a course of medications and the dreaded "cone of shame", the wound should heal.

But, before embarking on our scary day, K had an amazing surprise arrive at the front door this morning - an unbelievably generous gift from some of you to help K through her cancer treatments.

The box caught her interest immediately. Hmm, Orvis... I wonder what it could be?
With some help, the box opened for K and she poked her head inside to sniff the plush contents.
We pulled out an absolutely perfect gift - a memory foam bed, just for her!!!
We've had one memory foam bed for a couple of years but it's very popular so K doesn't always have access to it (due to "bed-hogging" by a certain black dog who shall remain unnamed). You can see that the unnamed black dog took a major interest in her new bed but she held firm.

After receiving her gift, K headed off to the hospital for a day of tests. When she returned, she was tired and had to wear the dreaded cone. That combination could make any dog grumpy. Because of your incredible gift, she had her very own bed for comfy snoozing. She's been ensconced in her luxurious nest since arriving home.
She sends you the hugest THANK YOU ever!!!!
We feel so very very lucky to have found *you* - an incredibly supportive community of dog lovers. Here's to the Power of the Paw!
We literally cannot thank you enough.

Just one more note - one of the people who organized this gift is having a scary dog health crisis, and her dog, Lilly, will be in the hospital for a few days. If you could lend her support at her blog or her Facebook page, it would be wonderful.


  1. Hooray for good news

    Stop on by for a visit

  2. Yay! So glad to hear the good news for you and K! I know a skin infection can still be serious, but nothing like how bad it could have been! Whew! It's so nice to see K enjoying her new bed from all her blogville furiends!!

  3. A happy post for so many reasons. I'm glad K's enjoying her memory foam bed (and glad to have been a part of the effort to get one to her!) AND even more happy that the oozing is the result of a skin infection. A great day for our heroine, K!

  4. What a great day to close out JanWOOary!

    Of course, we've been keeping Lilly in our thoughts -

    Sleep Tight K -

    Keep The Black Labradork Away!

  5. Ohhh wee is soo happisome it's gotted to K, wee dids sends our treat pennies cos wee wanteds her to havs a nice cosy , comfisome place to sleeps.
    Wee is so happisome dat K likes it it has gived us da happies :o)

    Uji, Izzy & Ronnii
    xxx xxx xxx

    Wee sented our Momster ova to Lilly's n wee is keepin her in our prayers too now

  6. I am thrilled to hear that it's the good kind of news today! It sounds like K's new bed had perfect timing, too. :) I love it when things work out so well!

    If K has a long road of healing ahead of her with the leg, you could get a stool guard for her muzzle and snap it on (it either goes on the inside or the outside, depending on which size basket muzzle you have) and it will keep her from being able to lick. Wearing the muzzle isn't fun, either, but it's less awkward than wearing the cone. There are even little holes in them so they can still drink water with them on. I still remember Hawk filling his with water or food, depending on what mood struck him, and carrying it around with him. They're pretty cheap, around $5 the last time I checked, but they've gotten our dogs through some nasty wound healing without the dreaded cone. If you want one, let me know!

  7. This is why I wish I were rich. I would send all dogs beds, pay for treatments and make sure every dog I met was spoiled. Since I can't do that (and bless the person who could), I can only send my good wishes and prayers for healing and longevity. Go K!

  8. I am thrilled to hear the good news. Hopefully the meds will do their job quickly. Great news on the xrays too.


  9. We're SO relieved to hear your good news and to see K enjoying her new bed!!! As you know, Lilly still has a rough road ahead of her, but we've ruled out 3 really scary possible reasons for her illness. The more of those that go away, the better we feel. She started full-blown treatment today, and we hope to have her home soon.

  10. Rest easy, dear K. I hope the bed gives you lots of comfort.

    I did pop over to the blog. Poor Lilly. I hope things turn out well for all.

  11. Yay! Great news, K! The bed really looks comfty, too!

    We hope that the medicines do it work quick so that you can have more fun without the scary cone.

    Our paws are always crossed for you!

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

  12. Aww, that is so awesome! The good news and the bed! What a good day. I've been thinking of getting a memory foam bed for the boys. It looks really cozy. I hope K's leg wound heals fast.

  13. Woohoo! We love good news like this! And don't we "live" in an incredible community? K's gift IS perfect and so very thoughtful. Sending White Dog Army healing energy that the wound mends itself quickly and the cone of shame comes off.

  14. What wonderful news and what a wonderful bed!! All in the same day? Would it be too much if I said how wonderful that is?? :)

  15. What wonderful friends who sent a super wonderful gift, not only for K but you both.This will be such a help in her healing, and how great was the good news today. Via your blog, I send caring wishes to Lily and her Mum. Cheers from Jean in NZ

  16. How cool!

    ...and great news about K!

