Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, January 30, 2012

An unexpected twist

K and I witnessed sunrise this morning, a highlight of any day. I've been quite concerned about her "radiation burn" on her front left leg. You can see in the photo below that it's not a lot worse than yesterday, and she was behaving as if it didn't hurt her. A "bow" is a behavior that K likes to do whenever a camera is pointed at her. So, this bow was her idea...
We wandered around in the forest, looking for animal tracks and sign. K's energy was good for the first half of the walk.
But, she started to lag later in the walk. I need to plan shorter walks for a little while.
I've been concerned that her radiation burn is oozing. I talked with K's oncologist this afternoon, and she's concerned too. The oozing can be a sign of a bone infection or bone tumor regrowth. But, it can also be a sign of a skin infection - a relatively minor complication. So, we're trekking to the vet school again tomorrow to have xrays done. The scary part was that the oncologist wants a surgeon present for the consultation "just in case amputation is needed". That wasn't a possibility that I wanted to hear.

This journey has not been predictable. The only predictable part is the many twists and turns.

It's odd that I took this photo of K's quadrupedal canter today.


  1. We'll be thinking of you and hoping for a minor complication and not anything more onerous.

    Mango Momma

  2. I will be praying...

    The sunrise this morning was beautiful here in Nebraska too.

  3. Good luck tomorrow! That certainly would be unnerving. Love her play bow, she's a super model. Sending good thoughts. :-)

  4. We are sending our love and prayers to all of you.

    Janelle, Maggie Mae and Max

  5. Fingers and paws crossed here for a minor complication! I'll be watching to see what news you get. Give K a little hug for me!

  6. Paws and fingers crossed
    Dachshund Nola

  7. Hoping for a skin infection here, too. Will be watching your blog like a hawk tomorrow for updates.

  8. We are praying for a minor complication. I really like her bow. Always beautiful.

  9. When my dog had radiation treatment (and chemo, and surgery) to treat a cancer, the radiation was, by far, the worst part of it. Same thing you are talking about at about the same time frame - redness, oozing - but in time it got better. Oddly, the chemo seemed to only tire him out, and eventually it did take a toll but that was after two straight years of it. Here's hoping all goes smoothly for you tomorrow.

  10. We'll be thinking minor minor minor

    Khyra will keep her paws khrossed

    Thanks for the update

  11. Hopefully just a minor hitch. Paws crossed and prayers too.

  12. Hope the oozing turns out to be a minor problem. I loved the photograph of K with the kong!

  13. My Heart just sunk in my chest as I read this. I know there will be ups and downs in this process, but it still hit hard. Still the beautiful photos of that gorgeous face lifted it back up again.

    Tomorrow brings new adventures.

  14. Fingers crossed for more excellent K-days!

  15. My paws are crossed so tight for a minor complication! We will be thinking of you and sending you strength.

    Your pal, Pip

  16. Just getting caught up here on K.
    I am sorry to read about her radiation burn and will keep positive thoughts that it is just a skin infection. I can still see the sparkle in her eyes in these pictures and am hoping that is a good sign:)))

  17. I always wondered about "the bow", thank you for explaining!!
    We have never left your side, and tomorrow of course our thoughts and prayers will be with all of you- hoping for something "minor".

  18. What a difficult journey this is for you, KB. Will be thinking of you today (your tomorrow) and hope that the result is a good one.
    Sending lotsaluv and strength to you.

  19. No words can convey the intensity and amount of hope and positivity we are sending. Just feel our love.

  20. I want to be positive and upbeat but after reading about Ks potential complications I am just feeling mad that your family and K have to go through this. Ill be thinking of you tomorrow and in the meantime I will also be thinking of how much I despise cancer. Lots of love, snuggles and good thoughts for sweet K.

  21. The worrying has got to be so hard on you. Hopefully it will be just a minor skin infection that can be treated. I have you both in my prayers tonight! I can't get enough of K's famous bow and those eyes......mesmorizing!!

  22. Hope it´s not to worry about. We over here are thinking of you. Great pictures of K

  23. Best wishes and fingers crossed in DK too. Love EM

  24. Oh, the twists and turns in these journeys. A reminder , if it's needed, that there's a whole world of support standing alongside you.

  25. We are sending lots and lots of positive thoughts that it is only a minor complication.
    Stay strong and positive.

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  26. I so didn't want to read bouts infections and whatnot. We is gonna sit right heres and hopes dat it is sumptin' dat can be cleared up right quick, like a simple skin infection. Please, please,please, let it just be as simple as dat.


  27. Never thought I'd be praying for a skin infection! But since all alternatves are bad, that it what is HAS to be! To echo all the others, we are sending plenty of great, positive thoughts your way.


  28. Sending healing drool and the power of the paw that this is just a little set back. Sniffs, The HoundDog

  29. well, paw shots are the best, whether they are quad, tri, duo or single. and her coat always looks so radiant.

    funny (as in odd) word, radiant, huh? sigh.
    Praying for an easy outcome for K today.

  30. K's bow is such a lovely, hammy thing to do when a camera is looking at you!

    Prayers that this is something simple and easy to heal up. All our love to our girl, and you too!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  31. Lots more AireZen is headed your way.

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and angel Maggie

  32. Unbelievable, the turns and twists K has taken. She appears as cheerful as ever in her bow, however, so I'm hoping and praying everything comes out okay when you go in for the exam.

  33. You are all in our thoughts and we send hugs and slobber to help you through. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory x x

  34. Thinking of you both...You remind us to appreciate every moment of life with our doggies

  35. I'm sorry that you've had to make another unexpected turn. But rmember that this journey is not one that you take alone--So many like me are sending good thoughts and prayers for you and K!

  36. Hi Y'all,

    Just caught up with y'all. My paws are crossed that the outcome was excellent and good news.

    Prayers, however late, are beaming your way.

    BrownDog and his Humans

  37. Thinking of you tonight, KB, and hoping and praying for good news tomorrow

    K is so surrounded by love ~

  38. Oh gosh, just reading this now. I hope you've received good news today.


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