Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Our K is doing fine after her first day of radiation. She seems perky and happy tonight. Two more days to go... And, we just learned that she'll get her first infusion of chemotherapy drugs on Friday.

R continues to keep all of us amused during this stressful time. I took this photo while he and I romped on the trails today. He thought that standing still and balancing a treat on his nose, right in the middle of a romp in the snow, was cruel and unusual. Hmm, maybe he's right...
The wildlife is coming out of hiding in our neck of the woods. I'll share some trail camera photos in the coming days but, for today, I wanted to show you the red fox who we saw near the Vet Hospital during a break. His perch looks soft and warm.
And, check out the coyote who peeked at me from the bushes near our house. Do you see him? He didn't think that I saw him and stood perfectly still as I snapped photos.
Now, let's just hope that R doesn't meet this next character who has been on our trails lately.
Thanks to all of you for your good thoughts and wishes today for K's first radiation treatment. I am humbled by your generous spirits and so grateful for your support. I am also joyful about how strongly K came through today's treatment.


  1. I love the fox picture. Way to go K!

  2. That fox photo is wonderful! Skunk, not so much. Well, I guess the photo is pretty cool. I'm glad to see you taking in these things and seeing their sparkle and draw. I'm not sure that makes sense but I know sometimes I can't do that. I obsess and forget to lift my head up and look around. But like you've said, K helps remind you. I'm glad the treatment went well today. Very good!

  3. Great shots. We are continuing to keep K in our thoughts
    Benny & Lily

  4. Good news to hear about K. We'll keep you both close to our hearts in prayer.
    Love the coyote pic.
    As for the skunk. Oh it made my MOM shutter. You see in 2011 I had SIX up close and personal encounters with the stinky ones. Yep SIX times. MOM was beside her self. But you know through it all she loved me, bathed me and once when it happened late at night she cleaned me as good as she could, then put a tarp on the couch and then a blanket and let me sleep there while she slept on the other couch until morning when we could go to the pros to clean me. Tell R it's best to stay away. I wish I could learn that.
    We hope tomorrow goes well. Paws still crossed.

  5. IS that a skunk or a badger? What ever it is, it is a beautiful animal.

    R is such a character. Black dogs are much harder to get good pictures of, but you always get great shots and detail in the faces.

    So glad K is doing so well. IT sounds like your spirits are pretty good too.

    Good luck tomorrow, WE will be thinking of you both all day.

  6. That is great news about K's treatment! I hope that is a sign of good things ahead for her:)

    Love the pictures, especially R's, it's always nice to have a goofball around in tough times to keep us smiling:)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Tell R that my mom makes me do that treat on da nose trick too...not fun at all! ;) YaY fur K!

    Woofs and Healing Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

    Blessings from mom :)

  9. Thanks for the K update!

    As for R...Mango would say that is why you have the black one around for: amusement!

    Great pictures too!

  10. I am so glad today went well! I've been thinking about you and wondering.

    It's been a while since we've really enjoyed R's antics! I love what a funny little character he always seems to be, even though he's not so little anymore. I'll keep my fingers crossed that he doesn't have any close encounters of the skunk kind, too!

  11. I am most impressed by R's balancing that treat! Wow, if only I could do that!

    I am so happy K made it through her treatment so well. What a brave and beautiful girl!

    Your pal, Pip

  12. Awwwe! Good for R. What a champ. I can't believe the wild life photos you capture. They are amazing. Give K our love and prayes!

  13. Good news! Thanks for keeping us posted.

  14. R looks like he is pleading with with sad, sappy eyes. Interesting place for the fox and that coyote is beautiful standing and on alert. Skunks out on the snow??? That's not a good sign. The ones around here better be hibernating!!

    So glad to hear K is pulling through, but then she has you, so how could she not? :)

  15. Thats a very exotic jacket Pepe LePew has on, isn't it? I have just seen the stripe down the middle! I hope R avoids him at all costs!

    Yippee for K! I hope this will be her response to all the radiation and the chemo. Bless her sweet little heart!

    Cheers and hugs all around,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  16. Yay K! That fox pic is great
    Dachshund Nola

  17. You go, K!! You're a good, brave girl!

  18. Great news about K so far!!

    Also some excellent wildlife shots!

  19. Life abounds even where we think it too harsh. Draw strength from that. Sending healing energy and hope from the entire White Dog Army

  20. Hi KB!
    The photo of R is priceless! He looks like he looking at the treat on his nose! What a great photo!
    And we are so happy that K came through the treatments today- just like the champion that she is!
    We keep sending the magic bubbles to K- bubbles filled with strength, and filled with calmness to for your heart.
    That fox - what a great photo- he was taking a nap! And the coyote- yes, I see him- I do!
    What out for Mr Stinky- what ever you do!
    Keep on keeping on K- we are cheering you on!

