Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Almost Wordless Wednesday: Nature's Light

K glows from her inspiring spirit and from Nature's amazing light.


  1. Hi K!
    Another beautiful post by KB. You do look so awesome in the light. Hope that you're feeling well and that KB is feeling better today too.

    Lily Belle

  2. It is weird thing but now when I see K standing there so valiantly and look down and see the long bareness of her leg, it is almost like it is a badge of courage on her. Like a medel of honor.

    There is a great sense of pride that swells inside me. I don't know why...but that is how I feel when I see her.

  3. How can that be today? Why aren't her ears flying in the wind and sun??? Must have been during my nap.

  4. If you ask me K IS nature's amzing light.

  5. Hi Y'all!

    K looks in peak form! Hope your flu symptoms have vanished and your as bright as the sunshine bathing K.

    BrownDog's Human

  6. K is an amazin' source of light in her own right too. But holy smokes what beautiful scenery...sigh! You so don;t even wanna knows what I has to look at everyday.

    PS: hopes you is feelin' betters.

  7. Our girl K,is looking just great, and I am eager for her blood count to come up so we can see what the chemo will do.

    Cheers and Hugs to K and her Mom. Wondering of the snow walk did the trick flu-wise?

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  8. Miss K, you have on your bear face today. Looking lovely as always!!

  9. sending loads of good and healthy vibes to K from my Yukon pack! :)

  10. K just radiates with her own beautiful light.

    Stunning pictures!

  11. Happy golden light! This is a beautiful post!

    Your pal, Pip

  12. Your entire blog glows with inspiration and light.

  13. Those skys that mother earth painted are amazingly beautiful!
    K, you look so powerful in these photos- especiaally with the suns golden glow shimmering on your shoulders.

  14. I'm always fascinated by how the clouds form over your corner of the world! You definitely had some beautiful light to enhance Miss K's natural beauty!

  15. K, you are just too beautiful for words.

  16. I just have to sigh at the beauty. Both of K and the scenery.


  17. Morning! Just starting to work over here. Great pictures of the sky. K looks lovely as always. Here it rained all night and the snow is melting rapidly. Have a nice day you all!!

  18. K is absolutely AWESOMINGLY beautiful!!! Nature is beautiful yes...but with K...it is just amazing!!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  19. You are such a beautiful girl, K!

    Love ya lots,

  20. She glows like an angel amoung us. Her fur looks like dancing fire :)

  21. Stunning photos of K! Such a beautiful gal :)

    Good to see you all enjoying your fabulous outdoors! :)

    FYI I put K's link in the new POTP Widget that launched today. Hope all those healing vibes coming your way do some real good things for ya :D

    Waggin at ya,

  22. Absolutely stunning!

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  23. Amazing light show, KB - on my favorite model: K - and in the sky! Hope you're feeling better. I'm in the city, trying to prepare for my stress test on Mon (it snowed overnight). I had hoped to do a run, but guess I'll be walking carefully instead!

  24. *does Kramer-type slide thru K's blog door*

    Hey K! I just caught up on your last couple of Rocky rompin' & rollin' posts - and I'm glad to see that you're havin' a real good time. But why, oh-WHY do the humans insist on puttin' glasses on us??? Especially when they're not the right prescription!! I think that's so it blurs our view on the stupid stuff they do.
    I was also glad to see just a wee bit of cracker dawg in you, K when you were playin' with that stick. You always concern me that even though you're havin' a good time, you always look so serious. It's good to let the cracker dawg come out. Trust me - I do it as often as possible.

    I'm sorry to hear that your friend Lilly is also havin' health problems. We hope she continues to fight her battle well also.

    Ok-time to run on!
    Happy Trails!
    Chester ;0=)

  25. Hi! Love reading your blog, and just wanted to let you know I've given you the Versatile Blogger Award! Check out my February 23rd blog for more details!

    Beautiful photos!

  26. K you are looking wonderful. Take care sweetie. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  27. Your golden girl! Wonderful portraits!

  28. K has a captivation, that even Aphrodite could never achieve - at one with nature - stunning photography.

  29. K has a captivation, that even Aphrodite could never compete.

    At one with nature - beautifully and stunning photography.


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