Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The amazing paw

Another surreal start to the day, snowshoe hiking with K by my side.
Bare aspen trees with the sunrise colors behind them. We are so lucky to live in such a peaceful and beautiful place.
And, the sunrise itself.
Tomorrow is a big day in our fight with osteosarcoma. K starts her stereotactic radiation treatments to kill the bone tumors. The veterinary oncologists will put her under general anaesthesia and bombard the bone tumors. They'll do this each day for three days in a row. This cutting-edge treatment should make a front limb amputation unnecessary.

K and I took a quiet hike this evening, pausing to watch the sun set and then to gaze at the half moon in the sky. I looked at her paw that has only three toes because one was amputated last year. I realized that this paw has come to symbolize K's strength to me. Her resilience and spirit shined through as she recovered from that tough infection and surgery. I believe that her strength will shine through again in the coming days, weeks, and months. But, I'm nervous despite that belief...

The amazing paw...
K's paw on a lichen-covered boulder


  1. K always seems very strong to me, too, both in spirit and in body. I would be worried about tomorrow, too, if I were you, but I think she's going to do just fine with it! We'll be cheering for you and K both.

    That lichen is so bright! I thought K was standing in the middle of a road that had the yellow stripes peeling off.

  2. Behold The Power of The TriToed Paw!!!

    We'll be thinking of K and ALL of you!

  3. Sending all our best tumor-removing mojo. Give K a hug for me.

  4. Prayers and positive thoughts sent your way....YAY for the power of the paw!!
    Love to you both. :)

  5. the power of the paw...such a beautiful image...
    stay strong, and don't rule anything out...i am pulling for you and the treatment that you've decided for K. I have not heard of this, but will do some research on it. good luck the next few days....know that we are all with you in thought...

  6. Hi Y'all,

    The sun rise seemed as if you were observing a forest fire. What amazing sunrise and sunsets grace y'alls mountains.

    K, you and your humans are in our thoughts and prayers these next trying days.

    Hawk aka BrownDog

  7. You must be so nervous, I can't imagine. K sounds like such a strong willed girl. I think her strength will help both of you through this trying time. Your sunrises and sunsets only enhance K for she is the real beauty. She is something to behold!

  8. That is one amazing paw and one amazing and beautiful dog. We will be thinking of you tomorrow and hoping all goes well!

    I am feeling a little better today. I didn't eat much last night or this morning, but tonight finished my dinner and requested seconds!

    Your pal, Pip

  9. I can feel the paw...so soft and warm! Strength KB!

  10. All of your photos are so amazing - and I so enjoy them! I can only imagine being there with my best four legged one with me seeing what you guys see! Since that can't be, know that we are there in spirit...

    Oh, K an her toes! Or lack of one! I love seeing her do her magic in the mountains without it! She is a beautiful, smart, and a very strong girl!

    All of our power (and the powers that be) of positive thoughts and healing vibes go out to K. Keep positive and K will feel that as sure as the day is long.

    Baylor and mom....

  11. K's paw is pawsome! Sending you extra boxer puppy prayers, starting now! :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  12. That IS one awesome paw. We are adding 16 paws of support here and lots of human prayer. Good luck to K and you tomorrow.

  13. Thinking of you guys and sending all the positive power of the paw vibe's K's way.

  14. Strength, resilience, spirit. I cannot think of anyone or any dog with more of those three attributes than you and K. Thoughts will be with you tomorrow.

  15. Ditto what NCmountainwoman said. As well as the others. They have said it all so well. You and K have come thru some awful things and dealt with them, you are both our "heroes". Amazing. We love to visit your blog and awesome pictures and we feel like we are there with you. Thank you for visiting us. We are keeping paws crossed and keeping you in our prayers. It takes courage to deal with problems that affect our 4 legged kids.
    Love and hugs
    Ernie,Sasha,Chica,Lucas and Mom Barb

  16. Your photos reveal the calmness truly inside you and the unyielding faith you have in your girl. Reach deep tomorrow and cling tightly to these. We send every atom of White Dog healing energy and every breath of hope your way.

  17. We had a similar sunset here last night. Most spectacular!

    We'll be with you in spirit tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. We HATE those nasty osteo cells and are picturing some sort of star trek death ray pointing at them and sending them packing!!

    I used to think Allie's foot with amputated toe looked like a girl scout salute :-)

  18. We've got our paws crossed for you, K. We're sending lots of hugs and healing vibes.

    Teddy Bear & Sierra

  19. A strong paw for a strong girl. I'm sure she gets some of her strength from you too. You give her such a wonderful life.

  20. Paws untied for Miss K! It is a powerful thing.
    And the wonderful sky is as well. You truly capture the spirit of both sky and dog.

  21. Oops, I also wanted to say I hope things go smoothly the next few days. We'll be thinking of K.

  22. We will be thinking of you and K. All paws crossed....
    Benny & Lily

  23. We have faith that K will do just fine!

  24. Yes, all paws here are pulling for K! You and K are in our thoughts, and we are sending the best and strongest SoCal mojo straight to you both. Love from the West Coast --


  25. The sky is like a huge rainbow!! So beautiful. Good signs for K.

    Always in our prayers...

  26. We'll be keeping our paws crossed and thinking of you. Good luck, sweet K.

    Jed & Abby

  27. My good wishes are flying over the ocean! Hope everything goes well, I would so worry about the three general anaesthesias and the doggie alone in the clinic...
    Good luck to you and K!

  28. Here's wishing you all strength for the next three days.

  29. We will have K in our thoughts and all paws crossed here during her treatment. Extra love to all. No worries (cause we are all here for you), and love, Stella and Rory

  30. What a beautiful paw! Our paws are crossed for you, K!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  31. Amazing skies, amazing paw, and amazing both of you! We are sending lots of good vibes from France for K.

  32. We've got a good feeling about tomorrow! Keeping K in our prayers!


  33. You and K are both stronger than you give yourself credit...you have both taught eachother that.

    We are thinking of you today while K undergoes her first treatment...and we are with you all the way.
    We are sending you our love, support, and healing vibes.

    Allison and Puddles

  34. Are thinking about you all! And, what an amazing sunrise! Magical.

    Big hugs,
    Sierra Rose

  35. So many are gathering around you and brave K as you begin this ordeal...........I hope you can feel the love

  36. Take one amazing paw step at a time, and you and K will get through this.

    We are thinking of you both and sending love from New Zealand.

  37. Will be keeping you and K in our thoughts.

  38. If the sunrise can be breathtaking in picture, I can only imagine what it was like to be there.

    Been thinking of K today...

  39. I'm sure I won't be the first person to say this, but that second shot looks like a photo of a forest fire. I'm glad it's not!

  40. Amazing paw, and amazing color in that lichen!

    I met a woman aboard the train a few days ago whose dog underwent some of the same treatment K is going through, and her dog is one year out now and still doing well. She said the vets in Fort Collins are the best, so now I have even more hope for K.

    Wasn't that sunrise just dynamic! I wish they'd all last as long as that one did!

  41. Beautiful! From the skies to all the creatures below!

    I'm slowly but surely catching up, but you and K have been in my thoughts many times this week. I'll move on to see how things are going

    Chester's Mom ;0-)


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