Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, January 2, 2012

A peaceful interlude

We are seizing these days with K. She'll spend most of Wednesday through Friday in the hospital receiving her radiation treatments so this peaceful interlude feels like a vacation. Our pack saw the lingering remnants of the sunset last night.
And, then this morning, for the first time since K's osteosarcoma diagnosis, I shook off my sadness enough to get onto our trails in time for sunrise. We arrived up high before the sun crested the rocky peaks to our east, and we gazed at the glowing purple mountains. It was so quiet. No wind, no people, no noise at all except for me talking to K.
Soon, the warm sun rays touched K's fur and it turned blazing red. I love sharing sunrise with my K!
Just as the sunshine touched our world, the birds who have the courage to winter here, in our ferocious winter weather, started chirping. I heard a Townsend's Solitaire, a Chickadee, and nuthatches.

K was ready for action after sunrise. We wandered around a high plateau, enjoying the firmly frozen snow. We could walk on the crust before the sun softened it. K dug a hole, using her "bad" front limb as much as her "good" one. The Runner commented today that it was very lucky that K saw our vet for a routine check when she did. Otherwise, we might not have noticed her bone tumor because she's not limping or acting even vaguely sick. I'm scared to think that her "early" diagnosis might be a good sign because I've been working so hard to accept what the vets say is almost inevitable.
As we headed downhill toward home to end our hike, K stood atop the crust on a snow-covered slope and bowed. She's so beautiful to me... even with a shaved front leg.
Please go visit our friend Pip. He's facing a big challenge and could use our support. Your support has meant so very much to me over the past week so I know what a difference it can make.


  1. The bow photo just makes me smile. I can't seem to get the smile off my face either.

    I can see why you love to see her in the sunrise.....

    Bert's My Vickie

  2. K is such a strong, beautiful and graceful Lady! How lucky you are to share these sunsets and sunrises with her. What a beautiful place she lives, both the mountains and your heart. Good luck on Wednesday.

  3. We came by to leave you a hug. Glad K is able to enjoy herself.

  4. Thinking of you, K, and the rest of your family.

  5. We'll head over and share our support for Pip. We are still thinking of you and saying daily prayers!


  6. The bow is just beautiful. Thinking of you both. :)

  7. She looks beautiful and full of peace. K's enjoying her life. I'm glad she has you to be with her as she surveys the peaks.

  8. Thank you KB and K for sharing your sunrise with us.
    I could feel the crisp quietness too.
    I feel like I was there watching the sun rise high into the sky and the glow warm K's fur.
    And I loved hearing about the birdies.
    Mother Earth's beauty is surrrounding you, and I am so happy to see you and K- enjoying the moment.

  9. Look at her in that last photo!!! A precious moment captured.

    Pip is our special pal. He and Phantom are soulmates. We are all hoping for good news for him too.

  10. Such a beautiful photo of her bow... Savor the moment, live in the now, enjoy every minute - I love your attitude with K. You two are in my thoughts...

  11. I hope this week passes quickly for you and that K's miracle appears.

    Tank's Asst.

  12. Can we 3rd what Bert's My Vickie said? :) What a wonderful way to spend a beautiful morning, thank you for sharing it with us. We mention Pip tomorrow on Maggie's blog, he has been in our thoughts and prayers all day, just like you and K.

    Janelle, Maggie Mae and Max

  13. :)

    Just gorgeous! LOVE the bow!

    Lots of Luv & Kisses
    Addie, Lucie and Hailey

  14. Thank you so much for mentioning Pip in your post. We are trying to make the most of every moment with him, too. Unfortunately, he is very tired and seems kind of sad so mostly, we are cuddling on his beloved couch.

    I am so happy K is able to get out and enjoy the snow and beautiful scenery. Enjoy!

  15. I love those golden glow pictures of K! I think she'd be stunning even if she turned purple tomorrow, though. It just shines out of her!

    You have a gift for capturing sky shots that I just lack. I have seen several brilliant skies here recently, but they just lose something when I point the camera at them. That's something for me to work on this year! lol

    We have had our paws crossed really tightly for Pip ever since we got word that he was having trouble. I am so glad we got to go up and meet him this summer! It was one of the highlights of our year, and I kicked myself for forgetting to mention it when I talked about our year.