  21. wishing you all the best during treatments! sending light and healing vibes!

    amazing the designs that skunks have! amazing!

  22. We're pulling for you K

    Stop on by for a visit

  23. Good girl K. You have all our thoughts to help back you up. We love your mum's photos and especially the one with R waiting for the treat on his nose. Mum knows we could never manage this! No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  24. Yes, excellent news! K is very much in our thoughts. Great photos, too -- Jasper is learning to hold a treat on his nose, but we have a ways to go before he's as skilled as R ;~)

  25. We never could do that balancing act, R. We just don't have the patience to wait! Our paws remain crossed for K!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  26. Very fancy coat on that skunk.

    Poor R. He does look a bit confounded. Good luck to K. Sounds like she is taking it all with her usual happy nature.

    Mango Momma

  27. I've not stopped by in a couple of days, but it hasn't stopped me from thinking about you and K. I hope that all continues to go well!! We are continuing to keep you in our prayers and positive vibes in your direction!

  28. Hi Y'all,

    So glad to hear K is in good spirits.

    R does look really, really sad!

    Oh my, what a beautiful skunk. I could only think of the day a couple months ago when Hawk came up onto the trail with a rabbit hopping between his front legs. When they hit the cleared trail the rabbit took off down the trail and Hawk turned and came to me. Hawk seemed oblivious to the rabbit. I hope he never meets up with an eastern skunk. Maybe I need to start carrying giant jars of tomato juice with me. Can you imagine having to put 100 lbs of dog, smelling of skunk, in the car for the drive home?

    Prayers continue for y'all.

    BrownDog's Human

  29. Thank you for the pupdates! Wishing you all well.....
    Stay away from that skunk R!

  30. We're so glad that K is bearing up well with the radiation, and that R is there to make you laugh!

    We don't have skunks or coyotes in France so it's always fun to see the photos!

  31. You and K must be cut from the same cloth, so to speak - both resilient, strong, and courageous in the face of difficulty. We are so happy to hear K did well on her first day of treatment. We so hope for the days to come to bring happiness and god health to her. You and she are in our thoughts daily.

  32. So pleased to hear that K's first session went well. Great photos..esp R balancing the treat on his nose!
    Keeping all our paws crossed for K. Stay strong and positive!

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

    P.S. We are called The Thuglets cos we are a bunch of Thugs apparently!!

  33. Still much love and good mojo for K, and for you!

    And I had to look all round the picture before I saw the fox. :) I saw a fox locally here the other night, in a suburb of Atlanta.

  34. Yeah! Go K!

    I love the picture of the skunk. I didn't know they could be that pretty. Of course, I'm sure that it's just a tribute to your photography skills. :-)

    R is adorable.


  35. Great to hear K is handling it well. Thanks for keeping us posted.

  36. Great news--thanks for the pupdate! Love the expression on R's face, as he balances that cookie.
    So enjoy your wildlife shots--the skunk shot brought back ugly smelly memories of our encounter with a skunk last fall. Lets just say the skunk WON!! and I paid a heavy price for the cleanup of a house and 2 dogs!!
    Hugs to K and you.

  37. I, too, am so thankful K is handling this so well. But she's one fiesty pup! I kind of suspected she would tackle the challenges triumphantly. R truly is a breath of fresh laughter. The first fox photo is so precious! What a cute little hiding place! And the markings on that skunk... oh my! He looks almost as if he's putting on a fashion show!!!

  38. So glad to hear K's doing okay so far. Keeping you in my thoughts and sending healing vibes her way!

  39. I'm glad to hear it went well. Will she ONLY have these three radiation treatments this week, or will there be more? I haven't dug into the research I have on the treatment. And ... that fox pix is just too cute. What a sweetie.

  40. Great photos. Glad K got through her first session okay we will keep her in our thoughts.
    What a handsome guy R is! Beautiful picture of him.

  41. So glad to hear K is doing well. You are surely seeing lots of critters. (Love the fox pic!) I ran packed trails today and was wondering if the bears will come out if we don't soon get more snow! It looks like spring here!

  42. Oh that R does look perplexed! I know he is thinking....whhhaaat? What a silly guy.

    Leave it to you to find an adorable little fox in the strangest of places. I'm so glad to hear the day went well for K. Paws and fingers still crossed here.

  43. I love R's cross-eyed look. We have never been able to get a biscuit past Chester's nose to make an attempt at this balancing act - let alone get a picture.

    I love that pic of the fox on the hay bales, and as beautiful as that skunk may be, it brings back this summer's memories of not one, but THREE emergency baths in a row for a certain Choco lab who shall remain anonymous. The skunk family finally got the hint and moved on after he carried one of their youngsters in his mouth until he was made to "leave it!"

    I can feel your sigh of relief after the first day's treatment. Hoping it continues.

    Chester's Mom ;0-)

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