  17. Awesome! I am pulling for all of the Colorado crew. Please keep Luke in your thoughts. We're dealing with a less immediate crisis but I could use some positive vibes.

  18. WOOOOOO HOOOOOO for th egood news. And what incrediable timeing with the bed. It all brought a tear to my MOM's eyes. Tear of joy.

  19. Thrilling and wonderful news, KB!
    I can only imagine your joy in hearing this! And then a cushy new bed that she doesn't have to share (I bet he uses it when she is gone for her appointments!).

    Here is to the Power of the Paw and the Power of the Prayer!

    Love and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  20. We are so happy that the vet news was good on K's leg.
    And now she can rest even better with her new bed. How cool is that!
    We are sending healing bubble wishes to your friend- Lilly so that she will get better.

  21. Good news ! K clearly falls into the fighter camp. Wonder where she gets her ideas from ?

  22. Finally, some good news! We're so happy for you. And we're glad K has a comfortable bed for her recovery.

    Jed & Abby

  23. We are so pleased the news was good! What a fabulous present for K to relax in.
    We will go across and visit lilly's blog.

    Sending lots of positive thoughts.

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  24. That is such a relief. We hope K won't mind the collar too much.

    That bed looks fabulous!

  25. What a beautiful expression of friendship! You are a special person indeed. Cheers too, to the power of the paw. May K go from strength to strength.
    sending lotsaluv

  26. What great news! You look beautiful in your new comfy bed, K.

    Love ya lots,

  27. I has no idea why nobuddy ever listens to me...I just knews it wasn't gonna be sumptin' terribles. Sometimes I be so smart I skeeres myself.
    Anyways, what an awesome gift dat K gots, hers can do some fabulous recoopin' in dat bed. It's nice and big, just right fur hers.
    I am relieved toknows all is going well and it was just a minor skin infection.


  28. WONDERFUL NEWS! I'm so happy the bed arrived safely - and just in time too. I hate the cone of silence - I'm sure K isn't too happy about it either. But I'm so happy for the good news (no surgery). The power of prayer - it can work miracles.

    HUGS to you all!

  29. I am beyond happy for K and for all of you...............ohhhh, what a relief, and such thoughtful friends to send such a perfect gift to K

    Off to Lily's blog !

  30. Hi Y'all,

    Oh, K, I know you will enjoy that memory foam bed! We, Humans and I, are so HAPPY that you and your worrying humans had good news for a change!


  31. All of us here is so very happy to hear this good news. The Power of The Paw is great!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

    PeeS What a wunderful gift fur K.

  32. You have an incredibly loving following KB. The bed was a very nice, caring, thought ful thing.

    I agree, the blogville community has something special going on and we are lucky to be a part of it.

    My computer is down, but I have a 10 year old laptop that is letting me keep up with the blogs.....I still check yours first.

    Have a gloriously beautiful day

    Bert and My Vickie

  33. A terrific bed from some wonderful and caring blogfolk! So glad to hear K has something unrelated to the C, although sorry that she has to wear that darned cone. K's eyes are simply mesmerizing - such depth and seemingly unbounded understanding.
    We send you hugs and xxxxxxxxx,
    Sammie and Avalon and Mom too

  34. Go news K. Don't worry about the lampshade maybe mom could decorate it or something. Nice bed. Irvin's has some cool stuffs
    Benny & Lily

  35. Awesome news, really makes us all smile. Now to heal that skin. We are thrilled to hear the K has her new bed. Gotta keep that special girl comfy and happy. Keep up the good work.

  36. Just returning from Lilly's blog...left some love vibes there....and now BIG one's for you guys...Hey K don't be ashamed of that cone, we'll just pretend it's in vogue this year..OK...mwah!

  37. Very good news about K! Still thinking about y'all.

  38. What a great gift and good news, too! It looks like there'd be room for me on that new bed. PS I know I commented on K's downward dog pose on your last post but don't see that you got it. Hmmmm - wonder what's up.

  39. That's wonderful! I'm so glad you all got some good news. I wasn't sure what I'd find here since I've been away a while. Although I haven't kept up as closely as I'd like, please know that I think of you all often, and wish you the best. K looks pretty happy with that wonderful, and much deserved, new bed. Please deliver a big hug to her and R from me!! xo

  40. Doing my yorkie happy dance! Hurray for K!!!

    Your pal, Pip

  41. Blog folk are awesome - but not quite as awesome as the news that the treatments have done the job on K's tumor. This is one of those days you don't want to see end. Chester and I are blessed to be a part of such a wonderful community and just wish we could get to know EVERYBODY!

    Chester's Mom ;0-)

  42. Im so glad you got some good news!!!

  43. Always great to get good news for a change.


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