  16. With all of the running and playing in the woods and on the trails in the high mountains, K will be very strong and ready to fight any fight that may lie ahead.

    Mogley G. Retriever

  17. I am sending Pippy some love too!

  18. You are so right, K is so beautiful. Beautiful place to watch the sunrise.

  19. Great pics as usual but I like the "red" one most. Good you could take a moment of calm. Thanks for stopping by my blog :-)

  20. Thank you for sharing such precious and priceless moments with us.

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  21. What beautiful photos! We are sending you and K tons of AireZen!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  22. Hi Everybuddy, what a wonderful walk you had. We love all your photos especially the play bow. K is just enjoying every minute, so lets enjoy them with her. Thanks for sharing. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  23. You have one of the best views and KB captures them so well, K! The photos showing the changing color of your fur are our favorites in this post. We do love the others, too!

    Sunrise is a symbol of hope and we are staying hopeful with you through all this, KB.

    We also sent out our prayers to dear Pip. We pray the his visit to the Heart Doctor will make him well really soon.

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

  24. K looks so strong and healthy and full of life. Here's hoping there will be MANY more days like this!

  25. I love the bow photo too - it's my favorite position of my Indy (I call it the "stretchy boy" pose!). I'm so glad you caught the sunrise yesterday - and I'll be thinking of K tomorrow when she starts her treatment.

    God Bless,


  26. K looks so wonderful in all those photos. The French say, at such times "Hauts Les Coeurs" or "carry your heart high"!

  27. beautiful.....my thoughts are with you....
    is k receiving tomo therapy? and what kind of chemo...i return to work friday and would like to learn more about k's regime...thx

  28. K is gorgeous!! Sending positive thoughts...

    The Heartbeats

  29. Hi Y'all,

    K IS beautiful! She is so fit and muscular, even the shaved leg is a beautiful display of muscles.

    Don't think, just be.

    Going to check on Pip,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  30. I'm only a new fan but it is amazing how several times now that your thoughts reflect mine. When opening this post I was struck again by the header picture and how the sun brings out the red (or auburn as I always think of it) in our Choco kids' furs. She truly is a beauty and you capture her spirit well.

    I really hope the treatments do not affect K too badly with side effects. She has been in my thoughts quite often in the last week as I go about my day, especially Friday when I thought she was in surgery.

    One day at a time......find the beauty in each one.
    Chester's Mom

  31. She just glows in the morning sun. I love that about her, and you're right ... other than all the appointments and such, perhaps K doesn't really know that she is "sick." Hugs all around.

  32. A lovely scene; so glad you are finding some moments of peace... Big scritches-behind-the-ears to K from us xoxoxoxo
    Sammie, Avalon and mom

  33. I wasn't sure what kind of condition K would be in after the surgery, so it truly was a breath of warm, fresh air to see her outside and in the snow to boot. The sunrise does look heavenly upon her.

    I hope there are many moments, days and years left to enjoy such beautiful companionship.

  34. I am very sorry to hear about K, we are pulling for her. It's not the quantity of time we have with our pets but the quality of our lives we share with them. 6 days or 16 years, each day is worth it.

    Dane Leans and Loves.

    woof - Tucker

  35. I am glad to hear that K is still able to enjoy the beautiful natural world surrounding you guys. We will keep checking back for updates.

  36. I can feel that stretch and doesn't it feel good. Peace and Hugs for all of you!

  37. I'm sorry I missed this news! I don't check the blogs I follow all that often. I'm sorry to hear about K's diagnosis. I'm going through a similar thing with my dog, Ember, who was diagnosed with lymphoma last October. This is also a grim reality to face, and quite a shock - like you, I was just enjoying my perfectly healthy dog one day, and coming to terms with serious cancer the next. To encourage you, the chemo Ember's had so far has not given her any serious side effects. Vets seem very good at heading those off, and adjusting things to make sure they get through it well. We're lucky there is so much good treatment available now. Best of luck to you and beautiful K. I look forward to seeing that bump on her leg shrink, and many more hikes enjoyed.


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